Value |
Category |
Casual Worker |
Catholic Church |
Catholic Church Employee |
Catholic Mission School |
Church Employee |
Church/Religious employee |
Employed by an individual |
Employee |
Employee of an individual |
Farm employee |
Herding Cattle for other farmer |
House choes |
Involved in mission work |
Marketeer |
Mission Employee |
Mission School (Roman Catholic) |
Not working |
Parents teachers association |
Private person |
Private person employee |
Private sector |
Religious (Pastor) |
Religious Missionaries |
Rrligious organisation |
Schooling |
Working Proprietor |
Working for some one |
Working proprietor |
cassava farmer |
cathoric sister |
charcoal burner |
church organisation ( Roman catholic ) |
church preaching the ward of God |
emloyed by communty at the school |
employed by the school administration as a guard |
family business |
farmer |
farming |
farming cassava |
farming cassava for consumption |
farming for consumption |
growing cassava |
he is emnployee to un indivisual |
he looks after a farm for someone else |
helper |
house wife |
maid |
mishanga seller |
paid family worker |
partnership with afriend |
private person or an individual |
religious services |
school going |
self guard |
stdent |
student |
too young to eork |
too young to work |
under age |
wage employment |
working at seventh day adventist church as a secretary |
works for Catholic convent |
works for an individual |
young |
young to work |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.