Literal question
2. The house you live in is:
[] Rented
[] Owned
[] Borrowed
[] Other
[] Vacant
[Questions 5 through 10 were asked of private households in occupied dwellings.]
7. What is the main source of water used to drink in this household?
[] Piped water inside the dwelling
[] Piped water outside the dwelling
[] Water from fountain
[] Water from well
[] Water from borehole
[] River/ lake water
[] Other
Interviewer instructions
E7. What is the main source of water which is used to drink in this household?
This question refers to the main source of water used for drinking at home. Read the question and each alternative. Wait for the reply. Tick X at the corresponding number of the answer. So you can only have a single answer.
Please note the following definitions:
Piped water inside the house - where the water connection is inside the house,
Piped water outside the home - where the water connection is located outside the home, or go cart water in the neighbor's house
Water from standpipes - when the house is supplying water from a fountain,
Well - when the house is supplying water from a well, itself, public or private
Hole - when the house filling up with water from underground through a tube and is pulled by hand, electric power or wind.
Rivers or lakes - when the house is supplying water from a river, lake or similiar, regardless of how it is accumulated and distributed in the house,
Other - when the house filling up with water from sources other than those mentioned above, for example: storm water, etc.