Modelling cognitive skills, ability and school quality to explain labour market earnings differentials

Type Working Paper - Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers
Title Modelling cognitive skills, ability and school quality to explain labour market earnings differentials
Issue 08/11
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2011
Page numbers 1-50
Attempts to explain wage differences between race groups in South Africa are constrained by the fact that quality of education is known to differ greatly between groups, thus the unexplained portion of the wage gap may be much affected by such differences in education quality. Using a simulation model that utilises school-leaving (matric) examination results and educational attainment levels to generate estimates of education quality, we find that much of the wage gap can indeed be explained by differences in education quality. Thus the unexplained residual, often identified with labour market discrimination, usually greatly over-estimates such discrimination. This emphasises even more strongly the need for greater equity in educational outcomes, particularly in the often unobserved quality of education.

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