Value |
Category |
11 |
Piped into dwelling |
12 |
Piped into yard or plot |
13 |
Public tap/standpipe |
21 |
Tubewell/borehole |
22 |
Tubewell with powered pump |
31 |
Protected well |
32 |
Unprotected well |
41 |
Protected spring |
42 |
Unprotected spring |
51 |
Rainwater collection |
61 |
Tanker-truck |
71 |
Cart with small tank/drum |
81 |
Surface water |
91 |
Bottled water |
96 |
Other |
99 |
Missing |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.