Value |
Category |
Access to things needed on a daily basis is a challenge |
Accommodation is expensive |
Age Too old |
Aged spaus |
All children died remaining with one |
Animal distructions. Animals destroying crops in the fields |
Animals eat our crops |
As widow she struggles to raise the children |
Bad policies of the government |
Because am a widower. |
Because he did mot complete his Education |
Because her husband can't afford to take care of her and the family |
Because of the divorce |
Being a single mother |
Being uneducated |
Business levy too high |
Can not afford everything |
Can not afford to do any energeable job |
Can not afford to pay or buy clothes, bedings, food and school fees for the gran |
Can't cultivate due to old age |
Cant afford every thing alone |
Cant afford every thing alone since i have no husband |
Cant meet the demands |
Cant meet the demands for a normal living |
Children lacking discipline steal maize from her |
College s too expensive |
Corruption |
Cost of living,Things are Hard. |
Dam |
Death of both parents |
Death of husbund |
Death of some family members and I have taken the responsibility of the orphans |
Death of the husband |
Delayed payments from FRA after selling maize |
Divorce |
Do not enough income |
Does not have a wife |
Dont have house hold assets |
Due to age am now getting old and less power to do hard work like faming |
Due to divorce |
Due to illness |
Due to old age as a result she's failing to live a better life |
Due to old age, the old lady cannot do any job and she depends on well wishers a |
Due to sickness of the head of house |
Education levels too low |
Education very poor |
Electricity |
Elephants destroy our crops |
Elephants destroying our crops |
Everything is beign paid 4 at high prices |
Family been unfair in sharing family resources |
Family too big |
Finding Difficult to pay school fees |
Frequent sickness |
Getting old. |
Given late their money as farmers from( FRA) |
God allowed it to be so |
God's design |
God's design for his life |
Got married |
Government policy on small scale famers doesn't help them. |
Hard conditions by banks when you want to get a loan |
Has just made the union of msrriage |
Have a lot of orphans being taken care of. |
Have grown old and have lost the energy to do hard works. |
He didn't go to school |
Higher prices of foods schools etc |
Higher rentals |
Higher school fees |
Household assets |
Husband is a polygamist hence he pays little attention to the family's growth an |
Husband not working |
Husband spend more money on girlfriends |
I cant meet the demands |
I do spend much on School going children |
I don't know.God is the provider |
If i had resources to start poultry business |
Illness |
Illnesses |
Job not permanent |
Just want to be in the same condition |
Keeping orphans |
Kwacha depreciating at high rates |
Lack of water has led to us being poor |
Lack of Education |
Lack of Education and financial support |
Lack of Fishing Materials |
Lack of Parents |
Lack of accommodation |
Lack of accomodation |
Lack of any help from anywhere |
Lack of education |
Lack of enough money to sustain a better living |
Lack of enough money to sustaine our living |
Lack of financial resources to over come problem comes |
Lack of help from anywhere |
Lack of household assets |
Lack of household assets and basic needs |
Lack of money, food and other basic needs |
Lack of own accomodation |
Lack of support from the government |
Lack of transport |
Lacking alot of enssencial commodities |
Lacking proper job,decent jobs |
Late payment by government to farmers who supply maize |
Late planting |
Lavk of household assets |
Less economic activity in locality area |
Less man power due to old age |
Less money to sustain suitable living |
Less money to the demands |
Life is hard these days everything is expensive |
Limited sources of funds |
Loss of Son who we invsted in so much |
Loss of property to the husband |
Lost property in an inferno |
Low wages |
Luck of Education |
Migrated from Kawambwa |
Money not enough to pay school fees |
Most of the money made goes to the school going children |
My Brother Not Educated |
Nature |
Need to upgrade myself as a constructor inorder for me to make more money in my |
Needs a job apart ftom what he does |
No house |
No Bohore for water |
No enough income |
No enough man power to assist as the Husband is sick |
No enough money to meet the demands |
No health facilities and banks |
No help from anywhere |
No husband |
No husband to help out |
No husband to look up to |
No husband to support the family |
No inheritance |
No other means of finding money |
No own house |
No support from relatives |
No tractor |
No transport to transport farm produce to the boma for sale |
Not acquired enough education to enhance the living condition |
Not enough man power |
Not to health due to age of the head of the house hold |
Old age |
Old age (can't work very hard) |
Old age is another contributing factor |
Old age is another factor.because productivity has reduced |
Old age. |
On enough money to meet the demands |
