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Family Life Survey 2005, Second Wave
2005 - 2006
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Iberoamerican University (UIA), Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE)
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Jun 26, 2017
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Jun 26, 2017
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Aísa G, Martina.
Conditional Cash Transfers and Intimate Partner Violence among Mexican Couples: the Impact of Oportunidades on Psychological Abuse Prevalence
Master Thesis, Lund University, 2014.
Ambrosini, William J, and Giovanni Peri.
The Determinants and the Selection of Mexico–US Migrants
The World Economy 35, no. 2 (2012): 111-151.
Ambrosius, Christian.
Are Remittances a 'Catalyst' for Financial Access? Evidence from Mexico
Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference.
Berlin, Germany, April, 2011.
Ambrosius, Christian.
Are remittances a substitute for credit? Carrying the financial burden of health shocks in national and transnational households
School of Business & Economics, Discussion Paper: Economics , no. 2012/9 (2013).
Ambrosius, Christian.
Migrants 'Remittances and the Transformation of Local Spaces: The Case of Financial Markets in Mexico
Beroamericana 12, no. 48 (2012): 113-127.
Ambrosius, Christian, and Alfredo Cuecuecha.
Do remittances increase borrowing?
School of Business & Economics , no. 19 (2014).
Ambrosius, Christian, and Alfredo Cuecuecha.
Remittances and the use of formal and informal financial services
(2016) World Development.
Amezcua, Alejandro V, and Alayn A González Martínez.
El efecto del alfabetismo financiero en el ahorro para el retiro en México
Andalon, Mabel, Partha Deb, Leigh A Leung, and Papa A Seck.
The Health of Migrant Households: Evidence from Mexico Preliminary Results
Anders, Therese, Steve Raphael, and Sandra V Rozo.
Kicked-out to the Gangs? Crime Spillovers of Deportation
Antman M, Francisca.
Female Labor Supply and Intra-Household Bargaining Power
Antman M, Francisca.
International Migration and Gender Discrimination among Children Left Behind
The American economic review 101, no. 3 (2012): 645-649.
Antman M, Francisca.
Union Transitions and Changes in BMI among Adults in Mexico
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 53, no. 2 (2013): 263-275.
Arceo-Gomez, Eva O, and Raymundo M Campos-Vazquez.
Teenage pregnancy in Mexico: Evolution and consequences
Latin american journal of economics 51, no. 1 (2014): 109-146.
Arenas, Erika.
Health selectivity of internal migrants in Mexico: Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey
(2008) California Center for Population Research.
Arenas, Erika, Noreen Goldman, Anne R Pebley, and Graciela Teruel.
Return migration to Mexico: Does health matter?
Demography 52, no. 6 (2015): 1853-1868.
Baird, Sarah, Joan Hamory, and Edward Miguel.
Tracking, Attrition and Data Quality in the Kenyan Life Panel Survey Round 1 (KLPS-1)
(2008) Center for International and Development Economics Research.
Bargain, Olivier, and Jinan Zeidan.
The direct effect of obesity on emotional well-being: Evidence from Mexico
Aix Marseille universite , no. 32 (2014).
Barry M, Andrea.
Three Essays on the Effects of Mexico’s Trade Liberalisation Policies, 1962-2011
Doctor of Philosophy, University of York, 2016.
Beaton, Kimberly, Serhan Cevik, and Reza Yousefi.
Smooth Operator: Remittances and Fiscal Shocks
IMF WP , no. WP/17/165 (2017).
Behrman, Jere R, Lia Fernald, Paul Gertler, Lynnette M Neufeld, and Susan Parker.
Ten Years of Intervention. External Evaluation of Oportunidades 2008 in Rural Areas (1997-2007)
(2008) Long-term effects of Oportunidades on rural infant and toddler development, education and nutrition after almost a decade of exposure to the program.
Bertran G, María Farfán.
Essays on Development Economics: Families, Child Human Capital, and Migration
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Duke University, 2014.
Bhalotra, Sonia, and Atheendar Venkataramani.
Cognitive Development, Achievement, and Parental Investments: Evidence from a Clean Water Reform in Mexico
(2012) Economics Discussion Papers.
Biavaschi, C.
Recovering the counterfactual wage distribution with selective return migration
Labour Economics 38, no. 1 (2017): 59-80.
