Value |
Category |
A subsidiary of Danish company |
Began to work in the company in 2009, therefore could not answer many figures |
D18 answered DK/NA, as for the respondent it was difficult to specify the exact amount - the amount of credit is changing / growing every two weeks |
Director did not want to answer majority of the questions |
Do not have the balance of year 2009 and could not specify the amount of sales |
E-mail will be new in a few days, but could not say what on interview day. |
Not very happy to respond to the questions,as could not see how the completed questionnaire looks like |
Refused to give exact sales figures, and debt |
Respondent could not indicate a debt, the sales amount, has only a very approximate knowledge |
Respondent feared that the data may be disclosed, so di not answer many questions |
Respondent has only a very approximate knowledge |
Respondent was crusty, answered reluctantly |
The company changed activity area from 2009-01-01 |
The company operates from 2009 March (no full financial year) |
The respondent was passive |
Very nice man, and with a good sense of humor |
Very reluctant to respond, because did not know about the World Bank's ongoing research. Feared that someone can be interested in them, so did not tell the figures. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.