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Enterprise Survey 2008-2019, Panel Data
2008 - 2019
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World Bank Group (WBG), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Created on
Jan 19, 2021
Last modified
Jan 19, 2021
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Data file: Uzbekistan_2008_2013_2019.dta
Uzbekistan 2008-2019 - Enterprise Survey (Panel Data) Dataset
group(a2 a4anew a6a panel)
a2x sampling region - string format
sampling region
a.3a region of the establishment
a.12 inteviewer number
a.13 supervisor number
application to obtain a telephone connection submitted over the last two years
how many days did it take for you to receive a telephone connection service?
when you applied for a telephone connection was an informal gift requested?
is the internet connection used to: order purchases for this establishment?
is the internet connection used to: deliver services to your clients?
is internet used to: do research and develop ideas on new products and services?
was unavailability of internet connection experienced in last fiscal year?
frequency of unavailability of internet connection in av. month in last fisc yr
length of unavailability of internet connection in av. month in last fiscal yr
do security or authentication concerns affect purchases you make by internet?
total value of exports of this establishment in last complete fiscal year
% consignment value dom. exports lost in transit due to theft/breakage/spoilage
how many competitors did this establishment’s main product/product line face?
no. sales of main product increase/remain the same/decrease in last fiscal yr?
did price of main product increase/remain the same/decrease in last fiscal yr?
effect on decisions to develop new products: pressure from domestic competitors
effect on decisions to develop new products: pressure from foreign competitors
effect on decisions to develop new products: pressure from customers
effect on decisions on production costs: pressure from domestic competitors
effect on decisions on production costs: pressure from foreign competitors
effect on decisions on production costs: pressure from customers
over last fisc. yr, did purchases of main input increase/stay the same/decrease?
over last fiscal year, did price of main input increase/stay the same/decrease?
how much of an obstacle are the formal sector competitors to your operations?
% annual sales accounted for by products/services introduced in last 3 years?
invested in research and development (in-house or outsourced) in last 3 years?
% of establishment’s workforce that regularly use computers in their jobs
main way employees are promoted in this establishment
establishment’s main policy in dealing with underperforming employees
establishment’s main policy in dealing with underperforming employees: other
total number of inspections in last fiscal year
total cost of inspections - offricial and unofficial payments
no. working days spent by staff dealing with inspections procedures
how much of an obstacle are: business inspections?
compulsory to have a certificate to produce/sell any products/services?
% of sales from products/services subject to compulsory certificates
no. compulsory certificates obtained in last fiscal year
no.days spent by staff obtaining compulsory certificates in last fiscal year
average number of days to obtain compulsory certificate
amount spent on obtaining compulsory certificates in last fiscal year
in order to obtain any compulsory certificates was a gift expected or requested?
how much of an obstacle are: compulsory certificates?
how many permits did this establishment obtain in the last two years?
what was the av. validity, in months, of the permits obtained in last 2 years?
no. days spent by staff on permit-related procedures in last 2 years
average cost of obtaining a permit in last 2 years
average number of days to obtain a permit over last 2 years
for any permit applications, was an informal gift/payment expected or requested?
acquired additional land or buildings to expand operations in the last 3 years?
in the last 3 years, has this est. been succes. in acquiring land ?
how much of an obstacle are zoning restrictions to the operations of this firm?
in last fiscal yr, did you pay for any material inputs/services after delivery?
% of total annual sales paid for before the delivery in last fiscal year
and what percent were: paid on delivery?
fixed assets : borrowed from private banks
fixed assets: borrowed from state-owned banks
fixed assets:other (moneylenders, friends, relatives,
approx. collateral needed as % of the loan value \ value of the line of credit
apply for any new loans/lines of credit that were rejected in last fiscal year?
no. working days spent by all staff members involved in the process
cost of obtaining all operating licenses applied for in last 2 years
total annual costs of communications services in last fiscal year
total annual costs of water in last fiscal year
average monthly compensation of a production full-time worker in last fiscal yr
payments overdue by more than 90 days:utilities
payments overdue by more than 90 days:taxes
can we provide the wb with your contact information?
main respondent's position in the firm
second respondent position in the firm:
interviewer comments
number of persons present during the interview, including interviewer
respondent cooperation
Strata unique identifier
Weight according to strict eligibility
Weight according to median eligibility
Weight according to weak eligibility
ID number of 2008 survey
ID number of 2013 survey
ID number of 2019 survey
Total: 685
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