Value |
Category |
"The Ginger Bread Man" |
(Reading books)- A day at the park, Paul and Mary, The shark and Jonah |
- |
----- |
A Buk na pir (Reading book) |
A Story Book and A Writing Book |
A Waruna Nilluluk (Story book title) |
A book about A man who killed a Pig |
A book about Animals |
A book titled "Birds" |
A book titled Chicken |
A book titled Two Sisters. |
A buk na nivura aro tavula bung |
A buk na pir (Reading Book) |
A buk na pir and A buk na tutumu |
A buk na pir ure pap |
A buk na pir ure ra uma kai to okole |
A buk tabu |
A buk ure to Okole ma Tolotu (Book title) |
A butterfly flew away (reading book) |
A butterfly story. |
A garden story |
A pi ure ra tutana ipapalum na uma |
A pir (Reading Book) |
A pir (Story Books) |
A pir (reading book) |
A pir ure ra boroi ma a pap dir g bartalaina |
A pir ure ra nirovoi |
A pir ure ra pap |
A story about a kitten. |
Abuktabu |
Adam and Ant, The Biggining of the earth |
Adam and Eve |
Allan the Hunter, Song Book and The Golden Goose |
Alphabet books |
Alphabeth |
Alphabeth Book |
Alphabetical books and bible |
Animal Story Book |
Animal story |
Animal story books |
Animal story books, Exercise books. |
Animals at Home, Hym Book and Child Care |
Animals story book. |
Ansal and Gratal,The Princess and The little watch girl |
Aphabet and Raeding Books |
Apu the dog |
BSP Book |
Benjamin and Dann, Snow White and Cinderella |
Benjamin plants a garden. |
Bible |
Bible & Song Book |
Bible & Story Books |
Bible Dictionary |
Bible Newspaper and Story Books |
Bible Stories |
Bible Story |
Bible and Exercise Books. |
Bible and Exercise book |
Bible and Exercise books |
Bible and Jack and Jill |
Bible and Magazines |
Bible and Newspaper |
Bible and Reading book |
Bible and Reading books |
Bible and Song Books |
Bible and Song book |
Bible and Story Book |
Bible and Story Books |
Bible and Story book |
Bible and Story books |
Bible and Storybooks |
Bible and Yumi lotu buk |
Bible and bible stories |
Bible and reading books |
Bible and story books |
Bible and story books. |
Bible books |
Bible stories |
Bible stories, reading books and bible |
Bible stories. |
Bible story |
Bible story book and picture book |
Bible story books |
Bible story books. |
Bible, Ex-Books and Reading Books |
Bible, News paper. |
Bible, Newspapers and Bible |
Bible, Reading Books and Newspapers |
Bible, Reading Books, Charts |
Bible, Reading books and Hymn book |
Bible, School Journal and Newspapers |
Bible, Song Book and Exercise Books |
Bible, Song Book and Hym Book |
Bible, Story Books and Big book |
Bible, dictionary and story books. |
Bible, newspapers and reading books |
Bible, newspapers, picture book and reading book |
Bible, school journal |
Bible, song book, news paper. |
Bible, story book and song book |
Bible, story books |
Bible,Newspaper and Song book |
Big Book |
Big Book and Story Book. |
Big Book and Times Table |
Big Books |
Big Books and Reading Novels |
Big book |
Big book and Story book |
Big book and reading book |
Big book, Story book. |
Big book, story book. |
Bilble |
Bilble and Story books |
Book (Buktabu) |
Book abot rats and cats & John and Ranu |
Book about alphabets |
Book about letters |
Book titled "The Billy Goat Craft" |
Book: The little Frog |
Books |
Books about animals and other reading books |
Books about poems, reading books and Bible |
Books about the environment |
Books about the story of Jesus |
Books about washing |
Books for writing |
Books titled David and Jesus |
Books titled, Bob the Builder, Winnie the Pooh, Snow White |
Books(Reading books) and Bible |
Books,Newspaper and Cards |
Books: The alphabet, The numbers |
Brothers story book |
Buk Tabu (Bible) |
Buk Tabu(Bible) and Buk na kakailai(Song Book) |
Buk na kaikailai(Song Book) and Buk Tabu (Bible) |
Buk na kakailai (Song Books) Buk Tabu (Bible) and Story Books |
