Value |
Category |
A part of the working capital from shareholders. |
A part of the working capital is financed by suppliers. Export to companies in Estonia and Lithuania. |
A problem with capacity as they did not want to cooperate and mention at least an approximate number. Could not tell what part of the loan was granted as it was not clear yet. |
A trainee was employed, but will not be employed any more. |
B2 - dependent on Germany and the number of employees depends on supplies. Could not specify the amount of debts. |
Cannot mention comparisons by heart and without being prepared. |
D18 - no answers until now. |
Debt in the amount of approximately 100,000 - 150,000. No answer has been received about the loan. |
Debt interest was decreased. |
Did not have temporary workers, now they are planning to employ 2 people. |
Difficult to tell about debts and turnover. |
Don't have accurate information about current assets and debts. |
Don't know about the future. Don't know about the debts. Use also leasing which is not regarded as a credit line. |
Expectations - very approximate. |
Have not worked this year, but there is a hope they will work in the future. |
Mixed up with short-term and long-term debts. |
No sales for 4 months. |
Not sure about the current assets and debts as they are related to an Estonian company. |
Not sure about the number of employees. |
Not working for 4 months. |
Part-time work in the future. |
Regarding the future - sales will significantly decrease if VAT is raised. |
Sales were decreasing, production was increasing. Doubt about the overall situation. |
State Revenue Service - a postponed payment. |
The company is only a manufacturer. Finished products are owned by other company, therefore there are no answers in questions about sales. |
The company was split in two separate companies which work together, therefore cannot specify the number of employees, it has not changed. |
The company's employees are on unpaid vacation. Practically do not work. |
The data in question 1 for April. Schoolchildren are employed during the summer. Debt in the amount of 2+, almost 3 million. Turnover is above 15. |
The debts depend on debtors. |
The increase in the percentage is a secret. No data about sales. |
The loan was taken from the parent company, it is regarded as a debt. |
The owner does have debts, but are they the company's? |
The turnover is approximately 2 million. The amount of work is increasing, while the price of services is decreasing. |
The turnover was approximate. They did not have temporary employees, now they are going to employ 2 people. |
There are debts. However, we owe somebody and somebody owes us, so there is a balance. |
They have bought more stores. The capital is financed by the parent company, while the parent company cooperates with a bank. |
Unsatisfied for being disturbed again by us after 3 months. However, she gave answers. |
We don't know about the future as we have problems with raw materials and prices. |