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Enterprise Survey 2005-2009-2017
2005 - 2017
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Reference ID
World Bank
Created on
Sep 19, 2018
Last modified
Sep 19, 2018
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Data file: niger_2005_2009_2017
Fixed Assets - % Quasi Equity Instrument
Fixed Assets - Value Quasi Equity Instrument
Fixed Assets - % Other
Fixed Assets - Value Other
Fixed Assets - % Microfinance Institutions
Purchase Any New/Used Fixed Assets?
Total Annual Expenditure For Purchases Of Equipment In Year Prior To Last FY
Total Annual Expenditure On Land And Buildings In Year Prior To Last FY
Line Of Credit Or Loan From Microfinance Institution?
Total Number of Open Lines of Credit and Outstanding Loans Held By This Establis
Total Outstanding Balance of All Open Lines of Credit and Loans Held By This Est
Outstanding Personal Loans Used To Finance Establishment'S Business Activities?
What Was The Outcome Of That Most Recent Application For Loan/Line Of Credit?
Does Establishment Use Mobile Money For Transactions
In A Typical Month In Last Fiscal Year How Many Days Were Mobile Money Used?
Main Reason Establishment Started Using Mobile Money?
In Last Fiscal Year Was Mobile Money Used To Pay Employees?
% Total Labor Cost Paid Using Mobile Money Last Fiscal Year?
In Last Fiscal Year Was Mobile Money Used To Pay Suppliers?
% Annual Cost Of Raw Materials Paid Using Mobile Money Last Fiscal Year
In Last Fiscal Year Was Mobile Money Used To Pay Utilities Bill?
% Annual Cost Of Utilities Paid Using Mobile Money
In Last Fiscal Year Did Establishment Use Mobile Money To Receive Payments From
% Annual Sales To Receive Payments From Customers
Reason Establishment Did Not Use Mobile Money - Don'T Know About Mobile Money
Reason Establishment Don'T Use Mobile Money - Fees To High
Reason Establishment Don'T Use Mobile Money - Payments Too Large
Reason Establishment Don'T Use Mobile Money - Not Easy To Use
Reason Establishment Don'T Use Mobile Money - Customers Don'T Use Mobile Money
Reason Establishment Don'T Use Mobile Money - Suppliers Don'T Use Mobile Money
In Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Has Establishment Used Finance From Microfinance Insti
Stopped Or Reduced Financing From Microfinance Institutions Since FY 2012-2015?
Main Reason Stopped Or Reduced Financing From Microfinance Institutions?
Did Establishment Used Alternate Financing After Reduction Or Termination Of Mic
Main Reason Not Using Financing From Microfinance Institutions?
Num. Of Permanent, Full-Time Semi Skilled Production Workers, Last FY
% Of Full Time Workers Completed High School
Training Programs Amount: Production Full-Time Permanent Employees Trained
Training Programs Amount:Non-Production Full-Time Permanent Employees Trained
Accounting Skills
Marketing Skills
Interpersonal And Communication Skills
Writing Skills
English Skills
Computer Skills / General It Skills
Technical Skills, Other Than Computers / Vocational, Job-Specific Skills
Over The Last Two Years, Did This Establishment Hire Or Try To Hire Any Skilled
There Were No Or Few Or Applicants
There Were No Or Few Or Applicants
Applicants Expected Higher Wages Than We Can Offer
Applicants Expected Higher Wages Than We Can Offer
Please SpeciFY
Name Of University
Quality Of Employees Hired
Name Of University
Quality Of Employees Hired
Name Of University
Quality Of Employees Hired
stratification region code
stratification size code
stratification sector code
panel code
see notes
a.5 sector match between screener information and sample frame
a.8 type of establishment
a.10 establishment financial statements separate from other establishments
are the owners of the firm:
is the largest owner female?
what is the nationality of origin of the current largest owner?
main african nationality
main “other asian” nationality
how did the largest owner acquire ownership of this firm?
the family business was joined by:
which of the following best describes why the largest owner took over this firm?
involvement of the largest owner in decision making
b.3f other
is this establishment located in an export processing or other industrial zone?
at end of 2008, how many part-time workers were employed by this establishment?
do you currently have a pre-employment health check for new employees?
cost of all aids/hiv programs and activities
rotation order
Strata unique identifier
Is there a person of African descent among shareholders?
