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Enterprise Survey 2003-2006-2010-2017
2003 - 2017
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World Bank
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Created on
Sep 19, 2018
Last modified
Sep 19, 2018
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Data file: Ecuador_2003_2006_2010_2017
Ecuador ES data from 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2017
To What Degree Is The Following Is Effective: Paid, Private Dispute Resolution?
Degree of Effectiveness of: Assistance Of Government Officials?
Degree of Effectiveness of: Intervention Of Other Third-Parties?
To What Degree Is The Following Is Effective: Legal System?
What Best Describes What Happened When Problem In The Production Process Arose?
How Many Production Performance Indicators Were Monitored At This Establishment?
How Easy To Achieve Its Production Targets?
Who Was Aware Of The Production Targets At This Establishment?
Does this establishment offer performance bonus to managers
If randomly selected, what Were Managers' Performance Bonuses Usually Based On?
What Were Managers' Performance Bonuses Usually Based On?
Competitors For The Main Product/Service In The Main Market
Which Practices Of Informal Firms Affects This Establishment The Most?
Other (Specify)
Compete Against Registered Firms Selling Goods Or Services Without Records?
Compete Against Registered Firms Hiring Workers Without Formal Contracts?
Were These Introduced Because Of Specific Customer Requests Or Direct Demands?
Describe In Detail The Main New Or Significantly Improved Product Or Service
Describe How The Main New/Significantly Improved Product Or Service Is Different
Describe Main New/Significantly Improved Process This Establishment Introduced
How The Main New/Significantly Improved Process Is Different
How Much Spent On R&D, Either In-House Or External?
Did This Establishment Spend On: Software Development And Database Activities?
Did This Establishment Spend On: Intellectual Property Related Activities?
Did This Establishment Spend On: Design And Other Creative Work?
Did This Establishment Spend On: Marketing/Branding Of New Products/Services?
Did This Establishment Spend On: Organizational Development?
Were Any Of These Purchases For New Technology Assoc. w/ New Products/Services?
Percent Spent On Upgrades/Acquisition Assoc. w/ New Products/Services?
Fixed Assets - Value Internal Funds Or Retained Earnings
Fixed Assets - Value Borrowed From Banks
Fixed Assets - Value Owners’ Contribution Or Issued New Equity Shares
Fixed Assets - Value Borrowed From Non-Bank Financial Institutions
Fixed Assets - Value Purchases On Credit From Suppliers, Advances From Customers
Fixed Assets - Value Other
Purchase Any New/Used Fixed Assets?
Total Annual Expenditure For Purchases Of Equipment In Year Prior To Last FY
Total Annual Expenditure On Land And Buildings In Year Prior To Last FY
Which Bank Provided The Most Recent Line Of Credit Or Loan?
Other (Specify)
Was The Loan Granted As Part Of A Government-Supported Program?
What Was The Maturity (In Months) Agreed At The Time Of Approval?
Total Number of Open Lines of Credit and Outstanding Loans Held By This Establis
Total Outstanding Balance of All Open Lines of Credit and Loans Held By This Est
Outstanding Personal Loans Used To Finance Establishment'S Business Activities?
Consider Completing Application Steps For A Loan Or Line Of Credit Online?
Was The Application Completed Partially Or Entirely Online?
What Was The Main Reason For Not Completing The Application Online?
What Was The Outcome Of That Most Recent Application For Loan/Line Of Credit?
Lease Any Fixed Assets, Such As Machinery, Vehicles, Equipment, Land, Buildings?
Currently Belong To An Industry Organization Or Business Association?
Which Describes The Main Industry Organization Or Business Association
Make Regular Financial Contributions To This Association?
Senior Management Regularly Spend Time Interacting With This Association?
Please Indicate If This Association: Provides Information On Market Trends
Please Indicate If This Association: Provides Information On Laws
Please Indicate If This Association: Offers Networking Opportunities
Please Indicate If This Association: Engage In Lobbying
Num. Of Permanent, Full-Time Highly Skilled Production Workers, Last FY
Num. Of Permanent, Full-Time Semi Skilled Production Workers, Last FY
Training Programs Amount: Production Full-Time Permanent Employees Trained
Training Programs Amount:Non-Production Full-Time Permanent Employees Trained
Total Cost Of Sales In Last FY
Total Cost Of Sales Of This Establishment Increase, Decrease, Or Stay The Same?
In Percentage Terms, How Much Did The Cost Of Sales Change?
Main Respondent Position In The Firm
Main Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
Main Respondent's Gender
Second Respondent Position In The Firm
Second Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
Second Respondent's Gender
Third Respondent Position In The Firm
Third Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
Third Respondent's Gender
stratification region code
stratification size code
stratification sector code
panel code
How Many Establishments Are Included In The Financial Statements?
Are you the founder or one of the founders of this establishment?
Prior to starting this establishment’s business, what was your previous oc
When you left prior establishment , No. of full-time employees of establishment
Was your prior establishment formally registered?
Establishment started due to lack of better employment opportunities
which best describes the idea that motivated this establishment’s business?
