Traditional Hut: Traditional hut is the type of housing found in the rural Zambia. It is made of mud around the walls and the roof is usually thatched. Even if it is found in urban area, it should be recorded as traditional hut.
Improved Traditional House: This is the type of housing also common in the rural areas but has been improved by the materials used for either the walls and/or the roofing. Some of these huts may have red brick or burnt brick walling and in some cases asbestos or even iron sheets on the roof. In all respect, theyare traditional huts but have a relevant improvement that sets them apart from typical traditional huts.
Detached house: This is usually a housing structure that is split into tow or more housing units. Each housing unit is independently detached from the other and stands on it's own. It is structurally separated part of the permanent building by the wqay it is built, rebuilt or converted.
House attached to/on top of shop: This is a living quarter that is part of a commercial building.
Semi detached house: This is a housing structure that is split into two or more housing units. The separate housing unit usually has a set of rooms and its accessories are not independently defined from the permanent structure and are separated by a wall.
Servant quarters: This is a housing structure that is separate from the main house. The separate housing unit has a room or set of rooms and it's accessories in a permanent structure. It is a private housing unit usually meant for the house servant or maid to live in. Sometimes, a servant quarter may be rented out to a private individual/family.
Guest house/wing:This is a housing structure that is separated from/or part of the main house. The separate housing unit has a room or a set of rooms and its accessories in a permanent structure. It is a private housing unit, which is kept for visitors to stay and have meals.
Flat/Apartment/Multi-unit: This is a housing structure that has a set of rooms and its accessories in a permanent building. It can also be a structurally permanent building by the way it is built, rebuilt or converted having several housing units.