The PIRLS and prePIRLS 2011 within-country scoring reliability data files contain data that can be used to investigate the reliability of the PIRLS and prePIRLS constructed response item scoring. The scoring reliability data files contain one record for each assessment booklet that was double scored during the within-country scoring reliability exercise (see Operations and Quality Assurance in Methods and Procedures in TIMSS and PIRLS 2011). For each constructed response item in the PIRLS and prePIRLS assessments, the following three variables are included in the scoring reliability data files:
• Original Score (score assigned by the first scorer);
• Second Score (score assigned by the second scorer); and
• Score Agreement (agreement between the two scorers). It should be noted that the second score data were used only to evaluate within-country scoring reliability and were not used in computing the achievement scores included in the International Database and presented in PIRLS 2011 International Results in Reading.
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