Interviewer instructions
Record the Hemoglobin level for those who have agreed to be tested in Q16.07. Hemoglobin level is the amount of red blood cells in the blood. There are two spaces before the decimal point (e.g. 20.0) to record the level. You have to undertake the Anaemia test in order to obtain a Hemoglobin level. To undertake the test you will need the following supplies. Hemocue testing equipment (microcuvettes, photometer) disposal container, disinfectant e.g. methylated spirit, cloth or wipe, cavette tip and a new pair of disposable examination gloves.
Procedure for Anaemia testing with Hemocue:
The child should be sitting on the caregiver's lap, facing the Hemocue administrator (trained medical assistant). In the case of the eligible female household member, she should be sitting and facing the Hemocue administrator.
1. Make sure that the patient sits comfortably. The hand should be warm and relaxed. It is a good idea to heat cold hands in warm water before sampling. This increases the blood circulation. The patient's fingers should be straight but not loose, to avoid stasis.
2. Use only the middle finger or the ring finger for sampling. Avoid fingers with rings for sampling. Clean the puncture site with disinfectant and allow it to dry.
3. Using your thumb, lightly press the finger from the top of the knuckle to the tip. This stimulates the blood flow towards the sampling point.
4. The thumb has moved up to the tip of the finger. Use very gentle pressure. Prick at the side of the fingertip. Not only is the blood flow at its best at this point, it also causes the least pain.
5. Wipe away the first drops of blood. If necessary, apply light pressure again, until another drop of blood appears. Avoid 'milking.'
6. Make sure that the drop of blood is big enough to fill the cuvette completely. Introduce the cuvette tip into the middle of the drop.
7. Fill the cuvette in one continuous process. It should never be topped up after the first filling.
8. Wipe off the excess blood on the outside of the cuvette tip. Make sure that no blood is drawn out of the cuvette in this procedure. N.B.: If a second sample is to be taken from the same finger stick, it is important that this should be done immediately after the first sample has been taken. Wipe away the remains of the first drop of blood and take a second sample from a new drop of blood.
9. The filled cuvette should be visually inspected for air bubbles. Small air bubbles around the edge do not influence the results.
10. Place the filled cuvette into the cuvette holder immediately and push it into measuring position. The filled cuvette should be analyzed immediately and at the latest 10 minutes after it has been filled. Filled cuvettes are to be kept lying down. Filled cuvettes should be inspected for air bubbles, which if present, can produce erroneously low readings. Small air bubbles around the edge do not influence the results.
11. After 15 to 45 seconds the result is displayed. The filled cuvette should be disposed off after the measurement into a sharp box. When the measurement procedure has been completed, turn the photometer's power switch to “Power Off.”
If this procedure for the medical test is conducted on person “A”, repeat for person “B”. Do this one after another, so as not to confuse the measurements for each individual. It makes sense to first do the anaemia test and then the RDT test on each individual (one after the other), and then repeat the procedure for every eligible individual.