Literal question
For sample private households only
[Questions H1-9 were asked of sample private households only]
H7. The major source of drinking water for the household
[] 1 Piped water, inside
[] 2 Piped water, outside
[] 3 Public well
[] 4 Private well
[] 5 Rain water
[] 6 River, canal, stream, waterfall
[] 7 Bottled drinking
[] 8 Others
Interviewer instructions
5.5.3 Part 3 Questions on housing
[Ask only for the sample private household]
H7: What is the main source of drinking water?
H8: What is the main water supply for this household?
1. Tap water inside the house
2. Tap water outside the house
3. Tap water well or public well
4. Deep water well or non- public well
5. Rain water
6. River, canal, stream, waterfall
7. Drinking water in a bottle
8. Others
Procedure for recording the form
Question asked [of respondent]: "What is the main water supply for this household?"
Record the code corresponding to the given answer for drinking water and water used for utilities in the check boxes provided.
Tap water inside the house means there is a pipeline linking the house with a tap water supply.
Tap water outside the house means that a person in the household has to bring in the tap water from another house or from the public water supply outside the house. Alternatively, [the person] connects the water from the source outside the house to the house using a hose.
Drinking bottled water means drinking water that has passed [through] the purification process, either by disinfection or other method of water purification.