Value |
Category |
4 from cooperative,16 private sector |
7 from private sector and 2 from cooperative |
A relatives animals helped with farming |
Afarmer |
Agric chem |
Another household |
At the market |
At the market within chongwe |
At a certain shop in choma. |
At a shop in chongwe |
At market |
At some shop at the market. |
At the Market |
At the Market down UB |
At the boma |
At the markert |
At the market |
At the market in Moobola. |
At the market in chongwe |
At the market within chongwe |
At the shops |
At the shops within chongwe |
Black market |
Blsck market |
Booked a canter from a local person within the village |
Booked a canter to transport the harvested crops |
Booking from a local transporter |
Borrowed then cows from her sister |
Both private and cooperative |
Bought |
Bought for my self |
Bought for self |
Bought from a certain shop in choma. |
Bought from a shop |
Bought from other households |
Bought from other households within the village |
Bought from the common market |
Bought from the market |
Bought from the market. |
Bought from the shop |
Bought from the shop in choma |
Bought the market |
Brothers |
Carge |
Chinese shops |
Chinyanta Market |
Church |
Church Members |
Churchs |
Common market |
Community members |
Cooperative and private |
Down UB Market |
Down UB market |
Family Members |
Farm labourers |
Farmers unuion |
Fatmers union |
Fellow Farmers |
Fellow farmer |
Fellow farmers |
Football Team |
Friend |
Friends |
Friends and Relatives |
Friends and relatives |
From Friends |
From Limulunga shop |
From Limulunga shops |
From Neighbours |
From Village |
From a certain household in the village |
From a different farmer out side the Ea |
From a local market |
From another farmer. |
From family members |
From fra food reserve agency |
From friends |
From limulunga market |
From local people |
From malawi |
From matelo markert |
From neighbours |
From other farmers |
From other household |
From other households |
From other households within the village |
From other households within the village. |
From other other farmers |
From our comunity |
From own household |
From own piggery |
From th nearb village |
From the boma |
From the community |
From the community within. |
From the limulunga market |
From the local people within the Village. |
From the market |
From the market in choma. |
From the neighbour hood |
From the neighbours |
From the relatives |
From the shop |
From the shops |
From the shops in mongu |
From the village |
From the villages |
From thr village |
From within the community |
Gave a certain man a piece work who built for him a storage facility |
Got them from my friends |
Head of the household had bought bottles of cooking oil to give those that were working on her field |
Hired |
Hired People |
Hired a scotch cart from the neighbor |
Hired a truck |
Hired from other households |
Hired from other households within the village |
Hired from the households within the village. |
Hired from the villages |
Hired from within the village |
Hired from within the village. |
Hired trasportation |
Household |
Households |
In a shop in lusaka |
Individual traders |
Individual dealers |
Individuals |
Individuals at the market |
Individuals within the village |
Individuals wishing to farm |
Just Hired From Another Household |
Just at house hold repair |
Lacal people |
Local People |
Local People |
Local farmer |
Local farmer near the farm |
Local farmers |
Local labourers |
Local market |
Local people |
Local people in the community |
Local person in the village |
Local persons |
Local traders |
Local transporters |
Locals within the village |
Locals within the village |
Lumezi town |
Malawians |
Market |
Markets |
Matelo Market |
Member in the community |
Members from a different Ea |
Members from the Church |
Members within the community |
Members withing the community |
Motor vehicle |
Nearby community |
Neighbour |
Neighbourhood |
Neighbours |
Neighbours and other relatives |
Neighbours who own cattle |
Not applicable |
Other |
Other Farmer |
Other Farmers |
Other Household |
Other Households |
Other farmer |
Other farmers |
Other household |
Other households |
Other relatives |
Otherhouseholds |
Othet farming |
Othet households within the village |
Othre farmers |
Out Grower |
Out grower |
Out grower (Chipata cotton ) |
Out grower scheme |
Outgrower Chipata cotton |
Own |
Own Tools |
Own tools |
Own toòls |
Own Seeds |
Own tools |
Own Prodused |
Own Storage |
Own Tools |
Own animals |
Own bicycle |
Own cattle produced manure |
Own craal |
Own pigs produce |
Own pocket |
Own produce |
Own production |
Own storage |
Own storage Facility |
Own transport |
Own vehicle |
Ownproduction |
People Within The Village |
People from sithin the village |
People from the Community |
People from the community |
People from the village |
People from within the village |
Personal |
Personal bicycle |
Piece workers |
Poultry Farmers |
Priate households |
Priate transport |
Private Household |
Private sector |
Public Transport |
Public transport |
Qs2elf4 |
Relative within the same village |
Relatives |
Rented scotch cart from neigbhor |
Same farmer |
Same farmers |
Scotch cart for the neighbours |
Self built facility |
Self made crop storage facility |
Shop |
Shop in town |
Shop within chongwe town |
Shops |
Shops in town |
Sreet Venders |
The Market |
The household used their own. |
The local people around the farm |
The local community |
The neighbours |
The people around the area |
The shops |
They got it from kraal |
Town |
