Value |
Category |
0 |
Unemployed |
1 |
Armed Forces occupations |
11 |
Legislators and administrators |
12 |
Company directors and corporate managers |
13 |
Small business managers and managing supervisors |
21 |
Physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals |
22 |
Life science and health professionals |
23 |
Teaching professionals |
24 |
Other professionals |
31 |
Physical, mathematical and engineering science associate proffesionals |
32 |
Life science and health associate professionals |
33 |
Teaching associate professionals |
34 |
Other associate professionals |
41 |
Office clerks |
42 |
Customer service clerks |
51 |
Personal service workers |
52 |
Protective service workers |
53 |
Salespersons, demonstrators and models |
61 |
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers |
62 |
Subsistence agricultural, forestry, fishery and related workers |
63 |
Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers |
71 |
Extraction and building trades workers |
72 |
Metal and machinery trades workers |
73 |
Precision, handicraft, printing and related trades workers |
74 |
Other crafts and related trades workers |
81 |
Industrial plant operators |
82 |
Stationary machine operators and assemblers |
83 |
Drivers and mobile machinery operators |
91 |
Sales and services elementary occupations |
92 |
Agricultural, forestry fishery and related labourers |
93 |
New workers seeking employment |
94 |
Workers reporting occupations unknown or identifiable |
95 |
Street and related sales and service workers |
96 |
Refuse workers and other elementary workers |
97 |
Other |
98 |
Don't know |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.