Is there a person of Indian origin among shareholders?
Is there a person from Lebanon or the Middle East among shareholders?
Is there a person from another Asian country among shareholders?
Is there a person of European origin among shareholders?
Is there a person of any origin other than those mentioned above among sharehold
Specify other
Specify other
What percent of revenues came from manufacturing?
What percent of revenues came from services?
What percent of revenues came from other?
Specify other
What percentage of sales came from the largest customer?
What percentage of sales are an intermediary product used by other compenies for
Estimated national market share of your main product line
Secondary Product/Service (By % Of Annual Sales) In Last Fiscal Year
Secondary Product/Service ISIC (Rev. 3.1) Code
Secondary Product/Service: Percent Of Total Annual Sales
How have the sales changed in the main market?
By what percentage have sales changed?
How have the prices changed in the main market?
By what percentage have prices changed?
What is the main factor influencing your pricing strategy?
Specify other
How many new competitors have entered in the last fiscal year?
Percentage of sales to government and GSE
Percentage of sales to parent company or subsidiaries
Percentage of sales to large enterprises (over 250 employees)
Percentage of sales to other domestic consumers
Percentage of sales to largest exporting country
Percentage of sales to second largest exporting country
What is the third largest country destination of exports?
Percentage of sales to third largest exporting country
Use of freight forwarder to facilitate export procedures
Percentage of exported contrainers physically inspected
Type of border crossing point
In Last FY, Longest Num. Of Days For Exported Goods To Clear Customs?
Value of a typical shipment
Total cost of clearing a typical shipment
Have you used the suspension or waiver of customs duties on imported inputs for
Have you used the exemption from corporate income tax for exporting?
Have you used the refund of VAT for exporting?
Have you used the export finance mechanism for exporting?
Have you used the other incentives for exporting?
Specify other
Main reason didn't benefit from the incentives above
Specify other
Since last fiscal year, has this facility exported?
Percentage of direct imports
Percentage of indirect imports
Longest Num. Of Days For Imported Goods To Clear Customs In Last Fiscal Year
Use of freight forwarder to facilitate import procedures
Days on stock of the main input
Anticipated change in production level for the next 12 months
Acquisition of new production techonology
Importance of pressure from domestic competitors to reduce costs or innovate
Importance of pressure from foreign competitors to reduce costs or innovate
Importance of pressure from informal firms to reduce costs or innovate
How Much Of An Obstacle: Cost of Financing?
Second Biggest Obstacle Affecting The Operation Of This Establishment
Third Biggest Obstacle Affecting The Operation Of This Establishment
Percentage of water supply from a public source
Do you use your own means of transportation for your shipments?
Cost of using your own transporation as percentage of sales
The Court System is quick
The Court System is affordable
The Court System is capable of applying decisions
In the past 2 years, has your establishment had any disputes about payments?
Have these disputes been resolved?
Were intermediaries used to resolve these disuputes?
How many weeks did it take to resolve these disputes?
In the past 2 years, were the courts invovled to resolve a dispute?
How many weeks did it take the courts to resolve these disputes?
Was the court deicision ever applied?
The interpretation and application by the officials of the regulations and laws
Institutions in your sector often face requests for informal payments to get thi
Companies know in advance how much these informal payments or gifts are getting
How much influence does your institution have on laws and regulations that have
What is the influence of other national firms on laws and regulations that have
Number of visits by labor services control?
Number of request for an informal payment by labor services control
Number of visits by other regulatory agency?
Specify other
Number of request for an informal payment by labor services control
Total number of visits by regulatory agencies
Total number of requests for informal payments
What percentage of total sales are generally reported to the tax administration?
Last fiscal year, did you hire more employees than the previous one?
