Value |
Category |
Communal tap |
Ditch |
Farm owner,s farm |
From the neighbours |
From the source of the river |
Get water from the neighbours |
Gets water from cousin |
Gets water from the neighbours |
Hand pump |
Lake |
Lake chifunabuli |
Landlord's tap |
Neighbor, s tap |
Neighbor,stap |
Neighbours tap |
Public Borehole |
Shared Tap |
Shared tap with another household |
Tap from the main house |
Water Tank |
a protected well ( from the nearby building) |
care |
commmunity mono pump |
communal hand pump |
communal tap |
direct from the company to their houses |
ditch |
from forrest company |
from the neighbour's tap |
from the neighbourhood |
from the same tap |
from the stream |
from twikatane school |
from under ground |
hand pump |
near by well |
neighbouors tap |
neighbours tap |
neighbours well |
own tap from the neighbour |
own water supply by pump |
private household borrhore |
public borehole |
public hand pump |
pumped by the company to the houses |
pumped direct from nanga farm |
pumped from nanga farm |
river |
tap from the neighbour |
tap withing the yerd |
water hand pump |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.