Value |
Category |
.The doctor was away |
0wn production of feed |
Animals eat from the fields |
Because they didnt grow due to sicknesses |
Did not have any |
Did not maintained such facility. |
Did not sell any livestock |
Did not use in the last agriculture season |
Do not have animals |
Do not have livestock |
Does not concern hh much |
Does the repairs alone |
Don't need to use |
Dont Knoe |
Dont Know |
Dont have acces |
Dont know it |
Dont need them |
Dont use |
Has not built |
I use local pen's |
It was not needed |
Lack of money to buy |
Never bothered |
Never bothered to know |
Never maintained pens. |
No |
No Need |
No good road |
No market for animal feed |
No need |
No need to use |
No need to use salt |
No need to use them |
No roads, hence transport is difficult to find. |
No use for transport |
No vert services |
Not Applicable |
Not Needed |
Not applicable |
Not applicable at that time |
Not available in the area |
Not interested |
Not necessary |
Not needed |
Not seen |
Not seen in the village |
Own maintenance |
Relatives helped to plough |
Services not available in the area |
Services not present in this area |
The animals eat from the fields |
The household managed own their own. |
The veterinary services are not offered in the area. |
There are no pens available |
Used traditional materials like poles |
Used what they have at home |
Very bad terrain, vehicles can't pass. |
Vet services not available |
Was not needed |
We have our own transport |
We use common pens |
after the period of four months |
bad roads |
because they dont keep any livestock |
cleaned it herself |
come every after 3months. |
couldn't see the reason |
couse the farm just near by the house |
couse we dont keep animals |
did it my self |
did not bother to know if it was obtainable or not |
did not need |
didn't have any |
didn't use any |
do it on |
do not know |
do not need hired labour |
don't farm |
don't know |
don't need it |
don't need to use |
dont any medicine |
dont apply |
dont have any |
dont know where to find them |
dont no where they are found |
expensive and found very far |
facility not available |
family member's help with labour |
family members do the maintainance for free |
farm just near by the house |
feel no need |
fuel shortage and very bad roads |
its very far |
lack of money |
lack of veterinary service |
luck of money |
need no such |
no animals |
no animals that need feed in that area |
no car to hire and no money |
no facilities |
no facility offered |
no livestock |
no money |
no money to pay them |
no need |
no need for that |
no need to use animal feed |
no needed |
no officers |
no services offerd |
no vertinary services |
no veterinary service |
no veterinary services |
no veterinary services available |
no veterunary |
no were to used it |
not Applicable |
not applicable |
not available |
not available in the area |
not imoortant |
not important |
not need to repaire |
not needed |
not needed ( no livestock) |
not needed (no agriculture activities) |
not sick |
not spplicsble |
not there |
own feed |
service not offered |
services are not offered in the area. |
services not available |
services not available in the area |
services not present in the area. |
sometimes its bought by people rearing chickens |
the animals are not fed on salt so salt is not applicable |
the officers are very far away from the areas |
the vaccination is not adquate |
the vet is suposed to come to them |
the work was too much for them |
there is no veterinary service here |
there was no need cause of low harvest |
they are afew occurancies of diseases |
they are busy with their own lands |
they are not found |
they buy medicine and vaccinate on their own |
they did it on their own |
they didn't have |
they didn't have any |
they do not have animals |
they don't have any livestock |
they don't use it |
they dont need them |
they dont reach to the area |
they dont use it |
they were no costs related to maintenance of pens because the house hold maintains the pens by collected poles , fibre etc from the bush and maintain own pens |
too expensive |
too far |
unavailable |
use their bicycle |
vet services and drugs are not found |
vet services are not available in the area |
vet services not available |
veterinary services are not seen these days |
veterinary services unavailable |
veterinary services, vaccines and medicines not available |
was obtainable |
was otainable |
we did it already |
we did it our selves |
we didn't have |
we do it on our own |
we do it own our own |
we have a know how of how to treat animals when they are sick and do not need a veterinary person |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.