Bo, Ernesto D, Frederico Finan, and MartÌn A Rossi.
Online Appendix for Strengthening State Capabilities: The Role of Financial Incentives in the Call to Public Service
Braakmann, Nils.
How do individuals deal with victimization and victimization risk? Longitudinal evidence from Mexico
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84, no. 1 (2012): 335-344.
Braakmann, Nils.
New evidence on the non-monetary cost of crime based on within-community variation in victimization risks
Newcastle Discussion Papers in Economics , no. 2011/03 (2011).
Braakmann, Nils.
The health cost of crime – Longitudinal evidence from Mexico
Brown, Ryan.
The Impact of a Mother's Wellbeing During Pregnancy on the Human Capital Endowment and Long Term Economic Outcomes of the In Utero Child
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Duke University, 2014.
B¨utikofer, Aline.
Sibling Sex Composition and Cost of Children
Cabrera-Hernandez, Francisco.
The Accident of Birth: Effect of Birthweight on Educational Attainment and Parent's Compensations Among Siblings
CIDE , no. 299 (2016).
Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Sandra Sosa-Rubi, Luis Rubalcava-Penafiel, Panagiota Panopoulou, Guadalupe Rodriguez-Oliveros, and Edson Servan-Mori.
Understanding the heterogeneous nature of the demand for soft drinks in Mexico: why social determinants also matter.
(2015) Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
Campero, Alejandra, and Karen Kaiser.
Access to credit: Awareness and use of formal and informal credit institutions
Banco de México , no. 2013-07 (2013).
Campos-Vazquez, Raymundo M, and Jaime Lara.
Self-selection patterns among return migrants: Mexico 1990-2010
IZA Journal of Migration 1, no. 1 (2012): 8.
Cano-Urbina, Javier, and Patrick L Mason.
Acculturation and the labor market in Mexico
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 5, no. 21 (2016).
Castaneda-Navarrete, Jennifer.
Poverty Dynamics in Mexico, 2002-2005. An Ethnicity Approach
Brazilian Review of Econometrics 33, no. 1 (2013): 69-89.
Céspedes, Nikita.
General Equilibrium Analysis of Conditional Cash Transfers
Banco Central de Reserva del Perú , no. 2014-015 (2014).
Chakraborty, Tanika, and Prabal K De.
Mother's autonomy and child welfare: A new measure and some new evidence
IZA DP , no. 5438 (2011).
Chort, Isabelle.
Mexican Migrants to the US: What Do Unrealized Migration Intentions Tell Us About Gender Inequalities?
(2014) World development.
Chort, Isabelle.
New insights into the selection process of Mexican migrants. What can we learn from discrepancies between intentions to migrate and actual moves to the US?
PSE , no. 2012 – 18 (2012).
Clarke, Damian, and Hanna Mühlrad.
The Impact of Abortion Legalization on Fertility and Maternal Mortality: New Evidence from Mexico
CINCH , no. 2016/02 (2016).
Contreras, Dante, and Elvia Tapia.
Trayectoria Negativa de la Clase Media: Mexico 2002-2012
(2016) Revista Estudios de Politicas P´ublicas.
Cordova, Karina.
Collective Remittances in Mexico: Their Effect on the Labor Market for Males
Second Conference on International Migration and Development, World Bank Migration and Development Program.
Washington, DC, USA, September, 2009.
Creighton, Mathew.
The Role of Migration and Single Motherhood in Children's Education in Mexico
Creighton J, Mathew.
The role of gender, aspirations, and family structure in Mexican education and migration
PhD thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 2009.
Creighton, Mathew J, Noreen Goldman, Graciela Teruel, and Luis Rubalcava.
Migrant Networks and Pathways to Child Obesity in Mexico
Social Science & Medicine 72, no. 5 (2012): 685-693.
Creighton, Mathew J, and Fernando Riosmena.
Migration and the Gendered Origin of Migrant Networks among Couples in Mexico
Social science quarterly 94, no. 1 (2014): 79-99.
Cuccaro, Filippo.
The Impact of Remittances on Financial Inclusion in Veracruz, Mexico
Thesis, Wageningen University, 2014.
Cuecuecha, Alfredo, and Carla Pederzini.