Number of directors last fiscal year
Number of managers last fiscal year
Number of non-production workers
Number of female directors last fiscal year
Number of female managers last fiscal year
Num. Full-Time Temporary Employees Two Fiscal Years Ago
Percentage of female temporary employees
Average monthly wage for high skilled production workers
Average monthly wage for low skilled production workers
Average monthly wage for non-production workers
What percentage of employees are registered with government authorities?
How did you usually find new employees?
Specify other
Number of production days lost due to strikes and labor disputes
Level of education for low-skilled production workers
Level of education for high-skilled production workers
Was internal training offered?
Was external training offered?
Percent of high-skilled production workers trained
Percent of low-skilled production workers trained
What was the average time your payments were made to your suppliers?
Average annual interest rate for overdraft
Percent of working capital financed by private banks
Percent of capital expenditures financed by private banks
Percent of working capital financed by state banks
Percent of capital expenditures financed by state banks
Percent of capital expenditures financed by friends and family
Percent of capital expenditures financed by issuance of bonds
Percent of working capital financed by other
Specify other
Percent of capital expenditures financed by other
Specify other
Is it a line of credit or a loan?
What is the duration of the loan
Specify other
Main reason for not having a line of credit or a loan
Specify other
Main reason for your loan application being rejected
Specify other
Do you keep one or more accounting books?
Do you have financial statements on an annual basis?
Do you prepare annual budgets?
What type of accounting system was used?
Specify other
Which SYCOHADA system was used?
Do you control your budgets?
Do you have an accredited accountant preparing your books?
Do you make budgetary projections?
For how many years do you make projections?
For how how long have you been producing financial accounts?
Total amortization of land, buildings, equipment, and machinery
Total cost of rent of land, buildings, equipment, and machinery
Total cost for fuel
Total cost for water
Total cost for transportation
Total cost for telephones and communication
Total cost for disposal of waste
Total cost for licensing and royalties
Net book value of all land and buildings
Cost to repurchase all land and buildings
Average age of machinery, vehicles, and equipment
Specify other
Specify Other
How many rooms did this hotel have last fiscal year?
How many beds did this hotel have last fiscal year?
What type of a hotel it is?
Is this hotel part of a national chain?
Is this hotel part of a regional chain?
Is this hotel part of a international chain?
Is this hotel part of a brand?
What chain or brand is it?
Chain owns and manages the activities of the hotel
The hotel is managed by the chain
The hotel is rented by the chain
The hotel is a franchise of the chain
Other (specify)
How many hotels have this channel or brand in your country?
This this firm classified by an external organization?
Type of classification
Other (specify)
How is it classified?
Other (specify)
How often is the classification renewed?
Other (specify)
Is the classification done by a government agency?
Is the classification done by a hotelling industry?
Is the classification done by a tour operators?
Is the classification done by a independent rating agency?
Is the classification done by other?
Other (specify)
What are your room rates in the high season of 2005?
What are your room rates in the low season of 2005?
Do your foreign customers benefit from a tax exemption?
Do you offer discounts to certain groups of customers?
Do you have specific prices for accomodation only?
Average high season price for accomodation only
Average low season price for accomodation only
Do you have specific prices for accomodation and lunch included?
Average high season price for accomodation and lunch included
Average low season price for accomodation and lunch included
Do you have specific prices for accomodation and half board?
Average high season price for accomodation and half board
Average low season price for accomodation and half board
Do you have specific prices for all inclusive?
Average high season price for all inclusive
Average low season price for all inclusive
Last FY, how many nights, in terms of beds, did you sell in total?
Last FY, how many nights, in terms of rooms, did you sell in total?
Percent of customers staying for business travel
Percent of customers staying for pleasure
What percentage of annual capacity was utilized 3 FY ago?
What percentage of annual capacity was utilized last FY in high season?
What percentage of annual capacity was utilized last FY in low season?
Does this firm have a marketing/sales team whose sole job is to contact potentia
Do you use the internet for advertisment?
Do you use newspapers for advertisment?
Do you billboards?
Do you use magazines?
Do you use television?
Do you use radio?
Do you use mail or fax?
Other (specify)
Percentage of direct sales
Price per bed of direct sales
Percentage of online sales by hotel
Total: 792
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