Value |
Category |
A shop in the Barack |
Army Hospital |
Army camp hospital |
At a shop in the village |
At the shops within the village |
Bough the shops |
Bought at some shops |
Bought From Shops |
Bought Herbies |
Bought from Katemba |
Bought from drug store |
Bought from sido |
Bought from the grocery |
Bought from the shop |
Bought from vender stand |
Bought panado |
Bush |
Camp Hospital |
Camp hospital |
Chitipa Malawi |
Church Prayers |
Community clinic |
Community Health Care |
Community Health Worker |
Community Health worker |
Community health centre |
Community health worker |
Community health worker had no medicine |
Community health worker within. |
Community healthy worker |
Community heathy worker |
Conviaiet store |
Daughter in law |
Did not get medicine but was recommended to go for male circumcision and is still awaiting for the parents to Come before undergoing the surgery |
Drug store |
Drug store at the market |
From Katemba |
From a kiosk |
From grocery |
From his father |
From private shop |
From the grocery |
From the husband |
From the shop |
From the shops |
From trees at home |
Got from their settlement |
Got it From the market |
Got medicine from the bush |
Grocery |
Grocery Retail Shop |
Grocery Shop |
Grocery shop |
Grocery store |
Had medicine in the house |
Home Based Care |
Home remedies |
House of a community worker |
House of health worker |
Household cofers |
Just used salt from the house |
Kabanga Mission Hospital |
Kantemba |
Katemba |
Market |
Mother made lemon solutions gave her to drink |
Near by grocery shop |
Private person |
Retail Shop |
Retail shop |
Self tradition provision |
Shop |
Shop within the area |
Shop's |
Shops |
Shops(themba) |
The head of the household dug some herbs |
The medicine was given door to door by Health personals from government Institutions. |
Tuntemba |
Unspecialised shop |
Was prayed for by a church prophet |
applied some herbs, which he got from nearby bush. |
army clinic |
bolt medicine from a shop |
bought frm a kantemba |
bought frm ka Temba |
bought from a kantemba in the community. |
bought from a shop (kantemba) |
bought from his own business |
bought from kantemba |
bought from the shop |
bought medicine from a local shop |
bought medicine on the streets |
bought medine from small shops |
buptist clinic |
camp clinic run by solders |
chemist |
community Health Worker |
community health institution |
community health worker |
company clinic |
didn't get any medicine |
didn't get medicine |
didnt get the medicine |
dint get medicine |
door to door vendors |
drug sales vendors |
drug store |
dugout roots from the bush |
from friend who sold me |
from shops |
from a kiosk |
from a shop |
from a small local shop |
from grocery shop at market |
from herbs nd bought panado |
from the bush |
from the house |
from the local shops |
from the shop |
from the shops |
from the wife |
from thr father |
gathered from the bush |
gave charcoal powder as a stomach remedy made by febby |
got from forest |
got herbs from the bush |
got them from market |
grocerly |
grocery shop |
grocery store |
he bought from a shop ( kantemba ) |
he treats himslf |
he was given traditional herbs,honey and lemon |
herbs from the fields |
home |
in the bush |
just a shop were multiple things are sold including food |
just from home |
just nursed at on tonga medication |
kantemba |
kantemba on the street(not authorised drug store) |
kantemba(kiosk) |
kateba |
katemba |
kiosk |
local drug store |
local shop |
market |
medicine was available in the household. |
military hospital |
mobile health care |
neighbours kantemba |
neighbours's stall |
neighbouts kantemba |
ntemba |
ntember |
ovwn herbs |
own herbs |
pamunanda |
personally treated her |
private institution in india |
private retail shop |
self administered |
self prescribed African medication from roots of trees |
she has not yet go the money for her medication |
she never went to the hospital and she doesn't taken any medicine |
shop |
shop at the market |
shops |
shops at the market |
steaming |
surgery |
the community health worker |
the mother gave him traditional medicine |
traditional medicine |
traditional medicine got from trees by mother . |
used herbs from the bush |
used traditional medicine from the bush |
vendors |
visitef the pastor |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.