Migration and remittances from Mexico: Trends, impacts, and new challenges
: Lexington Books, 2012.
Da Costa, Rita, Juan R De Laiglesia, Emmanuelle Martínez, and Ángel Melguizo.
The economy of the possible: pensions and informality in latin america
OECD Development Center , no. 295 (2011).
Damon, Amy, and Devon Kristiansen.
Childhood obesity in Mexico: the effect of international migration
Agricultural economics 45, no. 6 (2014): 711-727.
Davis, Jason, and Noli Brazil.
Migration, Remittances and Nutrition Outcomes of Left-Behind Children: A National-Level Quantitative Assessment of Guatemala
PloS one 11, no. 3 (2016).
De la Fuente, Alejandro, Eduardo Ortiz-Juárez, and Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán.
Living on the edge: Vulnerability to poverty and public transfers in Mexico
Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7165 (2015).
Deb, Partha, and Papa Seck.
Internal migration, selection bias and human development: Evidence from Indonesia and Mexico
Human Development Research Paper 31, no. 2009 (2009).
Del Castillo, Miguel.
La distribucion y desigualdad de los activos financieros y no financieros en Mexico
Del Valle, Alejandro.
From Caring to Work: The Labor Market Effects of Noncontributory Health Insurance
Devaux, Marion, and Franco Sassi.
The Labour Market Impacts of Obesity, Smoking, Alcohol Use and Related Chronic Diseases
OECD Health Working Papers , no. 86 (2015).
Espinel A, Jaime Sarmiento.
Parental investment in their childrenss education
CEE , no. IX - 2012 (2012).
Farfan, Maria G, Mara Genoni, Luis Rubalcava, Graciela Teruel, Duncan Thomas, and Andrea Velasquez.
Mexicans in America
Fenelon, Andrew.
A population-based approach to cigarette smoking and mortality
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania, 2012.
Fenelon, Andrew.
Revisiting the Hispanic mortality advantage in the United States: The role of smoking
(2013) Social Science & Medicine.
Gagnon, Jason.
Is Informal Normal? Towards more and better jobs in developin g countries
(2009) Moving out of bad jobs-More mobility, more opportunity.
Garcia C, Ana Torres.
The Impact of Health Insurance Coverage on the Use of Preventive Health Services and Healthy Behaviors: Evidence from Mexico's Public Health Insurance Program" Seguro Popular"
PhD thesis, The George Washington University, 2015.
Garza-Rodriguez, Jorge, Jennifer Fernandez-Ramos, Ana K Garcia-Guerra, and Gabriela Morales-Ramirez.
The dynamics of poverty in Mexico: A multinomial logistic regression analysis
Munich Personal RePEc Archive , no. 77743 (2017).
Genoni E, Maria.
Essays in Development Economics
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Duke University, 2011.
Gibbs, Benjamin G, and Tim B Heaton.
Drop out from primary to secondary school in Mexico: A life course perspective
(2014) International Journal of Educational Development.
Gitter, Seth R, Robert J Gitter, and Douglas Southgate.
The Impact of Return Migration to Mexico
Estudios Economicos 23, no. 1 (2008): 3-23.
Goldman, Noreen, Anne R Pebley, Mathew J Creighton, Graciela M Teruel, Luis N Rubalcava, and Chang Chung.
The Consequences of Migration to the United States for Short-term Changes in the Health of Mexican Immigrants
Demography 51, no. 4 (2015): 1159-1173.
Gonzalez E, Karina Cordova.
Essays on Labor Economics and Entrepreneurship
PhD thesis, The University of Arizona, 2014.
Gunes, Pinar, and Magda Tsaneva.
The Effects of Early Pregnancy on Education, Physical Health and Mental Distress: Evidence from Mexico
University of Alberta , no. 2016-14 (2016).
Gutiérrez, Emilio, and Kensuke Teshima.
Does household financial access facilitate law compliance? Evidence from Mexico
(2016) Economics Letters.
Gutierrez H, Federico.
Acute Morbidity and Labor Outcomes in Mexico: Testing the Role of Labor Contracts as an Income Smoothing Mechanism
(2014) Journal of Development Economics.
Gutierrez H, Federico.
Implicit Contracts, Occupational Choice and the Gender Wage Gap in Mexico
G¨orlach, Joseph-Simon.
