Value |
Category |
About to enroll for college |
About to go to school |
African Doctor |
Awaiting to enter college |
Awaiting to go into college next year |
Back bone paining she cant take her normal economic duties |
Berger(door to door) |
Bishop |
Blacksmithing |
Break layer |
Brewing Beer |
Brick layer |
Brick layer under a construction company employed by the ministry of health |
Bricklayer |
Burger |
Business |
Can not do anything |
Can not do anything because he is a mental petient |
Can not do anything work due to mental illness |
Can't work because of backache |
Can't work due to illness |
Cannot work due to mental health |
Cant work due to illness. |
Charcoal burner |
Charcoal seller |
Christian Evangelist ( Watch Tower Church ) |
Christian Evangelist (Watch Tower Church) |
College student |
Completed Teaching course awaiting deployment |
Disabled |
Does not Do any piece works |
Does not Do any piece works. |
Does not Do any thing |
Does not Do any thing , He blind. |
Does not Participate in any activity as was advised tostay for one year due to operation sores |
Does not do anything because his mentally retarded |
Does not work or do anything because he is mentally ill. |
Doesn't do any piece works |
Doesn't do anything Because he is blind. |
Doesn't do anything since he is Blind. |
Doing Nothing |
Doing Nothing |
Doing nothing |
Doing nothing becouse of the disability she has |
Doing nothing due to disability |
Doing nothing due to injury |
Dont know |
Fish Monger |
Fishmonger |
Full time student |
Gardening |
Gets help from her children in Lusaka (depends on remittances ) |
Has been too ill to work |
Have operation can't work |
Hawker |
He is on Tb treatment and does not do anything. |
He is blind so he does nothing |
He is mentally ill |
He is waiting to go to university |
He just help out with home chores |
He will soon start school at the moment he is just at home |
Helping at the shop |
Helping the family |
Her sickness does not allow her to start school |
His not doing anything due to disabity |
Home maker |
House help ( just been enroled in school.) |
House keeper |
House wife |
House worker |
Illness |
Intending to go into tertiary education |
Just completed School he is thinking of going to College currently at home not working |
Just completed School,last year but not working |
Just completed school not working |
Just helping out with house chores |
Landlord |
Looking for a place in grade one |
Looking for college places |
Looking for place in grade 8 |
Mentally Challenged |
Mentally ill |
Mentally ill can't work |
Mentally retarted |
Mrntal illness |
Never enrolled |
No any economic activity |
None |
Not doing anything |
Not doing anything because he is blind |
Not doing an thing because he cant walk |
Not doing any thing |
Not doing anything |
Not working |
Not working due to Suffering from epilepsy |
Not working due to illness |
Not working due too long illness |
Nothing |
Nothing because of the mental problem |
Nothing he just completed School |
Nothing to do |
Part time student |
Pastor at church |
Pastor in a church |
Physically Challenged hence not engaged in any economic activity,nor works |
Physically disabled hence not engaged in any economic activity |
Poster |
Primary school teacher |
Pupil |
Renting out a room in the house he stays |
Reverend |
Running a business |
Saida cannot manage to work due to healthy problems |
Sales vegetables |
School gower |
She doesn't do anything as she has not been feeling too well |
She has been paralysed for some time. |
She helps with house chores |
She is a sister at a Catholic Church ( Nun ) |
She is a sister at a Catholic Church (Nun) |
She is a window but helped dy the daughter who is a primary school teacher |
She is disabled |
She is not doing anything due to disability |
Stays at home nursing the sick |
Still Yong |
Still in school |
Still waiting to be enrolled |
Student (studing primary diploma in teaching) |
TB patient can not do any type of work |
Tailor |
Telor |
The man is a lame he cant do anything |
The man is sick |
This one is mentaly ill she cannot carry out any economic activity |
Too sick to work |
Too sick unable to work |
Too young to work |
Traditional healer |
Unable To work due to long term illness |
Unable to carry out any job due to paralysed legs (Strock) |
Waiting to be enllod at college |
Waiting to go for tertiary education |
Waiting to go to college |
Waiting to go to school |
Waiting to go to university |
Wants to go to college |
Wants to go to school (College) |
Working while going to school |
about to go back to school |
about to start grade 1 in may |
attending adult literacy class |
attending tutions |
awaiting college acceptance |
awaiting to enter college |
baking and selling fritters |
barman |
been sick continuously |
been sick hence unproductive |
brick layer |
businesswoman |
busness man |
busness woman |
can do any thing because of paralysis |
can not do any work because he is mentally retard |
can't work due to disability |
cannot go to school because they are no facilities for disabled education |
cannot work because of sickness |
care taker |
carpentry |
charcoal burner |
community worker |
completed grade 12 |
currently not engaged in any economic activity due to illness |
currently sick and unable to work |
deaf |
dependent |
disabled |
disabled and unable to walk hence can't go the field |
dissabled |
does not do anything |
does not work due to sickness |
does nothing |
does nothing,had been sick for more than 6 six months now |
doing nothing |
doing nothing and not in school |
doing nothing apart from helping the mother at home |
doing working attachments |