Traders within chongwe town |
Used own hand tools |
Used own manure |
Used own transport |
Used relatives transport |
Used the local people within the Village. |
Uses Manure from own livestock |
Village |
Villagers |
We collected from our own kraal |
Whitin village |
Within chongwe at the shops |
Within chongwe at the shops |
Within the communities |
Within the community |
Within village |
ZAWA vehicles |
Zamseed |
a ban was made by the household |
a neighbouring farmer |
afarmer |
agro shop |
agro shops |
alliance cotton ginneries |
amongst the community |
animals belonging to a fellow farmer. |
at the market |
ban |
black market |
boats |
booked a van |
both D compound and urea |
both cooperative and private. |
both private and cooperatives |
both private and from cooperatives |
bought |
bought for self |
bought for self |
bought myself |
bought at filling station |
bought at the filling station |
bought at the marker |
bought at the market |
bought by a relative |
bought for self |
bought for themselves |
bought from filling station |
bought from friends |
bought from individuals |
bought from market |
bought from mkt |
bought from mpika town |
bought from open mkt |
bought from other farmers |
bought from private sector as well as made own. |
bought from shop |
bought from the market |
bought from the market |
bought gor themselves |
bought myself |
bought sacks from individuals |
boys from the community |
boys from the neighbourhood |
bribery at FRA to get the bags attended to |
brother offered the animals |
brother to husband offered the transport |
canter |
cargill |
catholic mission |
cheap labourers |
children |
church |
church choir |
church mates |
clack cotton |
club |
clubs |
community |
community market |
community people |
company |
cooperative |
cooperative and NGOs |
cooperative and private dealers |
crack cotton |
decomposed leaves |
didnt use it |
draught animal locally |
drivers from the mungwi boma |
extended family members |
family animals |
family cattle |
family equipment |
family member |
family oxcart |
farm labourer |
farmer's cooperative |
farmers(from nearby villages.) |
farmily owns the equipment |
fellow villagers |
fellow farmer( |
fellow farmers |
fellow farmers (lorry). |
fellow villagers |
fellow villages |
filling station |
foodmarket |
fra |
friend |
friend withing the village |
friends |
friends gave Dorika |
frm the neighbour |
fro other households |
from market |
from a friend |
from a neighbour who had cows. |
from a relative |
from community |
from cow craal |
from family crow |
from family member |
from farmers who came from kaoma district |
from fellow villagers |
from friend |
from friends |
from frinds |
from his employer who sells for them |
from his own crew |
from individual |
from local people |
from local people in our area |
from local people who make hoes |
from local people within our community |
from local people within our locality |
from local people within our locallity |
from local people within our locslity |
from local people' s oxen within our community |
from local peoplr within our community |
from local shops |
from lukulu boma |
from market |
from marketeer at mongu central market |
from marketeer at the market |
from marketeers at kashitu market |
from marketeers at the market |
from mongu habour market |
from mongu market |
from mukungule village |
from neibourhood |
from neighbour |
from neighbourig villages within our community |
from neighbouring farm |
from neighbours |
from open market |
from other famer |
from other farmers |
from other farmers or the same community |
from other farmers within the community |
from other house hold within the village |
from other households |
from other people |
from other relatives |
from our 2012/2013 Harvest |
from our chicken dropings |
from our neighbourhood shop |
from outgrower |
from own cattle |
from own farm |
from own stable |
from people in the same village |
from people with cattle( oxen ) within our locality |
from people within |
from people within local |
from people within our communitry |
from people within our community |
from people within the village |
from relative |
from relatives |
from the relative |
from the boma |
from the community |
from the community members |
from the community within in the same locality |
from the house hold |
from the local people |
from the local repairs |
from the local shops |
from the market |
from the market in mongu town |
from the market sold by traders |
from the marketeer at kalabo market |
from the naighbour |
from the neighbours |
from the own animals |
from the private transport local |
from the relative |
from the same area |
from the same community |
from the shop |
from the shops |
from the shops at the boma |
from the shops at the market |
from the shops different locality |
from the sorrounding community |
from their employer |
from their own animal pens or kraal |
given by a relative |
given by friends |
given by people |
given by white man |
got from the family cattle dung |
got from their own animal pens |
haired trasport |
hand made by th household |
he got manure from his brother |
he paid them himself |
he used his own canoe |
he uses his own cattle |
her own |
himself |
hired trasportation |
hired a tractor |
hired from neighbours |
hired from samone on credit |
hired labour was purchased from individuals |
home poutry/ pigery |
home manure |
house hold owned manure |
household |
household bought |
household bought |
household with draughts animals |
household with draughts animals within the locality. |