Borrowing Constraints, Migrant Selection, and the Dynamics of Return and Repeat Migration
Hamilton R, Erin.
Gendered disparities in Mexico-US migration by class, ethnicity, and geography
(2015) Demographic Research.
Hamilton, Erin R, and Robin Savinar.
Two Sources of Error in Data on Migration From Mexico to the United States in Mexican Household-Based Surveys
Demography 52, no. 4 (2015): 1345-1355.
Hamoudi, Amar.
Risk Aversion, Household Partition, and Consumption Smoothing in Rural Mexico
Hamoudi, Amar, and Duncan Thomas.
Do you care? Altruism and inter-generational exchanges in Mexico
California Center for Population Research , no. CCPR-008-06 (2006).
Heckman J, James.
The economics and the econometrics of human development
LACEA and LAMES 2013 Annual Meetings.
Mexico, November 1, 2013.
Huegerich, Tim.
The Distribution of Returns to Capital in Mexican Microenterprises
Inkpen S, Christopher.
A Qualitative Inquiry into the Educational Processes of Migrants’ Children in Paraguay
Degree of Master, The Pennsylvania State University, 2013.
Ishikawa, Aki.
The Effect of Mexico’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Migration Decisions
Juárez W, Florian Chávez.
Intergenerational transmission of education: the relative importance of transmission channels
Latin American Economic Review 24, no. 1 (2015): 1.
Kaestner, Robert, and Ofer Malamud.
Self-selection and international migration: New evidence from Mexico
Review of Economics and Statistics 96, no. 1 (2011): 78-91.
Kaletski, Elizabeth.
Essays on the causes and consequences of child labor
Doctoral Dissertations, University of Connecticut, 2014.
Kaletski, Elizabeth.
Work versus School? The Effect of Work on Educational Expenditures for Children in Mexico
IZA Discussion Papers , no. 10054 (2016).
Khamis, Melanie.
A note on informality in the labour market
IZA Discussion Papers , no. 4676 (2009).
Kim, Jung K, and Eileen M Crimmins.
Cross-country comparison of changes in health in U.S., England, Mexico, Taiwan, and Indonesia
XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference.
Busan, Republic of Korea, 2013.
Lagana M, Maria Hernandez.
Evaluating the Impact of Catastrophic Health Payments on School Interruption: The case of Mexico
Master Thesis, Lund University, 2014.
Levasseur, Pierre.
Causal effects of socioeconomic status on central adiposity risks: Evidence using panel data from urban Mexico
(2015) Social Science & Medicine.
Levasseur, Pierre.
Exploring the Effect of BMI on Wages in Emerging Countries: A Case Study of Mexico
Levy, Teresa S, Salvador Villalpando, Dinorah Gonzalez, Juan A Rivera, Graciela Teruel, and Luis Rubalcava.
Association between Obesity and risk factors in Metabolic Syndrome. Results of the Second Wave Mexican Family Life Survey (SWMFLS-2005)
The FASEB Journal 20, no. 5 (2006): A1034-A1034.
Li, Shan.
Human Capital, Family Composition, and International Migration
Doctor of Philosophy, The George Washington University, 2016.
Li, Shan.
Investment and Interruption: Effects of the US Experience on the Earnings of Return Migrants in Mexico
Limon Astudillo, Edgar.
Beneficio potencial de las hipotecas inversas en Mexico
Maestro en economia, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas, 2015.
Lince S, Ana Leon.
Incomplete Consumption Insurance against Health Shocks: Costs and Welfare Implications
López A, Mabel Andalón.
The Effect Of Public Policies On Smoking Behaviors: Perspectives From A Developing Country.
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Cornell University, 2010.
Lopez-Calva, Luis F, and Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez.
A Vulnerability Approach to the Definition of the Middle Class
Policy Research Working Paper , no. 5902 (2011).
Lu, Yao.
Parental Migration and Education of Left-Behind Children: A Comparison of Two Settings
Journal of Marriage and Family 76, no. 5 (2014): 1082-1098.
Majid, Hadia.
Child Endowments and Parental Investments: Intra-household Allocation in Oportunidades Families in Mexico
(2017) Review of Development Economics.
Majlesi, Kaveh.
