Value |
Category |
A fight |
Aged less than 12 months |
Along the road |
Anaemia |
At school |
At the shore |
Attending Quranic studies |
Attends Qoranic studies |
Attends quaran studies |
Attends quran studies |
Boat |
Boil |
Both by car and boat |
By ship |
Canoe |
Car repairing |
Cash |
Cattle keepers |
Chicken pox |
Coco yams |
Coco yarm |
Cocoyams |
Dar es salaam |
Debt payments |
Divorced by husband |
Dizzness |
Does not use any means of transport since he is a boarding school child |
Dug out canoe |
Epilepsy |
Fever |
Funeral expences |
Funeral expenses |
Goitre |
Goods in the shop |
Government Official |
HH head lives alone and is dumb |
Hand |
He is at school |
He is below 12 months |
Home with the assistance of a doctor. |
In a market within the district but not the district capital |
In the Ocean |
In the ocean |
In the way to the hospital |
Iron-bars |
Kojani |
Kojani. |
Leg pains |
Lift |
Market in another shehia |
Market outside the district |
Millet |
Mombasa |
Money |
Money was stollen |
My child |
Old age |
Orphans and disabled |
Own gathered herbs |
Own gatherred herbs |
Pains in whole body. |
Paralysis |
Pension |
Pineapple |
Pipe borne water away from home |
Pipe bourne water away from home |
Pnemonia fever |
Pneumonia |
Pneumonia fever |
Poultry keepers |
Private transport |
Pumpkins |
Qoran studies |
Qoranic studies |
Quran studies |
Quranic studies |
School uniforms were wet |
She is below 12 months |
She never asked |
Sheha |
Sheha (shehia leader) |
Sheha/village leader |
Shop |
Shop commodities |
Shop goods |
Small pox |
Small pox fever |
Specifically studying the Qoran |
Specifically studying the Quran |
Still Young |
Still under age |
Still under-age |
Still young |
The Child is below 1 year |
The HH was sampled twice. The HH head and spouse had been sampled differently. |
The child is under age |
The leader of a shehia (sheha) |
The student travelled |
Their canoe was lost |
This is a boarding school child |
To attend Quran studies |
To attend quran studies |
To buy TV set |
Transport expenses |
Under age |
Unguja |
Unguja. |
Vessel |
Village government |
Women group |
Workers ROSCA |
Workers' ROSCA |
Yellow fever |
Yollow fever |
ZSTC cooparation |
ZSTC - Zanzibar State Trading Corporation |
ZSTC company |
ZSTC corporation |
attending Quranic studies |
back-ache |
boarding student |
by boat |
canoe |
cash |
chicken pox fever |
door to door |
fever |
for fare |
kaya hii ilishatembelewa wakati tunatembelea Nyikani |
leg pains |
market ouside that region |
measles |
micheweni |
millet |
miscarriage |
money |
on foot |
opening a bank account |
pineapples |
seisures |
shehia leaders (sheha) |
stammer |
stiil under-age |
still under-age |
this is a boarding school child |
to make contribution in self help groups |
unguja |
uspecified disease |
wete |
work place |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.