Value |
Category |
.5kg |
0.5 kg |
1 Dish |
1 Live chicken |
1 big piece |
1 bird |
1 chicken |
1 chiken |
1 frozen chiken |
1 full chicken |
1 goat alive |
1 head |
1 kg |
1 live chicken |
1 packet |
1 packet chicken portions |
1 packet of kapenta |
1 plastic |
1 pre pack plastic |
1 small plastic |
1 tray of sausage |
1 whole fish |
1 whole goat |
10 kg |
10kg |
12kg |
15 per chicken |
1by1 buka fish |
1kg |
1kg beef |
2 bundles of dry meat |
2 chickens |
2 kg |
2 kg of fresh fish |
2 packets of kapenta |
2 plastics popa ubwali |
2 pre pack plastics |
2 sets half chicken |
2.5 tin |
250ml |
2kg |
2kgs each plastic |
2x Free Packs |
3 broilers |
3 heads |
3 kg |
3 measured in plastics |
3 trays |
3kg |
3x free packs |
4 parts |
4kg |
5 packets |
5 prepack plastics |
5kg |
6 chickens |
6 prepack plastics |
Birds |
Bowl |
Box |
Box of Tapya fish |
Box of imported fish |
Bp |
Broiler Chicken |
Broiler chicken |
Bunch |
Cartoon box |
Chickens |
Dish |
Dishes |
Dressed Chickens |
Dush |
Goat |
Half Chicken |
Half chicken |
Half meda |
KG |
Leg |
Live goat which was slaughted for meat |
One Dish |
One leg of pork |
One live sheep |
Pacckets |
Pack |
Packet |
Packets |
Packets of 500g |
Packs of 20grams each. |
Pact in paper |
Piece |
Pieces |
Pkt |
Plastic |
Plastic packet |
Plastics |
Portions of chicken |
Quarter Chicken |
Side of a leg |
Small Dish |
Small Dishes |
Small dish |
Small heaps |
Small pieces |
Small plastic |
Small plastic dish. |
Thanks load |
The whole goat |
The whole meat |
Three small plastics of kapenta bought for K2 each |
Tray |
Trays |
Whole chicken |
bafer |
bird |
birds |
bowl |
box |
box or case |
boxes |
broiler chickens |
broilers |
bunch |
case |
case in zambeef |
chicken |
chicken pieces |
chicken portions |
chickens |
choped pieces |
didh |
different packs of sausages and offauls |
dish |
dish small |
dishes |
dressed birds |
dressed chicken |
dressed chickens |
eaach |
each |
fish |
goat head |
government plate |
government plates |
half |
half a gallon |
half bird |
half chicken |
half chicken(3 pieces) |
half chickens |
half chickens. |
half meda |
half meda or (ka boll) |
head of cow |
hole chicken |
in a plastic |
in a sealed plastic bag |
in small plastics |
k 30 per chicken |
k15 chicken |
k15 per chicken |
k25 kwacha per, chicken |
k25 per chicken |
k35 per chicken |
kg |
kgs |
kwanja |
kwendo |
kwendo. |
leg |
leg of a goat |
leg of goat |
legs |
live chicken |
live gaot |
locally packaged plastics |
measured in plastics |
measured on scale |
measured on scale for 40 kwacha |
measurements not clear but were put on scale for 20 kwacha |
number |
ofalls |
one case of Buka Buka fish in zambeef. |
one box |
one full chicken |
one goat |
one kg |
one live chicken |
one piece leg |
one whole goat |
own pig slaughtered |
paciked in plastics |
pack |
pack in a plastic |
pack of chicken pieces |
package of 20 row sausages |
packaged in plastics |
packed in a 6 by 10 plastic full. |
packed in a 6 by 10 plastic not full |
packed in a plastic |
packed in plastic |
packed in plastics |
packed in plastics each costing 7 kwacha |
packed in small fish boxes |
packet |
packet chicken portions |
packet of chicken pieces |
packet of chicken portions |
packet s |
packets |
packets of 1 kg each |
packets of kapenta |
packs |
parks |
per head |
per plastic |
piece |
pieced |
pieces |
pieces which are sold for k5 each |
placked in a plastic |
pladtic |
plastic |
plastic bag |
plastic packed |
plastic packet |
plastic packets |
plastic packs |
plastic weighed on scale |
plastics |
plate |
polony |
pre pack plastics |
prepackaged |
prepacked |
puck |
pucks |
sausage trays |
sausages |
sealed plastic bags |
small plastic |
small dish |
small pieces |
small plastic |
small plastics |
small plate |
small plates |
smaller sold tutemba |
smaller unites from tutemba |
the whole goat |
they bought for 1kg |
three BP |
tinned fish |
tray |
trays |
trays of sausage |
treys from shoprite |
two 25grams packs |
whole chicken |
zaire |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.