Value |
Category |
Absent |
Child was not taken for injections |
Date not indicated Mother not sure |
Did not go to the hospital |
Dint go |
Don't know because the mother is not around |
Forgot to take the child for immunisation |
Hasb not been to the clinic |
He's never been taken to the clinic for the vaccine |
Health workers are yet to come |
Mother had moved to a new place |
Mother not being serious |
Never took the child to thr clinic |
Not taken to the hospital |
Not yet gone |
Religion does not allow |
Same reason for memory. |
The mother did not take her for vaccination |
The mother is not sure if she received or not because the baby was staying with her grandmother |
The mother was in the bush |
The mother was out for months , left behind under 5 card |
The mother was sick |
The mother was very sick |
There was no one to take her to the clinic |
Under five card not available |
Was not taken for the vaccination. |
Was not taken to health center for vaccination |
Was not taken to the clinic |
Went to the funeral with her mother |
Whenever they went to the clinic they found there was no medicine |
about to do so on the 23rd of april 2015 |
cant meet clinic charges |
clinic too far |
delayed to take him for measles vaccination |
did not go there |
feeling lazy |
forgot about it |
he is just one week old |
just absconded |
lazy o go to the clinic |
mother did not just go |
mother doesnt know |
mother forgot to take him for vaccination when he reached nine months |
mother not being serious |
mother not serious |
mother was away during the day of vaccination |
mother was not available |
mother was sick at time of taking the child to revieve the vaccine |
no under five card mother uses an old exersise book |
not enough children to receive meales vaccinations at the time |
not indicated on the under five card |
not taken for vaccicination |
not yet 9 |
respondent not sure if this other vaccines have been administered yet as the baby was under the care of the grandmother |
she forgot to take him |
she is not sure and its not recorded on the under five card |
she was at the Market during vaccination |
she was at the Market during vaccination period |
she was not taken for the vaccination |
thats when is about to |
the dates not indicated on the underfive card |
the first time she went the nurse said she was tired and the time which happened to be the following month after first visit, she was told she was late for nine month had passed |
the guardian was sick hence could not manage to take the child for vaccine |
the mother forgot to take the baby for the vsccine |
the mother is disabled hence she could nt walk to the clinic |
the mother was told the child will only receive the vaccine he is one year six |
was mot tsken for vaccine |
will be going there on the 14th April, 2015 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.