Value |
Category |
1 |
Fabrics, textile goods |
2 |
Clothes, underwear, furs |
3 |
Leather, leather accessories, foot wear |
4 |
Timber, paper, paper items |
5 |
Printed matter |
6 |
Petrol etc. (except for ag/cultural needs), fertilisers, acetone, perfumery, detergents etc. |
7 |
Rubber and plastic items |
8 |
Ceramic and glass ware, construction materials and sanitary appliances |
9 |
Metal items (knifes, scissors, sanitary appliances etc.) |
10 |
Taps, valve, machine and equipment (except for agricultural) |
11 |
Office equipment, computers, electric motors |
12 |
Radio, TV, communication equipment |
13 |
Medical appliances, watches, clocks |
14 |
Hauling units |
15 |
Furniture, industrial products |
16 |
Other non-food items (jewellery etc.) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.