Value |
Category |
Begging |
Break laying |
Bricklaying |
Built houses which he rents out |
Car hiring |
Chacoal burner |
Collecting and selling of world mushrooms |
Cross border trading, goes to Botswana orders some Grocies and sells at home |
Cultiviting Maize |
Farming |
Farming growing maize Beans sweet potato and rearing cattle ,goat |
Farming (sells charcoal) |
Fishing |
Full Time student |
Grinding peanut |
Growing Sweet potatoes |
Growing crops(maize) |
Growing of hybrid maize for sale |
Growing of hybride maize |
Growing of maize |
He runs a public minibus business |
Help the in the sale of prepacked charcoal |
Kutondola nshaba |
Landload for two houses |
Landlord |
Making Pots and braizers (Mbaula) |
Metal fabrication |
Owns a Saloon |
Part-time job e.g cso enumerator |
Pourtry |
Realing of broiler chicken |
Renting Houses |
Retairing of Opeque beer |
Runing a hummer mill |
Runs a Hammer Mill |
Runs a shop or grocery |
Selling of bananas |
Selling Grocies to retailers |
Selling fish |
Selling of Broilers and eggs for the layers |
Selling of Clothes (salaula) |
Selling of Maize |
Selling of New Clothes at home |
Selling of air time |
Selling of cassava |
Selling of cassava and mangoes in Lusaka. |
Selling of fried chicken at the market |
Selling of max cool and water |
Selling of vegetables at home |
Selling of vegetables within the village |
Selling second hand clothes |
Selling talk time in town |
Selling traditional medicines in town popularly known 7hours |
Selling vegetables at home |
She has put a servants quarter on rent |
She has two houses on rent. |
She sells maize after harvest |
Subsistance Farming |
Subsistance farming |
Subsistence crop farmer |
Subsistence crop farming |
Subsistence farming |
Substance Farming |
Supplies beans in Lusaka and kabwe |
Tailors at home |
Tax driver |
Wildlife Policeman |
bricklaying |
business |
buying and reselling of local chickens |
caltivating maize |
cathing fish for sale from the dam |
chicken rearing |
collecting and selling grass for thatching houses |
crop Farming |
crop farming |
dimba,gardens potatoes, sweet potatoes |
farmer(growing maize) |
farming |
farming 4 consumption |
farming growing maize |
farming, poultry and boutique |
farms local maize |
gardening |
gardening his own garden |
general worker at Muna farm |
grew maize and porcorn |
grow soyabeans |
growing crops |
growing maize |
growing maize for consumption |
growing of maize |
growing of maize at a small scale |
growing vegetables |
grows groundnuts |
grows maize and beans |
grows tobacco |
he is running a grocery |
helping in jewel making |
helps household cultivate crop area without payment |
isa landlord |
keeping of broiler chickens |
kerping of catle |
land load |
landlady(owns two houses) |
landlord |
maid |
maize Farming |
molding blocks |
party time work with musaza brewery |
petty vending of selling clothes and shoes at home |
petty vending or saling clothes at the stand |
petty vending or saling material, beddings and curtains at home |
piece work supervision |
piecework(building houses). |
playing football part time with police dams |
poultry |
rears goats for sale |
rent out own house to tenants |
renting out a servants quarter and renting it out. |
resale of vegetables at the market |
retail sale of maize |
running a poutrry |
running a restaurant |
sales lady at shoprite |
seling of sweeping blooms |
selling charcoal |
selling chickens |
selling cooked chikanda |
selling fritters at home |
selling ice blocks |
selling lce blocks at home |
selling of chickens |
selling of eggs hawking outside the home |
selling of garden products |
selling of garden products .eg vegetables |
selling of garden products and poultry(broilers) |
selling of garden products.e.g tomatos,green pepa.etc |
selling of ground nuts |
selling of own farm inputs |
selling of potatoe chips at home |
selling of vegetables |
selling salable at home |
selling sugarcane |
selling vegetables at home |
sells kapenta,beans in the mkt |
she has goats to sale |
she was talking village chickens for sale to lusaka |
small scale |
subsistance farmer |
subsistance farming |
subsistence farming(growing beans and maize) |
subsistence farming. grows maize and groundnuts for home consumption |
subsistence growing of maize |
substance farming |
supplies drinks at International School of Lusaka (ISL). |
tailor |
taxi driver -three times in a week |
text driver |
voluteer teacher |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.