Buk na pir (Story Book) and Song Book (kakailai) |
Butterfly story book |
Cambang |
Cartoon Story Book |
Cartoon and Shark Reading Book |
Cartoon books, animal |
Cat and the Dog, Elephant and the Monkey, Kilip and Moru |
Cats and Dogs, Rapunzella |
Charts and Hulu baba and the forthy thieves |
Charts and Reading books |
Charts, reading books |
Charts, storybooks and Bible |
Chicken and the Dog and The Pig |
Chicken story |
Cinderella, Jack and The Beans Stalk and Prince frog |
Coconut story and story books |
Comics, Bible stories and Non-fiction |
Commics, The Tortoise and the man, Gingerbreadman |
Community Living,Study Book and Jack and the Bean Stalk |
Cook little pot cook and Hymn Book |
Crow Story |
Danny the Dinosaur |
David and Goaliath and The Story of Daniel |
Denly and the Frogs,The Ant and the Little Mouse and Tree Chart |
Dianasourse and Jesus reading Books |
Dictionary |
Dictionary and Language new context |
Dictionary and Reading books. |
Dictionary, Storybooks, Bible and Newspapers |
Dictionary, bible and text books |
Dictionary, reading books and tickets |
Do not know |
Dog and the cat |
Dudding story. |
English exercise book |
Environment & Plants, The little Grasshopper and Peter and John. |
Environment Books |
Environment book and Language book |
Exercise Book and Reading Book |
Exercise Book and bible |
Exercise Books, Cards, Reading Books, Newspaper |
Exercise book |
Exercise book and Mathametics text books |
Exercise book and alphabeth books |
Exercise books |
Exercise books and Bible stories |
Exercise books and of The animals. |
Exercise books and test papers |
Exercise books for study & The Bible |
Exercise books, Reading books |
Exercise books/notes and reading books |
Fairy Tales, The Bible, Song book |
Falf Tales of PNG (Book title) and Bible |
Farm and the country. |
Feast day(reading book) |
Fiction books |
Fiction. |
Fictions |
Fictions and Non Fictions |
Fictions and bible |
Fisheries, Bible story and cat jump. |
Food |
Frog and Duck, The Magic Taro, The Deed Snake (reading books) |
Frog and the prince |
Funny stories |
Gardening and Tom walking in the bush |
General Books |
Go hunting,Fishing |
Go to school, Kalis sport and catch the bandicoot. |
God makes the world, The wolf and the pig.-(reading books) |
Goi nonap holiday(Goi will not be goin for holiday) |
Goldilock and the three bears, My turtle, A helper to her. |
Goldilocks and The Three Bears, Mother Duck and Alphabet |
Good Friday (Book title) |
Grade 6 Student book and Dictionery |
Grammar Book |
Grammar Books. |
Greedy Girl,Shoe Maker and Tambalina |
Healthy Village |
Home Work Book |
Home work book and Bible |
How the volcanoe came to be, Noah and the flood, Daniel and the Lion. (Book titl |
Hunting |
Hym Book-KUANUA |
Hymm Book |
Hymn books |
I am a big bird (reading book) |
Ia Bata and To Okole |
Jack |
Jack and Jill |
Jack and Jill, The Big Turnips (Reading Books) |
Jack and bean stalk and Sinderella |
Jack and his father |
Jack and the Bean Stalk and Rupunzall |
Jack and the Bean Stalk and Snow white |
Jack and the Bean Stalk,The New Baby and The Greed Dog |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Jack, Browny my Puppy and I like playing with Papa |
Jail. |
Jane and Cane (book title), Bible |
Jesus (Books) |
Jesus and the fishermen, The Magic pot. (Book title) |
Jone Make a Cake and Poem(Visiter) |
Joseph Boat and The Lost Sheep |
Journal Book, Song Book and Early Childhood |
Journal books |
Journal books and Reading book(Kitten) |
Journal books, hym books and bible. |
Journals and Bible |
Journals and Reading books |
Journals and The old woman |
Journals and bible. |
Journals. |
Jungle book and Alphabeth chart |
Jungle book, Mary and Paul and the Post Courier |
Jungle elephant, Kilip and Moru and The prince on the glass hill |
