Value |
Category |
An classified daily Employee |
Classified daily employee |
Cleaner |
Cleaner at the clinic |
Community Health Care worker |
Dentist |
Environmental Health Technician |
Environmental health technician |
Friends to Catherine 's mother |
General worker |
Guard |
Medical doctor |
Neighbour |
None |
Not applicable |
Pharmacist |
Sales lady |
Sales man |
Voluntary personnel |
Volunteer |
cde |
chemisist |
chemist attendant |
classified daily employ |
cleaner |
cleaner of the clinic |
community health worker |
comunity health worker |
doctor |
environmental healthtechmologist |
he doesn't know exactly if he was a nurse or clinic officer because it was a private chemist |
head teacher |
health worker |
male nurse |
medical personel |
missionaries |
neighbours |
no one it was on a labour day and was told to go there on monday on which she could'nt |
pharmacist |
private person |
relative |
self administered |
she doesn't know |
shop keeper |
shop seller |
trainee nurses |
voluntary personnel |
watchman |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.