Interviewer instructions
First ask whether the household HAS a toilet, yes or no. If the answer is 'no', select 'none'. Only if they say 'yes', you should ask them which type of toilet.
A flush toilet is one in which water carries the waste down pipes. A pit latrine refers to a pit dug into the earth. There are two types of pit latrines. ‘shimo lililofunikwa’ is a pit latrine which is covered (you cannot look inside). ‘shimo lisilofunikwa’ is a pit latrine that is not covered. There may be planks/boards to support the feet, but they only serve as support and not to cover the hole. A covered pit latrine does NOT mean that is has fences behind which people hide themselves while using the toilet. If the respondent answers that they use the bush, the fields, or a cleared corner of the compound, the interviewer will record “None”. If the household uses more than one toilet, take the most frequently used one. In case the household member(s) is/are present at the moment of your visit, do NOT ask whether you can go and have a look at the toilet to verify. Only in case the HH members are not present, you can go and have a look in case the toilet is OUTSIDE the house and in public domain.
If they don’t have a toilet ask where the household members go for No 1 & 2 (hujisaidia wapi?). There are 3 options to select from at this stage (i)
Pan/bucket (ii) Sea shore or (iii) Other (Specify)