Value |
Category |
Ammonium chrolide |
Anchony and chaff of grain |
Anchovy |
Animal Carvings |
Animal medicines |
Aubergine |
Baking powder |
Banana |
Banding |
Baobab nuts |
Batik colours |
Beans |
Beer |
Beers |
Belt |
Bilimbi |
Binding |
Body cosmetics |
Body spray |
Bones |
Bottle |
Bucket |
Buskets |
Candles |
Carpet |
Carving |
Carvings |
Cashewnuts |
Cassava |
Castic soda |
Caustic soda |
Chaff grains |
Chaff of grain |
Chaff of grains |
Chaff of maize |
Chairs for rent |
Chamicals |
Charcoal |
Charcoals |
Chemicals |
Chemicals used in soap making |
Chick |
Chicken |
Chicken food |
Chicken medicines |
Coldrin |
Colour |
Colours |
Computer |
Concentrate/ chicken food given at the initial stage |
Cooking oil |
Cosmetics |
Cotton |
Cotton play yarn |
Covers |
Cucumber |
Custic soda |
Decoration materials |
Diclopa |
Different covers for decoration |
Different decoration |
Different flowers |
Different pockets |
Dirty metals |
Dress |
Dyes |
Earrings |
Ebony tree |
Eggs |
Elastic |
Electricity |
End products from oil seeds |
Falcon |
Farm |
Felt |
Finisher/ chiicken food given at the final stage |
Firewood |
Flour |
Flower vases |
Flowers |
Food |
Food for chichen |
Food for chicken |
Food spices |
Foods |
Garlic |
Garments |
Glue |
Grapes |
Graundnuts |
Gravel |
Green ganet |
Groundnuts |
Hair medicine |
Hair oil |
Hair relaxer |
Honey |
Housing |
Ice cream |
Incubeta |
Juice |
Juice cola |
Kilimanjaro beer |
Lamp |
Lastic |
Leaves |
Lining |
Liquid chemicals |
Local eggs |
Local/masai shoes |
Loincloth |
Lord light |
Lotion |
Maize |
Maize flour |
Mango |
Mangoes |
Manures |
Masai carvings |
Masks |
Mawingu carvings |
Meat |
Medicine |
Medicine for drinking |
Medicine for washing |
Medicine in powder form |
Medicines |
Metakelfin |
Metals |
Miaze flour |
Millet |
Mirror |
Mixed Food |
Mixed chemicals |
Mixed food |
Mixed food for chicken |
Mixed medicine |
Mixed medicines |
Mixing medicine |
Mlonge |
Ndizi |
Neckles |
Nutrition |
Nutritious flour |
Oases |
Oil |
Oil seed |
Panadol |
Pea |
People |
Perfume |
Piece of Clothes |
Piece of clothe |
Piece of clothes |
Pineapple |
Pineapples |
Pink lotion |
Pins |
Potatoes |
Pouch |
Poultry food |
Poultry food given at the final stage |
Poultry medicine |
Radish leaves |
Radish products |
Rasta |
Ready made clothes |
Red ganet |
Relaxer chemicals |
Ribbon |
Rice |
Rice flour |
Rosella |
Rosella flowers |
Roses |
Salfonic |
Salfonic (soap) |
Salfonic acid |
Salt |
Scissors |
Selling electronic tools |
Shampoo |
Shoes |
Signa flour |
Sisal |
Skewers |
Sless |
Soap |
Soda |
Sodash |
Sodium |
Sodium carbonate |
Soil |
Solphinic |
Sorghum |
Soya |
Spice |
Spices |
Sport cigarette |
Stif |
Stiff |
Sugar |
Sulphonic |
Sulphonic Acid |
Sulphonic acid |
Sunflower oil |
T-shirts |
Tanzanite |
Tea spices |
Teethpaste |
Tins |
Tomatoes |
Ugali |
Unfinished basket |
Unhusked rice |
Vaccination |
Vinegar |
Vitamin |
Vitamins |
Water |
Wax |
Wheat |
Wheat flour |
Wood carvings |
Zip |
alcohol |
banana |
baobab |
battery |
bead |
beans |
bedcovers |
beer |
beers |
bilimbi |
bottle |
bread |
buskets |
cake |
candle |
candles |
card |
carvings |
cassava |
cassava flour |
cement |
chaff of grains |
charcoal |
charge |
chemicals |
chicken |
chicken food |
chicks |
colour |
colours |
cosmetics |
covers |
decon |
dozen |
empty bottle |
firewood |
flour |
flowers |
food |
food for chicken |
garments |
grains |
groundnuts |
hair oil |
hats |
honey |
human beings medicine |
ice |
jerry can |
kitenge |
leaves |
lebo |
lining |
logs |
maize |
maize flour |
mangoes |
manure |
meat |
medicine |
medicine inform of vaccination |
medicines |
milk |
millet |
mixed food |
mixed medicine |
money |
mushroom |
net clothes |
oil |
onions |
pea |
pepper |
peppers |
perfume |
piece of clothes |
pocket |
pocket of food |
pockets |
pouch |
poultry food |
poultry food given at the initial stage |
poultry food; given at the final stage |
poultry food; given at the initial food |
poultry food; given at the initialstage |
poultry food;given at the initial staged |
ricce |
rice |
roll flour |
roll of clothes |
rosella |
samosa |
scarf |
seeds |
sesame oil |
shampoo |
sless |
soap |
soda |
sodash |
sodium |
soya |
special pocket |
spice |
spices |
sponge |
spray medicines for vegetable |
stiff |
sulphonic |
sulphonik |
t-shirt |
thread |
tomatoes |
vaccination |
vegetable seeds |
vitenge |
water |
wheat |
wheat flour |
wood stain |
zip |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.