Interviewer instructions
Read the choices.
Ask about the current marital status of each person that is 13 years or older. If the person is younger than 13, you should skip to question 10 (leaving questions 7, 8, and 9 blank). You must read each category to the respondent; otherwise he/she will reply, for example, that he is a bachelor instead of divorced or separated. MARRIED (code 1) includes all types of marriage (for example, civil, traditional or common law). COHABITING (code 2) should be used if the person is not married but is living with a partner (who does not necessarily have to be a household member). Follow all the skip codes, which depend on the current marital status of each person. When you skip certain questions, leave the boxes for the skipped questions blank - do not write a dash or 0.
Question post text
If answer is 3,4,5 or 6 > Go to 10 (qh10 - variable name in dataset).