Value |
Category |
Child was not taken for vaccination. |
Didn't go to Hospital |
Didn, t have 50 ngwee to pay |
Don't know because the mother is not around |
Has not been taken to health center yet |
He is not yet six months |
He's never been taken to the clinic for the vaccine |
Health workers are yet to come |
Lazziness |
Mother forgot |
Mother not being serious |
Mother said was given but didn't show on the card |
Never took the child to the clinic |
No need |
Not Sure |
Not shown on the card |
Not shown on the under five card |
Not tsken to the clinic |
Not yet taken for this under 5 clinic program |
Religion does not allow |
She hasn't been taken to the health centre yet. |
She is still under age |
The mother was very sick |
There was no nurse on discharge day |
To be given when taken this month |
Vacated but didn't show on the card |
born from home and not yet taken to the clinic |
child has not been taken to the clinic |
child was never taken to the clinic |
feeling lazy |
haw not yet been taken |
he is one week old |
he was given a vaccine that carters for polio |
its not shown on the card |
just absconded |
mother not being serious |
mother was sick |
mother was told unless the child is one year five that's he receive the polio vaccine |
not indicated on the under five card |
not shown on the card |
not sure why |
not yet |
not yet given because he has not reached the age to be given polio |
not yet gone to clinic, delivered from home |
not yet taken |
only got the dpt vaccine |
respondent not sure if this other vaccines have been administered yet as the baby was under the care of the grandmother |
she didn't take the kids for vaccination she was busy at the market |
she was busy at the market with her business of selling food stuff during the time of vaccination |
thats when is about to |
the child and the mother went to the church meeting |
the health workers havent yet come this year |
the heath plations did not bring the vaccine in the eara |
the household cant afford the demanded fees at the clinic |
the mother did not take him for polio |
the mother is disabled |
the polio service hasnt reached da clinic mother still waiting |
the vaccine has not been administered yet and a proper reason as to why the vaccine has not been given can not be established as the mother of the babies is out of contact |
too many paciants very few nurses at hospital, was not attended to, on a lot of occasions. |
under age |
was born yesterday therfore will go on the due date |
was not told if it was necessary to take it coz opv was administered |
went late só told to gö on a later date |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.