No. of full-time employees at start-up that were family members of the founder
Most important factor that motivated decision to register
Cell phones used in operations of the establishment
Financing Source For The Cell Phones Used For Operation Of The Establishment
In fiscal year 2009, % of establishment’s total annual sales paid in cash?
FY09, % of sales new/significantly improved products (introduced last 3 yrs)?
Last 3 yrs: new/significantly improved processes also new to your industry?
FY09, how much was spent on R&D activities performed within this establishment?
Last 3 yrs:cooperate on innovation w/other enterprises/science&tech institutions
Last 3 yrs: receive any public support for innovation-related activities?
Does The Establishment Have Any Patents Abroad?
Does The Establishment Have Any Patents Registered In (Insert Name Of Country)?
FY09 establishment spent on purchases of licenses to use intellectual property?
FY09, how much spent on purchases of licenses to use intellectual property?
Last 3 yrs: filed for patent/trademark/copyright for product/process innovations
In last 3 yrs, Has This Establishment Been Successful In Acquiring Land ?
In last FY, % Of Total Annual Sales Paid For Before Delivery
In last FY, % Of Total Annual Sales Paid For on Delivery
FY09 % of purch. of machinery/vehicles/equip used for product&process innovation
Last 3 yrs: services to improve qlty control/training to obtain qlty certifictn
How were these services and programs financed?
Next 3yrs:foresee using services improving qlty control/training for qlty certif
Last 3 yrs: use any services to make bus. alliances w/other suppliers/clients?
How were these services and programs financed?
Next 3yrs foresee using services to make bus alliances w/other suppliers/clients
Last 3 yrs: did this establishment use any services to support innovation?
How were these services and programs financed?
Next 3 yrs: foresee using any services to support innovation?
Last 3 yrs: did this establishment use any services to promote exports?
How were these services and programs financed?
Next 3 yrs: foresee using any services or programs to promote exports?
Last 3 yrs: use programs/tech assist/training on IT/mgmt/accnting/other
How were these programs financed?
Next 3yrs:foresee using programs/tech assist/training on IT/mgmt/accnting/other
Impact of services used in last 3 yrs: Increased no. of goods/services offered
Impact of services used in last 3 yrs: Opened new foreign markets
Impact of services used in last 3 yrs: Increased sales in domestic market
Impact of services used in last 3 yrs: Improved quality of goods or services
Impact of services used in last 3 yrs: Reduced unit production costs
Impact of services used in last 3 yrs: Reduced energy consumption
Impact of services used in last 3 yrs: Obtained quality or export certification
Average Years Of Education For Typical Production Worker
% of full time permanent workers w/at least a bachelor degree at end of FY09
Does this establishment currently have any unfilled vacancies?
How many unfilled vacancies does this establishment currently have?
Have any of these unfilled vacancies being vacant for more than four months?
Most difficult skill to find when filling vacancies
Next 12 months: no. of unfilled vacancies this establishment expects to have?
FY09 Training programs: offered ext. training partially/fully funded by govt
FY09 Training programs partially/fully funded by govt: av. hours spent in FY09
FY09 Training prgrms:offered ext. training partially/fully funded by establshmnt
FY09Training programs partially/fullyfunded by estblshmnt: av. hrs spent in FY09
FY09 Training Programs: any internal training programs offered?
FY09 internal training programs: av. hrs spent in FY09
Main reason why this establishment did not run any training programs in FY09
Estimate which of the following categories requires the most to be trained?
Last 3 yrs: received any public support for training-related activities?
Other Cost Of Production
City/ Town
Borrowed from private commercial banks
Borrowed from state-owned banks and/or government agency
ISO 9001
QS 9000
ISO/TS 16949
Is the Internet connection used to:Communicate with clients and suppliers
Did this establishment experience unavailability of Internet connection?
How many times have you experienced unavailability of Internet connection?
On average how long did the unavailability of an Internet connection last?
Concerns of internet security affect volume and/or nature of internet purchase
Second main product: second largest proportion of annual sales: Description
Second main product: second largest proportion of annual sales: Code
Second main product: largest proportion of annual sales: % of total revenue
Percent of subcontracted sales to other companies or persons
Who was the principal buyer for this establishment’s output?
Percent of material inputs and/or supplies purchased to small companies
Use its own transport to make shipments to its customers?
Did this establishment transport the main product using third party providers?
Main destination of main product: city
Main destination of main product: country
The country of destination is different to the establishment's country
What is the name of the main point of exit of the main product?
Type of transport used to ship the main product to the main destination
Size of the last shipment of main product
Unit of measurement for the Size of the last shipment of main product
Cost of last main product shipment to main destination
Value of last main product shipment to main destination
What is included in this value?
Time of transport of main product to main destination
Change of prices of the main product
How important it is the pressure from domestic competitors on production costs
How important it is the pessure from foreign competitors on production costs
Invested in R&D, within the establishment or through a third party?
Investment in R&D contracting a third party
Pressure from domestic competitors over prices of existing products?
Pressure from foreign competitors over prices of existing products?