Kaga and the Coconut,Mow and Raga and No Body Wants to Play with the Cabbage |
Kilip na Moru |
Kir iau nuk vake |
Language Book |
Laudate |
Leoly sand and Signal |
Library books |
Library books and newspaper |
Library books, magaazines, newspapers |
Liklik Dog and The Cat and the Dog |
Lion an the mouse |
Little Mary was a new baby, Last week in the creek and Magic bilum. |
Little Red Riding Hood and Bible |
Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White |
Little pet mouse and Poor pini |
Little red riding hood and Alice in wonderland |
Little red riding hood, the princess and the pear and question books |
Long Long Ago |
Lords Prayer |
Louder than words, Song Book & The Frog Prince |
Magazines and News Papers |
Magazines and Newspaper. |
Magazines and Newspapers |
Magazines and Note Books |
Magazines and Readings |
Magazines,newspapers and journal books |
Marking gardens (reading book) |
Mary and Paul & Bible |
Maths |
Maths Book |
Maths Book. |
Mermaids, The Milk Maid and Jack and the Bean Stalk |
Micheal and the Rainforest, You And Me Are Little Bats |
Must Sky |
My Brother |
My Name |
My dad, house |
My little pet mouse |
My skin,Me and My body,The dancing girl with a tail and The noisy rat |
My turtle. |
Narratives |
Nenney and HIs Family |
News Paper and Bible |
News Paper and Reading Books |
News Papers |
News Papers and Bible |
News Papers and Reading Books |
News Papers,Magazines and Bible |
News paper |
News paper and Song book |
News paper, story books, exercise books. |
Newspaper |
Newspaper and Reading Book |
Newspaper and Reading Books |
Newspaper and Story Book |
Newspaper and The Bible |
Newspaper and reading books |
Newspaper, Story book, Bible |
Newspaper, magazine, Bible |
Newspaper, reading books |
Newspaper,fiction and bible |
Newspapers |
Newspapers and Story Books |
Newspapers and non fiction books |
Newspapers, Reading Books and Bible |
Newspapers, the Bible and the dictionary |
Newspapers. |
Newspapersnd Storybooks |
Nixtry House and Happy Duckling(reading books) |
No Response |
No response |
Non Fiction and bible |
Non fiction and Journals. |
Non fictions, magazines, bible and newspapers |
Non-Fiction |
Non-fiction, Bible and Journals |
Note Book |
Notes from exercise books |
Nuegu and Johny. Pennie and Freddy |
Nwespaper and magazines |
Oral reading |
Paint Away and How GOD Made the World |
Pamphlets, Bible and Newspapers |
Paul and Marry |
Paul and Mary |
Paul and Mary & A tree of Life |
Paul and Mary at the Farm, Little Red Riding Hood |
Pencil |
Peter Pan |
Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid (reading books) |
Peter and John and The Rabbit |
Pictorial Books |
Pictorial books |
Picture Book |
Picture books |
Pig and Cat |
Pir pir na buk (Story Books) |
Pirpir (Story Books) and Buk tabu (Bible) |
Plants and Animals,Stars and Man and Rapunzel |
Poem Books and Grammar Books |
Poem, My Last Holiday (reading book) |
Poko hunters, The Magic Bilum, Cinderella |
Poor Pini, Recount & Narrative. |
Princess & Red Ginger Man |
Rading books,School Journal and Bbile |
Raeding Books and Bible |
Raeding book and Bible |
Rapujel, Ant and Grasshopper |
Readding Book |
Readimg Book |
Reading book( Shoe maker) |
Reading Book |
Reading Book & Bible |
Reading Book & Story Book |
Reading Book (Make Belief), Bible and Dictionary. |
Reading Book and Bible |
Reading Book and Chart |
Reading Book and Story Book |
Reading Book titled Food. |
Reading Book(Cartoon Book) |
Reading Book(Ginger Bread Man) |
Reading Book(Monkey and the Frog) and Bible |
Reading Book, Bible and Newspapers |
Reading Book, Coloring Book and Magazine |
Reading Book, Exercise Book and Bible |
Reading Book, Memory Verse-Bible and Story Book |
Reading Book, Story Book, Exercise Book and Newspaper |
Reading Book. |
Reading Books |
