Value |
Category |
A new department was opened |
Could not tell exact numbers |
Current assets are financed by the parent company; The equity capital was increased at the expense of the parent compsny |
Did not know turnover |
Did not receive the report. E-mail: |
Did not receive the summary of previous results. The data should be sent to Roza Þukova, e-mail:; Could not answer some questions. Explained that they were not ready to answer such questions. |
Did not reveal debt commitment |
Difficult to tell percentages in the question about increase in the number of employees. |
Do not produce anything, therefore there are no sales - 0% |
Do not want to disclose e-mail as they are not interested in the results of the survey |
Do not want to take part as the company will soon become bankrupt |
Hard to tell the increase in the number of employees in near future |
Is not well-informed about the accounting data |
It was difficult to hear |
It was hard to tell about debts and the sales volume. Approximate numbers were given |
Practically no work, 2 jobs a year |
Refused to disclose the amount of the company's loan and sales volume in 2009 as this is confidential information |
Small uncertainties regarding the question about the forecasted increase in the number of employees in the coming months. It was difficult for the respondent to tell percentages |
The company employs the disabled |
The company has been liquidated, there are no employees |
The company has stopped working, therefore it was difficult to answer about employees and percentages |
Thought that credit is a part of working capital which is not financed by banks |
We have practically stopped working; The current payments are made promptly, but there are debts from 2008; payment for the work has not been received. |
When asked about the sales (b3) in the domestic market or export, 0 was reported in January as the job is seasonal. I marked it as "do not know"; The results of the previous survey were not received. E-mail vent@ventbetons - Andris Kivilan |
Would like to receive the results by post. Does not have e-mail or fax |
d9 - there is no term for the loan as it is a private person who has invested free capital |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.