Demand for Low-Skilled Labor and Parental Investment in Children’s Education: Evidence from Mexico
Majlesi, Kaveh.
Labor Market Opportunities and Sex Specific Investment in Children's Human Capital: Evidence from Mexico
Majlesi, Kaveh.
Parental Response to Changes in Return to Education for Children: The Case of Mexico
Maldonado, Norman.
Migration, Strategic Behavior and Children’s Human Capital in Mexico
Martinez, Jose.
Expansion of Formal Financial Services and Inter-Household Transfers: Side Effects of the Entrance of Azteca Bank in Mexico
Martinez N, Jose.
Beyond Networks: Health, Crime, and Migration in Mexico
(2014) International journal of population research.
Mestieri, Marti, Johanna Schauer, and Robert M Townsend.
Human capital acquisition and occupational choice: Implications for economic development
(2017) Review of Economic Dynamics.
Mestieri, Marti, Johanna Schauer, and Robert M Townsend.
Human Capital Acquisition and Occupational Choice: Implications for Growth and Inequality
Michaelsen M, Maren.
Mental Health and Labour Supply: Evidence from Mexico’s Ongoing Violent Conflicts
HiCH , no. 117 (2012).
Michaelsen, Maren M, and John P Haisken-DeNew.
Migration magnet: the role of work experience in rural-urban wage differentials
IZA Journal of Migration 4, no. 1 (2015): 21.
Michaelsen, Maren M, and Songül Tolan.
Children at Risk: The Effect of Crop Loss on Child Health in Rural Mexico
Ruhr Economic Papers , no. 376 (2012).
Minnis M, Alexandra.
U.S. Migration and Reproductive Health among Mexican Women: Assessing the Evidence for Health Selectivity
Field Actions Science Reports. The journal of field actions , no. Special Issue 2 (2010).
Molina-Millan, Teresa, Tania Barham, Karen Macours, John A Maluccio, and Marco Stampini.
Long-Term Impacts of Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America: Review of the Evidence
IDB WP Series , no. 732 (2016).
Munoz H, Jorge.
Mobility informal to formal sector in Mexico 2002-2006: the effect of remittances
Degree of Master, Georgetown University, 2009.
Murard, Elie.
Consumption or leisure? The welfare impact of migration on family left behind : Theory and evidence from rural Mexico
18th IZA European Summer School in Economics.
May 25-31, 2015.
Murrugarra, Edmundo.
Employability and Productivity among Older Workers: A Policy Framework and Evidence from Latin America
Well-being and social policy , no. 1113 (2011).
Nakajima, Kayuna.
Immigrant Wage Assimilation, Selective Emigration, and the Welfare State
Nasir, Muhammad.
Essays on the effects of shocks on early life health outcomes, and later life risk and social preferences
Doctor of Philosophy, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusett, 2016.
Nasir, Muhammad, Marc Rockmore, and Chih M Tan.
It’s no Spring Break in Cancun: The Effects of Exposure to Violence on Risk Preferences, Pro-Social Behavior and Mental Health
Households in Conflict (HiCN) WP , no. 207 (2016).
Nava-Ledezma Y, Ivonne.
Socioeconomic status and diabetes among Mexican adults: Analysis of the 2000 National Health Survey and the Mexican Family Life Surveys 2002 and 2005
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Southampton, 2010.
Negrín, José L, Paul De la Cruz, Mai L Le Thi, and Diadelfa Ocampo.
Introduction of Basic Accounts in Mexico to Address the Issue of Access to the Banking System: Design and Expected Impact
Well Being and Social Policy 5, no. 1 (2009): 45-74.
Neidhofer, Guido.
Intergenerational mobility and the rise and fall of inequality: Lessons from Latin America
(2016) Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales.
Nobles, Jenna.
Migration and father absence: Shifting family structure in Mexico
Demography 50, no. 4 (2014): 1303-1314.
Nobles, Jenna.
Parenting from abroad: Migration, nonresident father involvement, and children's education in Mexico
Journal of Marriage and Family 73, no. 4 (2011): 729-746.
Nobles, Jenna, and Christopher McKelvey.
Gender, power, and emigration from Mexico
Demography 52, no. 5 (2016): 1573-1600.