Reading Books (Aumana pir) Bible (A buk tabu) Hym (A buk na kakailai) |
Reading Books and Bible |
Reading Books and Charts |
Reading Books and History Books |
Reading Books and Hymn Books |
Reading Books and News Paper |
Reading Books and News Papers |
Reading Books and Newspaper |
Reading Books and Picture Books with words |
Reading Books and Stories |
Reading Books and bible |
Reading Books and magazines |
Reading Books and the Bible |
Reading Books(Jhn and theCats) and Dictionary |
Reading Books(Mouse and Friends, My Mum is Lost) |
Reading Books, Bible and Dictionary |
Reading Books, Bible and Magazine |
Reading Books, Bible and Newspapers |
Reading Books, Bible and school Journal |
Reading Books, Bible. |
Reading Books, Big Books and Story Books |
Reading Books, Exercise Notes and Bible |
Reading Books, Magazine and Newspapers |
Reading Books, Newspaper and Bible |
Reading Books, Newspaper and magazines |
Reading Books, Newspapers and Bible |
Reading Books, Newspapers and Exercise Books (notes) |
Reading Books, Newspapers and Magazines |
Reading Books,Alphabetical Chart and Number Chart |
Reading Books,Bibles and Exercise Books |
Reading Books,Paper Test and News Papers |
Reading Books. |
Reading Notes |
Reading book |
Reading book & Story Book |
Reading book (Jack and the bean stalk) and Bible |
Reading book (The Gardener) and Hymn |
Reading book about a bird |
Reading book about birds |
Reading book and Bible |
Reading book and Exercise book |
Reading book and the Bible |
Reading book( Chicken farm) |
Reading book( The station) |
Reading book(Mary and Peter) and Bible |
Reading book(Peter Pan), the Bible, clinic book |
Reading book, story book and song book |
Reading book,Story book and Bible |
Reading book-(Little Monkey) and the Bible |
Reading book. |
Reading book: A buk na nilibur |
Reading book: Okole(the man), The man lotu |
Reading book: Pir ure to okole |
Reading book: The Crocodile |
Reading book: The sun and moon |
Reading book: The wolf in sheeps clothing |
Reading book: the animals. Exercise books |
Reading books |
Reading books (The Bear and The Two Cocatoos |
Reading books (The Giant), Jack and the Beanstalk |
Reading books (tom and lucy) |
Reading books and Bible |
Reading books and Bible story |
Reading books and Charts |
Reading books and Magazines |
Reading books and Newspaper |
Reading books and Newspaper. |
Reading books and Newspapers |
Reading books and bible |
Reading books and bible. |
Reading books and magazines |
Reading books and newspaper |
Reading books and newspapers |
Reading books and papers |
Reading books and reading cards |
Reading books and the Bible |
Reading books( At school and Kilip and Moru) |
Reading books(The hare and the Tortoise, Rhymes and Poems and The stoock and the |
Reading books(little dogs and pigs), magazines, the Bible and newspapers |
Reading books(seven dwarfs) and Magic Broom |
Reading books, Bible and Magazine |
Reading books, Bible and Newspaper |
Reading books, Charts |
Reading books, Cinderella, Rapunzel |
Reading books, Dictionary and Newspapers. |
Reading books, News papers, Magazines |
Reading books, Newspaper, My Car |
Reading books, Song books, Bible. |
Reading books, Text books and Cartoons |
Reading books, The Bible |
Reading books, The Bible, Newspapers |
Reading books, Tom and Palu |
Reading books, exercise book(notes) |
Reading books, newspapers and charts |
Reading books, the dictionary |
Reading books,Bible and Song book |
Reading books,Charts and Bible |
Reading books,Exercise books and Bible |
Reading books,Newspaper and Charts |
Reading books,Newspaper and Exercise book |
Reading books,newspaper and Bible |
Reading books. |
Reading books: Okole(the man), Iabata(the woman) |
Reading books: The story of the man called Okole, The story of the man, Potu, Th |
Reading books: To okole |
