Value |
Category |
Bush |
Bush Area |
Bush They Use The Bush |
Communal Flush toilet |
Communal Flush toilet outside the house |
Communal flush toilet outside |
Communal pit latrine with slab |
Communal toilet flush outside |
Digging Method |
Flushing Toilet used by many outside the house |
Goes in the bush |
Going in the bush |
He goes in the bush |
He uses plian |
Household uses the bush |
In the bush |
In the bush |
In water |
Lake |
Landlord,s toilet |
Made of Grass |
Mud Building |
Nearby bush |
Nearest bush |
Neighbour's pit latrine without slab |
Neighbours pit latrine without a slab |
Neighbours pit latrine without slab |
Neighbours pitlatrine |
No toilet .The household uses the bush |
Plain |
Shared pit latrine with another household |
Surrounding plain |
The use the bush. |
Their use plain |
They don't have a toilet |
They go in the bush |
They use a bush |
They use the bush |
They use the bush nearby |
Uses the bush |
V I P toilets |
another household's pit latrine without slab |
bush |
bush area |
bushes |
cat method (near the bush) |
cat method (they use the near by bush) |
communal flush |
communal flush toilet |
communal pit latrine made with poles and grass |
communal pit latrine with slab |
communal toilet flash |
communial flash toilet |
communial flush toilet |
flush toilet on other building within the some premises |
free land |
go in the bush |
goes in the bush |
going to the bush |
household uses the bush. |
in bush |
in the bush |
in water |
just digging in the ground |
lakes and plans |
landlords own flush toilet inside |
landlords own flush toilet inside the household |
likes and plans |
made of grass |
near by bush |
nearby plains |
nearest Bush |
neighbour's flush toilet inside the house |
neighbourd pitlatrin without sla b |
neighbours pit latrines without slab |
neighbours toilet without slab |
neighbours/another households pit latrine without slab |
no toilet |
open bush |
outside the house but not flushed |
own toilet outside with broken sistain |
pit latrine built with grass and poles |
pit latrine made from grass and poles |
plain |
plains |
pour in toilet |
sanga |
surrounding plain |
the neighbour shifted from the house so thats the toilet that this household is |
their just use the plain |
their use plain |
there's no toilet |
they use a nearby bush |
they use bush |
they use cat method(they go to the nearest bush) |
they use the bush |
toilet was colapsed |
use bush |
use the bush |
use the bush as toilet because they have not yet dag there own |
uses bush still building a new pit latrine without slab |
uses the bush |
using the near bush |
v i p toilets |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.