Nobles, Jenna, Luis Rubalcava, and Graciela Teruel.
After Spouses Depart: Emotional Wellbeing among Nonmigrant Mexican Mothers
(2016) Social Science & Medicine.
Nobles, Jenna, Luis Rubalcava, and Graciela Teruel.
Migration and Mental Health: the immigrant advantage revisited
Population Association of America 2013 Annual Meeting.
Ñopo, Hugo, and Natalia Winder.
Ethnicity and Human Capital Accumulation in Urban Mexico
Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department , no. 660 (2008).
Novak, Beatriz, and Daniel Lozano-Keymolen.
Subjective longevity in Latin America: the cases of Chile and Mexico
(2011) Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal.
Ornelas-Almaraz A, Gustavo.
Patterns of tobacco consumption in Mexico-current perspective
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of East Anglia, 2012.
Ortiz-Hernández, Luis, and Ian Janssen.
Social disorder, physical activity and adiposity in Mexican adults: Evidence from a longitudinal study
(2014) Health & place.
Parker, Susan, Luis Rubalcava, and Graciela Teruel.
Health in Mexico: perceptions, knowledge and obesity
Parker, Susan W, Luis N Rubalcava, and Graciela Teruel.
Working Conditions and Mental Health in Mexico: Evidence from the MxFLS
(2008) Inter-American Development Bank.
Parker, Susan W, Luis N Rubalcava, and Graciela M Teruel.
Preliminary Draft: The Quality of Life in Latin America: Health Perceptions
Patt, Alexander, Miguel Flores, Jens Ruhose, and Simon Wiederhold.
The Occupational Selection of Emigrants
Demographischer Wandel - Session: Migrant Selection , no. A22-V2 (2017).
Perez, Victor.
Moving in and out of poverty in Mexico: What can we learn from pseudo-panel methods?
ISER Working Paper Series , no. 2015-16 (2016).
Peterman, Amber, Shu W Ng, Tia Palermo, and I-Heng E Lee.
Managing the Double Burden: Pregnancy and Labor-Intensive Time Use in Rural China, Mexico, and Tanzania
Studies in family planning 44, no. 4 (2014): 411-430.
Powers T, Elizabeth.
The Impact of Economic Migration on Children's Cognitive Development: Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey
IDB WP SERIES , no. IDB-WP-246 (2011).
Powers, Elizabeth T, and Qing Wang.
US migration of a family member: Impacts on the activities of adolescent boys and girls left behind in Mexico
Pueblita, José Carlos R, Luis Rubalcava, and Graciela Teruel.
Long-term consequences of temporal shocks on Mexican families
Rascon-Ramirez G, Ericka.
For Better or For Worse: The Role of Fathers in Child Development
Rendall, Michael S, and Susan W Parker.
Two Decades of Negative Educational Selectivity of Mexican Migrants to the United States
Population and development review 40, no. 3 (2015): 421-446.
Riosmena, Fernando, and Mathew Creighton.
To move or not to move (when one arguably has the social capital): the mediating effect of migrant family networks on migration aspirations and planned and unplanned Mexico – U.S. migration
Riosmena, Fernando, and Jeff A Dennis.
Importation, SES-selective acculturation, and the weaker SES-health gradients of Mexican immigrants in the United States
The Social science journal 49, no. 3 (2014): 325-329.
Riosmena, Fernando, Rebeca Wong, and Alberto Palloni.
Migration Selection, Protection, and Acculturation in Health: A Binational Perspective on Older Adults
Demography 50, no. 3 (2014): 1039-1064.
Rodríguez, Zaira Gonzalez, Juan Antonio Leos Rodríguez, and Maria Jesica Zavala Pineda.
Impactos de los créditos agropecuarios de Financiera Nacional de Desarrollo en el bienestar de los hogares beneficiarios del valle de Mexicali
CIENCIA ergo-sum 24, no. 1 (2017): 5-17.
Romero R, Karla Flores.
Changing the Ability of the Poor to Generate Income: Mexico's Conditional Cash Transfer Program Oportunidades
Master Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010.
Rozo, Sandra V, Steven P Raphael, and Therese Anders.
Deportation, Crime, and Victimization
Rubalcava, Luis, and Alejandro Favela J Nava.