Parents died when still young and lack of education |
People to buy crafts are not there to buy |
Place is too far from the main roads and therefore find it hard to sell products |
Poor government policy |
Poor health |
Poor soils |
Regulations on Charcoal burning |
Rentals are too high. |
Resigned from work and the benefits not paid |
Responsibility of being the bread winner |
School fees are too high |
She can not afford every thing alone |
She is a Widower cannot afford enough food and keeping father less Childrens at |
Stopped receiving pension due to misunderstandings at the head office |
Tax rates are too high |
The family is too big |
The family is very big |
The head of the house is mentally disturbed. |
The house got burnt and we lost alotof things |
The household head where he was working for the first time he went for some mon |
The resources received from the farming is used for the school going children |
Too many responsibilities |
Too much expenses for the family |
Too old |
Too old and illnesses. |
Too old and no longer active as in the past |
Too old to Work |
Too old to be working |
Too old to do anything |
Too old to find work to do |
Too old to work |
Too old to work and he has no children who are in employment |
Tranport is exepensive |
Transport from home to work is expensive |
Transport to where things are cheap to expensive |
Very poor due to marriage dispute |
We can not afford every thing |
We dont meet the demands |
We fail to meet the basic needs of the H/H |
Wild animal destruction of crops |
Working conditions should improve |
aging |
all my childrrn have died |
and some time back elephants would attack butala were the harvest is store |
bad government policies e.g structural adjustment program and the privatization |
bankrupcy |
because I cultivate alone |
because I live in the village |
because of age |
because of people not being proactive |
because parents divorced |
because the head of the house has been sick |
because they havent yet harvested what they cultivated in 2014 2015 farming seas |
big family |
can not work due to old age |
can't affod all the needs at home and school fees for chidren. |
can't afford all the needs. |
can't afford all needs in a month |
can't afford all needs in a month. |
can't afford all the needs |
can't afford all the needs and the money for is pension hasn't been issued to hi |
can't afford all the needs at home |
can't afford all the needs in a month |
can't afford all the needs. |
can't afford the needs even to sponser childred at school especially at college. |
can't afford to buy required foods for my condition |
can't afford to provide themselves with food |
can't wait as required due to being too old |
cannot afford to take the kids at sku |
cannot the necessary basic needs |
cant Arford to educate school going children |
cant farm due to game animals |
cigarettes and alcohol abuse |
clothing |
continous illness of the head of House hold (General body Pains) |
cost of living too high |
death of bread winner |
death of my late husband |
death our both parents |
delay in paying terminal benifits |
delayements of salaries |
delays by FRA to make payments to farmers |
dependant's |
did not complete school |
didn't get educated therefore it has made him fail to support himself and his fa |
didnt complete shool |
difficulties in educating children |
distruction of crops by animals |
divorce |
divorce with the husband and collapse of the house |
divorce. |
do not have enough money to buy food |
does not have anyone to help her out at home |
does not have anyone to help him |
does not have enough strength to work very hard |
does not have money frequently |
don't get satisfied with their needs in the house |
don't have a house |
don't have all needs |
don't manage food for need |
dont have own accomodation |
due to bigfamily |
due to hand injury sustained 5 years ago hence unable work effectively |
due to sicknesses |
during rain season chances of finding where work opportunities are slim or not t |
expensive schools |
failing to educate children |
failing to have adquate needs in a month |
failing to look after the children and takings them to school |
failing to provide for children's. school fees. food clothing |
family cases passed on to my household |
family size |
food not enough and money too little |
growing old |
had 65 cattle all died , 2 hammer all noloonger operating , a boat together with |
has been sick for the past feel years so the head of household is struggling to |
has not receiv3d graduity after the contract ended |
has not yet been paid pension benefits |
have a a lot of orphans in the house to look after. |
have one supporter |
health problems |
higher rental charges |
house |
house is too small |
household members too many |
husband not sportive |
ilitracy |
illness |
illness in the faamily |
illness of the head of household |
illness-stroke |
illnesses |
illnesses has caused poverty |
inability to work |
its not yet time |
just started a housahold |
labour to expensive |
lack of transport to take own produces to the markets |