Pressure from domestic competitors in presenting new lines of products?
Pressure from foreign competitors in presenting new lines of products?
Does this establishment have any of the following policies related with CSR?
How being socially responsible affects the establishment' competitiveness
Does this establishment have an energy use optimization program?
Does this establishment have a water use optimization program?
Does this establishment have a recycling program?
Use any standardized water and air pollution control system?
Does this establishment have any community support program ?
Receive pressure to be socially/ environmentally responsible?
What percent of the building occupied by this establishment is rented?
Has this establishment been unsuccessful in acquiring land or new premises?
Degree of obstacle for current operations: zoning restrictions
Degree of obstacle for current operations: environment restrictions
In reference to the payment dispute, was the court system used to resolve it?
Was decision of the court enforced?
Weeks for court enforcement to take place
Agreement with: The court system is Quick
Agreement with: The court system is Affordable
Agreement with: The court system is Able to enforce its decisions
Did the establishment employees' absenteeism increase due to crime?
Ageement with: Establishments know in advance size of informal payment/gift
Percent of total workforce reported for tax purposes
Degree of obstacle for current operation: regulation on working hours
Degree of obstacle for current operation: regulation on prices and mark-ups
Proportion of purchases of fixed assets financed from directly placed debt
How many times did this establishment apply for loans or lines of credit?
How many of those loan or line of credit applications were rejected?
Percentage of full-time seasonal/temporary females
Average educational attainment of a typical production worker? (global scale)
Did labour regulations affect decisions of hiring or firing permanent workers?
Most important obstacle of labor regulation to hire employees?
Other aspect
Have explicit policy about hiring women or handicapped persons
Have programs supporting balance between family and work
First ranked obstacle to the current operations of this establishment
Second ranked obstacle to the current operations of this establishment
Third ranked obstacle to the current operations of this establishment
Total annual costs of communications services
Total annual costs of transport for goods (not including fuel)
Total annual costs of water
Total annual cost of rental of land/buildings, equipment, furniture
Annual expenditure on purchases of Information technology
Was firm previously owned by Gov/state
when was it privatized
Es el socio o propietario principal?
is princilple owner also the manager
owner male or female
how many establishments owned by firm
holdings in other countries?
Qué % de ingresos totales provienen de: Reventa de productos fabricados por terc
Especificación del % de ingresos totales que provienen de: Otros
Total # of workers
Realiza su empresa exportaciones?
Cuáles son los principales destinos de sus exportaciones?
Cuáles son los principales destinos de sus exportaciones?
Las ventas de esta fábrica representan qué % del mercado nacional?
Las ventas de productos importados representan qué % del mercado nacional?
Las exportaciones de esta fábrica representan qué % de las exportaciones ecuator
Cuantos competidores tuvo en 2002 que fabricaran el mismo tipo de productos que
Cuántos eran empresas extranjeras?
Cuántos eran empresas con capital estatal?
Cuantos clientes tuvo en 2002 que fueran empresas (no personas naturales)?
De esas empresas clientes, ¿Cuántas eran extranjeras?
Cuántas eran empresas con capital estatal?
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Exportaciones
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Personas naturales
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Empresas del mismo grupo
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Multinacionales ubicadas en el país
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Empresas nacionales con menos de 300 trabajado
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Empresas nacionales con 300 o mas trabajadores
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Empresas estatales
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Gobierno
Qué % de ventas son destinadas a: Otros
Qué % de sus ventas se destinan a su cliente principal?
produce goods to client's unique specs?
% of sales
Effect on sales of price change
# suppliers of main supply
# private foreign owned suppliers
# state owned suppliers
Qué % de sus compras de materias primas y materiales son: Importaciones directas
Qué % de sus compras de materias primas y materiales son: Importaciones indirect
days of production per shipment of supplies
% supplies of lower than agreed quality
# production days lost from delivery delays
Existe problemas en Telecomunicaciones que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Electricidad que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Transporte que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Acceso a terrenos o galpones industriales que afecte al nego
Existe problemas en Valor de los Impuestos que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Trámites de Impuestos que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Aduanas que afecte al negocio
obstacle- customs regulation
Existe problemas en Regulaciones laborales que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Habilidad y nivel educativo de la mano de obra que afecte al
Existe problemas en Permisos y licencias para operar que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Disponibilidad de financiamiento que afecte al negocio
obstacle- availability of financing
Existe problemas en Costo del financiamiento que afecte al negocio
obstacle- cost of finance
Existe problemas en Acceso a financiamiento que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Incertidumbre sobre la política económica y regulatoria que
Existe problemas en Inestabilidad Macroeconómica que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Corrupción que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Crimen y violencia que afecte al negocio
Existe problemas en Prácticas anticompetitivas o informales que afecte al negoci
Existe problemas en Inseguridad jurídica que afecte al negocio
obstacle- property rights
Existe problemas en Sistema judicial que afecte al negocio
interruptions electricity
production interrupted: electicity
losses: electicity
losses: water
losses % sales: water
Total: 1019
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