Mothers Left Behind: The Impact of a Childs Migration on Maternal Mental Health
Rubalcava, Luis N, Graciela M Teruel, Duncan Thomas, and Noreen Goldman.
The Healthy Migrant Effect: New Findings From the Mexican Family Life Survey
American journal of public health 98, no. 1 (2008): 78-84.
Ruiz, Claudia.
From Pawn Shops to Banks: The Impact of Banco Azteca on HouseholdsíCredit and Saving Decisions
Salomón, Jose Urquieta E, and Alvin Paredes E Briseño.
Formation of cognitive abilities in Mexican children: An empirical approach
Schmeer K, Kammi.
Family structure and child anemia in Mexico
(2013) Social Science & Medicine.
Schmeer, Kammi K, and Rhiannon A Kroeger.
Union Type and Depressive Symptoms Among Mexican Adults
Journal of family issues 32, no. 12 (2011): 1597-1621.
Seuring, Till.
The Economics of Type 2 Diabetes in Middle-Income Countries
Doctor of Philosophy, University of East Anglia, 2017.
Seuring, Till, Yevgeniy Goryakin, and Marc Suhrcke.
The Impact of Diabetes on Employment in Mexico
(2015) Economics & Human Biology.
Seuring, Till, Pieter Serneels, and Marc Suhrcke.
The Impact of Diabetes on Labor Market Outcomes in Mexico: A Panel Data and Biomarker Analysis
IZA Discussion Papers , no. 10123 (2016).
Shimoga V, Sandhya Rao.
Influence of time preferences on health behaviors among Mexicans: essays from health economics & behavioral economics perspectives
Degree Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, 2014.
Skoufias, Emmanuel, and Katja Vinha.
The Poverty and Welfare Impacts of Climate Change: Quantifying the Effects, Identifying the Adaptation Strategies
(2012) Timing Is Everything: How Weather Shocks Affect Household Welfare in Rural Mexico.
Song, Qian, and Jennifer Glick.
The Lasting Impact of Migration: Parental Return Migration and the Educational Trajectories of Children and Youth Left Behind
Tanner C, Jeffery.
International Labor Flows: Migration views from the Migrant, the Receiving-Country Economy, and the Sending-Country Family
Doctoral Dissertation, The Pardee RAND Graduate School, 2012.
Téllez, Ernesto Aguayo A, José N Martínez, and Erick R González.
Explaining the Mexican-American health paradox using selectivity effects
Banco de México WP , no. 2015-02 (2015).
Torche, Florencia, and Luis F Lopez-Calva.
Stability and vulnerability of the Latin American middle class
WIDER WP , no. 2012/98 (2013).
Turrini, Gina, Gabriela Farfán, María Genoni, Duncan Thomas, and Andrea Velasquez.
Health Insurance and Child Health: Evidence from Seguro Popular
Velasquez, Andrea.
The Economic Burden of Crime: Evidence from Mexico
(2012) Economist.
Velásquez, Andrea, Gabriela Farfán, Maria Genoni, Luis Rubalcava, Graciela Teruel, and Duncan Thomas.
Selection and Assimilation of Mexican Migrants to the US
Velásquez G. P, Andrea.
The Costs and Benefits of Longitudinal Data: Three Applications from the Mexican Family Life Survey
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Duke University, 2014.
Velazquez A, Erika.
The Role of Preferences in Union Formation
Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Univeristy of California, 2014.
Villa, Juan Miguel, and Miguel Niño-Zarazúa.
Poverty Dynamics and Programme Graduation from Social Protection. A Transitional Model for Mexico's Oportunidades Programme
WIDER WP , no. 2014/109 (2014).
Vogl S, Tom.
Height, skills, and labor market outcomes in Mexico
(2014) Journal of Development Economics.
Wang, Qing.
Essays on migration, entrepreneurship, and parental investment
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014.
Wang, Qing.
Male Migration and Female Labor Force Participation: New Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey
(2013) SSRN.
Wang, Qing.
Migration and entrepreneurship of the left-behind: Evidence from Mexico
Yu, Xiao.
Migration, family types, children's education and work participation in Mexico: who leaves, who stays, and does it matter?
Master Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, 2013.
Zavala, Tatiana Martinez.
Local Development and the Decision to Migrate: Evidence from Mexican Migration to the US
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