dont work |
driver |
droped out but he will be enrolled next term |
dropped out but wil be enrolled next term |
epileptic so can't work |
farm care taker |
farm care taker |
farmer |
farming |
full time housewife |
full time piupil |
full time puipil |
full time student |
gardening |
gardening and poultry |
hair dresser |
hair preter |
has an illnes |
has been ill |
has house on rent |
he can't work because of illness |
he does piece works as a helper when building houses |
he is doing nothing because of his mental disturbence |
he is doing peace work at a mission school |
he is mentally retarded(doing nothing) |
helping at home with no salary |
helping the family |
helps the husband trading in charcoal burning |
his a teacher |
house builder |
house maid |
house wife |
house wife (dowing nothing) |
housewife |
illness |
in prison |
intend to go back to school |
intends to go to colleage |
is a pastor at streams of life(pentecost church) |
is not involved in any economic activity due to disability. |
just completed grade12 |
just helps work at home |
just home helping the mother with the farm. |
just home. |
just staying home |
lack of opportunity |
landlady |
landlord |
lister is physically disabled and cant manage to work |
live on rental incomes |
looking for a college |
looking for work |
maid |
marketeer |
mental patient |
mentally disturbed |
mentally disturbed so unable to work |
mentally ill |
mentally retarded |
mine bus driver |
money is sent for him by his parents |
musician |
never enllowd |
no job |
none |
none just helps dad with farming |
none mentally ill |
none, metal problem |
not doing any thing at the moment |
not doing anything |
not doing anything due to the operation she has on the stomach |
not in school waiting for sponsorship to get in school |
not involved in any economic activity due to disability |
not involved in any economic activity due to mental problems |
not working |
not working due to sickness |
not working hoping to get into school |
not working nor doing any business but looking for employment and capital to start a business. relying on remittance from the children's father. |
not working waiting to be enrolled in school |
not working, waiting to start school |
not yet in school and to young to engage in looking for work or means to start business |
nothing |
nothing (sickness) |
nothing because of illness |
nothing due to mental health problems |
nothing the daughter feeds the family, but does not stay with her |
old age |
owns a garden |
owns a servants quarter and is renting it out. |
part time student as she is still babysitting her child |
pastor |
pastor not paid |
patialy Sighted |
peaceworker |
petty vending in vegetables at home |
physically disabled |
physically disabled, not able to work or do anything |
receive some remittance from the sun |
relies on remittances from children |
retrenched |
retrentchment |
runing a busness |
saloon hairdresser |
school leaver |
selling of cooking oil |
selling vegetables at home stead |
sells groundnuts whenever have a good harvest |
sells kapenta and beans in the market |
seriously injured |
she can't work because of being pregnant |
she cannot work due to her disability |
she cant do anything,relatives help her |
she comlited grade 12 last year and now she is waiting to go to college but as for now she is not working |
she does not do anythngdue to her illness |
she does nothing because of sickness but the mother said she's suppose to be in school |
she helps her parents on the farm |
she is blind and therefore unable to work normally |
she is disabled |
she is fitting |
she is ill so currently not doing any work |
she is s pastor |
she is waiting to attend tertiary education(June intake) |
shes been sick and cant manage to do any job/business |
sick |
sickness |
sickness (Kunyuka) |
starting tertiary education in september 2015 |
still at School |
still at school |
still young |
stopped working due to an accident |
student |
student parttime |
suffers from epilepicy |
sustained hand injury |
tax driver |
teacher(voulonteer at a minsundu primary school) |
the disability that Willie has can not allow him to work |
the parents are looking for money so that he starts school |
they just stay home |
too ill to work |
too sick to do any work |
too young |
too young to work |
trader |
tradition teacher(bana chimbusa) |
unable to work due to disability |
unable to work due to mentall illness |
unpaid Pastor( spiritual ministry) |
unpaid church care taker |
unpaid church care taker |
volunteer |
volunteers in as a community facilitator's to help mothers and children |
waitin for money to go to school |
waiting to be enrolled into school |
waiting to start school |
waiting for funds to go back to school |
waiting for her parents to raise money so that she continues with school |
waiting for school finnancial surpport |
waiting to be enrolled in school |
waiting to be enrolled into school |
waiting to find a place in grade 8 |
waiting to go back to school |
waiting to go back to school and start gtade right |
waiting to go for tertiary education |
waiting to go tfor tertiary education |
waiting to go to a collage |
waiting to go to collage |
waiting to go to college |
waiting to go to school |
waiting to go to university |
waiting to return to school |
waiting to start school |
waiting to starting to start school |
waitng to start school |
want to do her masters degree |
wants to go back to school |
was never enrolled in school |
will start 9school next term |
working and part time student |
working as sheff at Catholic Parish |
works on commission basis |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.