lack of a education |
lack of a husband |
lack of adquate finances to carter home need |
lack of aid to old conflicts |
lack of club empowerment |
lack of education |
lack of education both accademically and business wise |
lack of education when I was young |
lack of education. |
lack of financial resources |
lack of financial support |
lack of food |
lack of good shelter |
lack of government support and agriculture inputs |
lack of higher education standard |
lack of income for buying goods |
lack of knowledge on how to do business |
lack of knowledge or education |
lack of land to do farming |
lack of manpower |
lack of market to buy food we travell long distances to get food. |
lack of market to sell other crops other than maize |
lack of money |
lack of own accommodation |
lack of school |
lack of security to safeguard business |
lack of skills clubs for women |
land wrangles. we cant cultivate because we are scared they might chase us any t |
late payment for maize from FRA |
late payment for maize sold to FRA |
leg problem( health) |
less fishing nets |
low agriculture production due to wild animals |
low circulation of money |
low teaching services. poor teaching. in schools |
luck of colleges |
main job does not give room to perform second job |
market and clinics are every far |
markets for buying things for eating |
marriage conflicts |
misunderstandings within the family/fightings |
money to buy food to eat |
money to educate children |
more dependants at household |
most of the money we get goes to school |
need a car |
need electricity to store food in fridges and also to cook on the stove. |
negligence from leaders responsible |
never went to school because the father never wanted her to go to school and the |
no access to youth economic fund due to some people who block other from accessi |
no children to support her |
no helping hands:own sons or daughters |
no husband |
no inheritance from parents |
no jobs |
no member of parliament to rep |
no money |
no money to agrivulture facilities |
no money to buy a hiuse ir take children to the university |
no one educated in the family |
no one to help around |
no own accomodation |
no permanent place to stay |
no plot of their own |
no where to stay |
not able to do work due healthy problem |
not able to satisfy there needs |
not applicable |
not being educated |
not doing well occording to there level |
not educated |
not feeling well hiv |
not having a tent |
not having education |
not having enough money |
not having finished school |
not poor |
not receiving pension payment |
old age |
old age |
old age and heavy burden of orphans |
old age.unable to do much work |
olf can't work harder |
parents negligence |
paying off of school fees |
pension not been given |
place far from the town centre |
political harassment on public workers |
poor accomodation |
poor agricultural marketing in Zambia. |
poor because parents were poor. no one to help another |
poor contions of service offered by mines |
poor government policies |
poor harvest |
poor marketing system and poor road networks |
poor road network |
poor water for drinking |
pupils and students |
rainfall partern not good |
rentals too costly |
rented accomodation |
retired three years ago but hasnt yet received pension, most savings spent in pu |
salary two low and it is always delayed never paid on time |
says was born poor and married a poor man |
school fees are too expesive |
school fees are too high |
school fees to high and one person working |
school fees too high |
schools fees too high |
separation of parents |
she is a single parent, the husband is mad |
she is widow |
she z too old to work |
sickness |
sickness ( lack of strength in the joints and severe leg pains) |
sickness and death of parent |
sickness of household head |
sickness/Illnesses |
sicknesses |
sicknesses and did not go to school |
slow inflow of money. |
spouse divorced |
spouse not around |
started savings late |
stopped school |
suffering from stroke |
taxes are too high |
the babies |
the bill for terciary too high |
the family is big |
the head of the household didn't receive his forced early retirement money. |
the house is too small for the family |
the house was on fire |
the living condition for this household is moderately poor |
theft |
there are managing on other living standards |
to old to work |
too much responsibility |
too old and usually sick to work |
too old to be able to provide food for the family |
too old to be economic active |
too old to farm |
too old to work |
too old to work and sick |
too relaxed not to put in much effort to improve on the lively hood |
too weak to work |
tough compiting for cars to was |
transport cost is too high |
transport is expensive |
transport services too expensive |
wage freeze |
was born poor and didnt inherit anything from patents. |
water bills to high |
water were cattle drink from its very far |
we have almost everything but think we luck coperation within family to |
widow |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.