Interviewer instructions
Questions for women only from 12 to 50 years of age
The following questions are extremely important and at the same time very sensitive. Try to obtain accurate answers, formulating the questions clearly and correctly record the answers.
Pay attention to the responses to detect whether there are inconsistencies, because the questions are interrelated.
To identify women who should answer the following questions should check the age stated in P4.
P28. How many children born alive have you had?
Read the question, wait for the answer and ask how many children born alive of each sex the respondent had. Then note the number stated in the space provided.
Keep in mind that:
- Every woman should indicate their own children, by gender, whether living with them or not. You must not include in this question the adopted children or those who are of marriage the husband with another woman. For example, the stepmothers should not consider their children as stepchildren;
- It is considered "child born alive" the child who, at birth, showed any sign of life: breathed, cried, or moved, even if they died shortly later;
- You should not include as the answer to this question the children who were born dead, that is, the children who, after the time of separation from the mother's body, have not breathed or showed any other signs of life;
- You should also include in this question the children born after 1 August 1997.
Example of completing the report:
a) if a woman has never had children, fill in the P28 and P29 as follows:
Men 1 |0|0| 2 Women |0|0| and end the interview with this woman;
b) if she has had three children, 1 being a male and 2 female, complete this:
Men 1 |0|1| 2 Women |0|2|