Value |
Category |
Accountant |
Accountant-economist |
Acting general director |
Chairman |
Chairman of director council |
Chief accountant |
Chief economist |
Chief engineer |
Chif economist |
Commercial director |
Deputy commercial director |
Deputy director |
Deputy director of manufacture |
Deputy general director |
Director |
Director-Founder |
Edviser of the head of tax department |
Entrepreneur |
Executive director |
Financial director |
Founder |
General director |
Haed of HR |
Manager |
Manager of corporative cooperation |
Owner |
Owner-seller |
Pharmaceutist |
Pharmaceutist, Manager of drug store |
Sales manager |
Secretary of director council |
Seller |
Shop superintendent |
Top Manager |
economist |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.