Value |
Category |
0 |
0 not defined |
1 |
1 Leaders (representatives) of governing bodies at all levels, including heads of the institutions, organizations, enterprises |
2 |
2 specialists of high level qualification |
3 |
3 mid-level qualifications |
4 |
4 employees engaged in information search, processing of documentation, accounting and services |
5 |
5 Services sector workers, housing and utilities, trade and related activities |
6 |
6 Skilled workers in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishery |
7 |
7 Skilled workers of large and small industrial enterprises, crafts, fisheries, construction, transport, communications, geology and prospecting /exploration for mineral resources |
8 |
8 Operators, maintenance service specialists, machinists and machine installers and fitters – pickers |
9 |
9 Unskilled workers |
10 |
10 The Armed Forces |