Value |
Category |
Agrochemist within chongwe at the market |
Animal feed |
At the market |
At the shops within chongwe |
Bough from the market |
Bought from hammer mills |
Bought from the hammer mill |
Bought from the market |
Boys from the local community |
Done by the owner |
Family and friends |
Fellow farmers |
Friends |
From a chemistry in Mbabala |
From local people |
From local transport |
From other household |
From the village |
Individual |
Lead farmer |
Local farmer |
Local farmers |
Local millers in town |
Local people |
Local transporter |
Market |
Market. Buy Vegetables for rabits |
Motor vehicle |
Neighbour |
Neighbours |
Other farmer |
Other farmers from the community |
Other household vihecle |
Other households |
Own Vaccination |
Own Vaccinations |
Own maintenance |
Own vehicle |
Owner |
Personal vehicle |
Personally just bought medicine |
Private Household |
Public transport |
Public transport. |
Relatives |
Repaired by the husband . |
Shop in town |
Use personal car |
Used own transport |
Veterinary officer |
We did it on our own |
We do it on our own |
a few workers who are managing the farm |
agro dealers with in the market |
an individual |
animal transport scout cart from the local area |
approached knowlledgeable people within the area |
bicycle |
community |
cost of poles for making pens |
done by themselves |
done by those who are raising my three cattle on my behalf |
employees |
employer gave in kind |
family member |
fellow famers |
fellow farmer |
fellow farmers |
fellow farmers with oxen drawn carts |
fellow village farmers |
friends |
friends and Relatives |
from hammer miles |
from local people within our local community |
from market |
from neighbouring farm |
from people within |
from the local people |
from the relative |
from the veterinary |
grass in plains |
grass in the plain |
hammermills |
helped by other family member |
hired a boy within the village |
hired a scotch cart from their neighbor |
hired a tractor |
hired from their neighbor |
hiring of carters transport within the community |
individual |
individuals |
ln plains nearby |
local based |
local boys from the community |
local labor |
local labour |
local labourers |
local peole |
local people |
local people from within the village |
local villages |
loval people |
mansa milling |
manual labour |
members of the community |
millier |
money was spent on fuel |
neighbour |
neighbours |
neighbours vechile |
on our own |
other farmer |
other farmers |
other hoseholds |
other households |
own labour |
own transport |
own vehicle |
owners expense |
paid for self hired vehicle |
paid for self |
people from our comminity |
people from the community |
people from the community around matero |
people from the local area |
piece workers |
pieceworkers |
private individuals |
private piece worker |
private piece workers |
public transport |
public transpory |
relatve |
scotch cats owned by one of the local community people |
self |
shop in town |
spent on fuel,own transport |
the employees |
the same people who work there |
their did it on their own |
there garden boy |
they did it on their own |
they do it on ther on |
used local people to maintain thr db pens by using local materials such as poles. |
used our own man power |
used own motorbike |
used own scotch cart |
used own transport ,money was used only for fuel. |
used personal vehicle |
veterinary chemist |
villagers |
we did it on our own |
we did it our selves |
within farm area paid for self |
within village |
within village paid for self |
within village paid for self |
within the community |
workers |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.