Demographic and Health Survey 1999-2000 - IPUMS Subset
IPUMS Harmonized Subset
Name | Country code |
Bangladesh | BGD |
Demographic and Health Survey [hh/dhs]
Demographic and Household Survey [hh/dhs]
Woman, Birth, Child, Birth,
Man, Household Member
Version 7. The datasets contain selected variables from the original microdata plus harmonized variables from the IPUMS-DHS database.
September 2019
Topic | Vocabulary |
Access to care Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Agricultural Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Antenatal iron supplements Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Breastfeeding and infant feeding Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child antenatal care, CS Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child antenatal care, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child anthropometry Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child delivery care, CS Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child delivery care, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child demography core Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child feeding, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child health postpartum Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child pregnancy complications Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child respiratory illness or fever Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child respiratory illness, treatment Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child's breastfeeding Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Child vaccination, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Core demographic Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Decision-making Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Diarrhea, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Diarrhea, treatment Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Discussion of family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
DPT-HB-Hib vaccinations Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Education Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Environmental Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Ethnicity and religion Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Ever use of family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Female anthropometry Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Fertility Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
First or ever sexual experience Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
First use of family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Food insufficiency Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Foods fed child in past 24 hours Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Future use of family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
General family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
General healthcare Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
General HIV/AIDS knowledge Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
General maternal and infant health Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
General technical Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Geography, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Household demographic Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Housing Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Identifiers Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Information on family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Integrated geography Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
IPUMS International geography Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Knowledge of family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Marriage and cohabitation Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Material hardship Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Maternal antenatal care, CS Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Maternal antenatal care, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Maternal delivery care, CS Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Maternal delivery care, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Maternal pregnancy complications Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Measles vaccinations Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Media exposure Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Migration Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Other decision-making Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Other vaccinations Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Place for diarrhea treatment, CS Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Place for diarrhea treatment, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Polio vaccinations Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Possessions Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Postpartum care Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Privacy Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Recent use of family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Single sample geography Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Social Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Source for respiratory treatment, CS Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Source for respiratory treatment, general Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Source of HIV/AIDS information Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Sterilization Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
STI experience Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
STI knowledge Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
STI symptoms Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Survey dates Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Toilet and water Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Type of family planning method Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Vaccination campaigns Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Vitamin A vaccinations Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Wealth index Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Weights and subsample selection Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Why not use family planning Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Work Variables -- TOPICS | IPUMS |
Ever-married women age 10-49, Births, Children age 0-4, Currently-married men age 15-59, All persons
Name | Affiliation |
National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) [Bangladesh], Mitra and Associates (MA), and ORC Macro (ORCM). | |
Minnesota Population Center | University of Minnesota |
MICRODATA SOURCE: National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) [Bangladesh], Mitra and Associates (MA), and ORC Macro (ORCM).
Start | End |
1999 | 2000 |
Start date | End date |
1999 | 2000 |
Name |
National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) [Bangladesh], Mitra and Associates (MA), and ORC Macro (ORCM). |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
no | None |
Users of IPUMS-DHS data must agree to abide by the access restrictions and terms of use set forth by the DHS Program:
Publications and research reports based on the IPUMS-DHS database must cite it appropriately. The citation should include the following:
Elizabeth Heger Boyle, Miriam King and Matthew Sobek. IPUMS-Demographic and Health Surveys: Version 7 [dataset]. Minnesota Population Center and ICF, 2019.
Researchers should also acknowledge the originally produced the data: National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) [Bangladesh], Mitra and Associates (MA), and ORC Macro (ORCM). Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 1999-2000 [Dataset]. Data Extract from BDIR41.SAV, BDHR41.SAV, BDKR41.SAV, BDBR41.SAV, BDMR41.SAV, and BDPR3A.SAV. IPUMS Demographic and Health Surveys (IPUMS DHS), version 7, IPUMS and ICF [Distributors]. Accessed from on DATE.
The licensing agreement for use of IPUMS-DHS data requires that users supply us with the title and full citation for any publications, research reports, or educational materials making use of the data or documentation. Please add your citation to the IPUMS bibliography at
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) Copyright , National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) [Bangladesh], Mitra and Associates (MA), and ORC Macro (ORCM). and Minnesota Population Center
Name |
National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) [Bangladesh], Mitra and Associates (MA), and ORC Macro (ORCM). |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Minnesota Population Center | University of Minnesota | Integration Harmonization Documentation |
September 25, 2019
DDI Document version - Version 01 (February 2020)
This version is identical to IPUMS Version 7 except for the following fields that were edited by World Bank:
DDI ID and Study ID - adaptation version number changed to v01 as this is the initial DHS-IPUMS adaptation in World Bank catalog.
Version 7 . Documentation of Demographic Household Survey data and harmonized variables as found in IPUMS-DHS. IPUMS has distribution rights to the metadata and data. The XML documents generated by this process are viewed as a distribution of the metadata.
Fields edited for the World Bank are: DDI ID and study ID to match World Bank study naming convention, as well as DDI Document Version and Version Description to reflect changed included in version 7. Variable ID's and names were changed to add the prefix W, C, B, M, or H_ to indicate file source as Woman, Child, Birth, Man, or Household Member respectively. This was done to create unique variable IDs and names within the file. These prefixes are not found in the IPUMS-DHS system.
Original extract version date 2019-9-25. DDI metadata revised to add DOI number to stdyDscr/notes and correct assignment of variables to record types. All non-ANSI_Latin characters have been replaced.