Reading books: Turtle, Chicken |
Reading books: the Chicken, the Places, A house |
Reading booksand Newspaper |
Reading notes |
Reading ooks an Newspaper |
Readings Books and Bible |
Readng books and Bible |
Reding Book |
Resource book |
Resource books |
Resource books and bible |
Resourse Books and Reading Books. |
Robinson Crusoe |
Rose Mary. |
Sam and Pam (Book title) |
Sampson and the Rabbits |
Samson is sick, Three talk and Bible. |
School journal and cash crop book |
School holidays, In the bush-(reading books) |
School journal and Bible |
Shoe Maker,Little Red Riding Hood and My Father Is a Good Builder |
Short Vowel Sounds and story Bible |
Sleeping Beauty,Red Riding hood and The Shoe Maker |
Sleeping Beauty,Snow White and Puss in Boots |
Snow White And the Seven Dwarfs, Donald Duck and The Peacock and the Corw |
Snow White, The Little Memeraide and the Angel and Guitar |
Snow white and the seven dwarfs |
Snow white and the seven dwarfs, The lion and the sea bird (reading books) |
Soccer book |
Song Book and My little pet mouse |
Song Books and Bible |
Song books and Bible Story |
Song books, story books and the Bible |
Sport day (reading book) |
Stoey book |
Story Book |
Story Book & Game Book |
Story Book (Nana Kakaruk) & Song Book (Buk na Kakailai) |
Story Book and Bible |
Story Book and Big Book |
Story Book and Reading Book. |
Story Book and Song Book |
Story Book and Vowels |
Story Book for Tambalina |
Story Book, Bible and Exercise Book |
Story Book, Exercise Book and Bible |
Story Book,Bible,News Paper and Magazine |
Story Books |
Story Books (special place), Bible and Hymn |
Story Books Reading Books and Song Books |
Story Books and Bible |
Story Books and Big Book |
Story Books and Encyclopedia |
Story Books, Bible and Newspapers |
Story Books, Bible, Newspaper |
Story Books, Big Book and Song Book. |
Story about Tagan. |
Story about the sun,duck,mark. |
Story and Bible |
Story and Reading Books |
Story book |
Story book and Bible |
Story book and Big book |
Story book and Song |
Story book and counting book |
Story book title cats. |
Story book( The lion and the fox) |
Story book, Bible and Exercise book |
Story book, Bible and Newspaper |
Story book, Bible, Newspaper. |
Story book, reading book |
Story book,Bible and Song book |
Story book,Reading book and Big book |
Story book,Reading book and big book |
Story book: A pir ure to okole |
Story book: Okole |
Story books |
Story books (Robber) |
Story books and Bible |
Story books and Newspapers |
Story books and Song books |
Story books and bible |
Story books and bible. |
Story books and the Bible |
Story books, B |
Story books, Bible and English books |
Story books, Borio and Pui |
Story books, Newspaper and Bible. |
Story books, alphabetical books and the Bible |
Story books, books about animals |
Story books, song books, news papers. |
Story books,Bible and Newspaper |
Story books,Magazines and News Papers |
Story books,Song Books and Prayer books |
Story books. |
Story of animals, Bible, Newspaper and Dictionary |
Story of the past and Bible story |
Storybook and Bible |
Storybooks |
Storybooks :for Sakias |
Storybooks and Bible |
Storybooks and environment |
Storybooks of Animals |
Storybooks, Bible and Newspapes |
Student Resource Book Grade 4 and News Paper |
Study book |
Sunday School Note Books |
Tambalina |
Text Books |
Text books, bible and newspapers |
Thbe book of the little boy, Saint Augustine |
The Alphabeth |
The Alphabetical |
The Animals |
The Bear and Two Boys |
The Bibile |
The Bible |
The Bible and Newspaper |
The Bible and story books |
The Bible, Dictionary, Reading books |
The Bible, Newspaper |
The Bible, and reading books |
The Bible, dictionary, reading books |
The Bible, newspapers and reading books |
The Bible, reading books, text books |
