Value |
Category |
Born 3days ago(not yet) |
Don't know because the mother is not around |
Had travelled |
He's never been taken to the clinic for the vaccine |
Health workers are yet to come |
Is not registered at the health center |
Mother busy at the time |
No nurse on discharge day |
Not taken to the clinic |
Not yet taken to the clinic |
Not yet time for her to get the jabb till the next visit |
Religion does not allow |
She is still under age |
The Mum got very sick |
The baby is just from being born(not yet) |
The doctor forgot |
The grandmother doesnt know |
The mother could not remember if she was given because the card was not seen when we were conducting the survey |
They dont have money to go and pay since they missed one day of underfive |
Under Five Card Lost |
Was not taken to hospital after birth |
Was not taken to the clinic |
born from home and not yet taken to the clinic |
cant afford the charges at the clinic |
child has not been taken to the clinic |
child was never taken to the clinic |
did not just go |
have not yet taken the baby to the clinic since he was born at home, |
he is one week old |
mother could not remember if Doreen was given this vaccine |
mother does not know much abt vaccinations |
mother of the child didn't want her child to receive the DPT vaccine |
not yet given |
not yet gone to clinic. delevered from home |
not yet taken |
parents are not allowed because of their religion |
the child and the mother went to the church meeting |
the clinic officer not available.he went to lusaka |
the under five card is not there |
too many paciants very few nurses at hospital, was not attended to, on a lot of occasions. |
under age |
was not taken for vaccination because she is disabled |
went late bt told to there another day |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.