human labour |
idividuals |
in the community |
in the farms |
individual |
individual dealers |
individual from local comunity |
individual person |
individual transporters |
individuals |
individuals selling |
individuals for piecework |
iocal people within our community |
just bought |
just from people |
just given by father |
just individuals |
laborers within the community. |
le |
loca people |
local market |
local animals from other farmers in the community |
local area villagers (piece workers) |
local based |
local blacksmiths |
local boys in the village are the who where being hired |
local community |
local community near the farm area |
local farmer |
local hired snimals |
local labor |
local labour |
local labourers |
local markert |
local oxcat transporterd |
local people |
local people from the community |
local people from the same locality |
local people in the village |
local people within |
local people within our community |
local person in chongwe |
local prople and the private firm. |
local shop |
local traders |
local transnsporters |
local transport |
local villagers |
malawi |
market |
market Place |
market market |
market place |
marketeers at lukulu market |
members of the community |
ministry of Agricultural and private sector |
money was spent on repairing storage facility |
mongu central market |
near by village |
nearby farm . |
nearby farmer |
nearby villagers(farmers) |
neighbors |
neighbour |
neighbour's animals |
neighbourhood |
neighbouring farmers |
neighbours |
neighbours from the community |
open market |
other Famers |
other Farmers |
other farmer |
other farmers |
other farmers with mechanical equipment |
other farmet |
other household |
other households |
other households with livestock |
other households. |
other housrholds |
out grower |
out grower ( cagill ) |
out grower ( cargill) |
outgrower |
outgrower, Cargill |
own |
own manure |
own animal |
own bags |
own bicycle |
own bought |
own cattle |
own cow dung |
own hand tools |
own household made storage |
own kraal |
own labour |
own lacal tools |
own livestock |
own local hand tools |
own local seed |
own local tools |
own local totals |
own made |
own made(ubutala) |
own manuer |
own manure |
own manures |
own money |
own produce |
own produce manure |
own produced |
own produced ...set a kraa |
own produced from cattle |
own produced local seed |
own produced manure |
own tool |
own tools |
own transport |
own truck |
owned |
owner occupied |
owners |
owners expense |
owners use |
owns their own facility |
paid by self |
paid for my self |
paid for self |
paid for self |
paid self |
paid for bags to jump line, sewing of bags, transport to lusaka to get paid after delivery. |
peace workers in the same community |
peice workers |
people and was paid inkind (exchange with maize which costs 100 kwacha) |
people around the village |
people bring the bags from mpika and nakonde |
people from around the area |
people from community within our locality |
people from local sorrounding |
people from our area |
people from our community |
people from the community |
people from the village |
people from villages |
people in the community |
people within |
people within the village |
people within thr community |
people's personal transport |
personal |
personal Animals |
personal equipments |
personal inorganic fertilizer |
personal seed |
personal vehicle |
persons within the community |
piece work |
piece worker |
piece workers |
piece workers from other households |
piecework individuals |
pieceworkers |
poeple from other village |
prisoners |
private dealers |
private household |
private households |
private individual transpoter |
private individuals |
private piece workers |
private sector |
private source |
private trader |
private transporter |
public market |
public transport |
public transport (bus) |
purchased from relative |
purchased from private and cooperative |
relative who raising chickens |
relatives |
residents |
retail drader |
retail trader |
retailer |
same community |
same comunity |
scout court |
self |
self built facility |
self produced |
self provision |
sent someone to buy for me |
shop in town |
shops |
shops agro |
shops in town |
someone brought who had nkogole 2bags |
sourced from common markets |
soweto market |
storage shed |
stored from friend |
surrounding local people |
the manure was got from the family cattle dung |
their own animals |
they bought |
they bought for themselves |
they did it on their own |
they got the fertiliser from both Fertiliser input support programme and cooperatives |
they have their own |
they made on their own |
they use ash |
they used their own tools |
use own mature. |
use their own manure |
used for the relatives |
used his own cattle converted in cash is 50 |
used his own old bags |
used own |
used own animals |
used own animsls |
used own home made tools |
used own local tools |
used own transport |
used own truck |
used oxen |
used relatives animals |
used the family animals |
used their own |
used their own animal's manure |
used there own manures |
using the ir own animal's manure |
vendors |
village |
village people |
villagers |
villages |
who live in the same community |
with in the communities |
within my farm area |
within the community |
within village |
within same community |
within the area of the community |
within the community |
within the community or area |
within the community, from neighbour. |
within the same community |
women club |
workers |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.