The Bible, reading books, the dictionary |
The Bible, story books |
The Bible, story books and picture books |
The Bilble and Reading Books |
The Book of animals |
The Boy with a drum and Bible |
The Butterfly (Book title) |
The Cat and Fish, Paul and Mary & The Fox and Miss Kenny |
The Crocodile and the Crab and Tapa goes to Town |
The Dog (book title) |
The Elephant and The Cat |
The Elephant and the Monkey |
The Fish and the Pig,Bible and Song Book |
The Gam Mexican |
The Giant |
The Giant, The Two Brothers, The Country Mouse and the City Mouse |
The Ginger Bread Man, Nini and Mary & Paul |
The Ginger bread man, Hansel and Gretel, king midas and the Golden Touch |
The Goomy Race |
The Hare and the Tortoise, Nuegu and his cat, Jonahs Bad Day. |
The Lion And The Mouse, The Frog And The Monkey |
The Lion and the Fox |
The Lion and the Mouse |
The Little Match Girl, The Fox and the Han, The Cat and the Rat |
The Little Rat |
The Little Red Riding Hood and The Magic Horse |
The Magic and The Environment. |
The Mother Bear, New School, Little Book of Jesus |
The Mouse and the Lion and The day the sun fell down |
The Princess and the Pea, Goldilocks and the three bears and The Princess and t |
The Princess and the Pear, AND The Two friends the Bear |
The Rooster and The Lion and the Rat |
The Saksak Boy, The Rooster (reading books) |
The School Journals, The Elelphant and the Monkey |
The Snake |
The Stock and the Fox, forest under the Sea |
The Sun and Moon |
The Table |
The Three Witches, The Bible, Snow White |
The Tiger |
The bat is on the mat (reading book) |
The big Oax (Book title) |
The blanket burning arm, The little dog and The little boy go to swim. |
The boy Dick |
The brown cuscus (reading book) |
The cat & the Dog and The Lion & the dog. |
The cat and the Fiddle, Robin Hood, Jacks House. |
The chicken in the garden and pets |
The fish book |
The fox and the crow ( reading book ) |
The frog, The lizard and the Ant. |
The ginger bread man, The little mermaid and The grasshopper and the ant |
The girl with the big hair (Book title) |
The greddy Dog |
The greedy dog, the sick Lion and Stella by the sea |
The little red ant. |
The little red ridding wood and the goldielocks. |
The orphan |
The pig and The frog |
The prince Frog, The wild swamps, The king Midass (reading books) |
The rabbit dog and the cat |
The stone Mother, Cinderella and Snow white and the seven dwarfs |
The story about a duddling. |
The story about a woman |
The story about helon |
The story book and the Great hunter |
The story of David |
The story of Kangaroo and Turtle. |
The story of a big snake.(book title) |
The story of birds (resading book) |
The story of the great hunter (book title) |
The story of the kingfisher and the woodpeaker |
The sun and the wind. |
The three brothers. |
The town mouse and the country mouse, The Baby Cat |
The water is falling down |
The wind and the sun, God makes the World (reading books) |
The wolf (reading book) |
Think Queen |
Times Table |
Times Table and ABC Books |
Times table, Reading charts, Bible and story books |
To Okole |
To Okole (Story Book) |
Tomalip ivarana ra uma (Story Books) |
Too many Puppies |
Tree bear and Birthday party |
Turtle and Newspaper. |
Turtle and the Tortoise |
Two Man Fishing |
Vagi and Tatoi, and Tiger and Slowpy |
Vagi and the Dog. |
Walking to School |
Welcome to our School and Billy was a Big Bad Boy |
What am I |
Winnie the Pooh and My Drawing |
Words |
Working in the garden |
Writing Book and Story Book |
Yana was the only chil in the family |
Zoo |
[No Response] |
bible |
bibles and story books |
exercise book,story book and Bible |
reading books |
sleeping beauty, cindrella and snow white |
sport in the river (book title) |
story books |
story books. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.