Value |
Category |
. |
0 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
5 |
8 |
9 |
All |
Amount of footwear . |
E P E C T A T I O N S |
Expectation |
Expectation £ Lottery |
Expectations |
Expectations £ G /S Norms |
Expectations, G £ S. Norms |
Expectations, Hsehold Expenditure £ G /S Norms. |
Expectations. |
Expenditure |
G / S Norms £ Expectations |
G / S Norms |
G / S. Norms |
G / S. Norms |
G /S Norms £ Expectations |
G £ S Norms |
Gender and social norms. |
Gender £ Social N. |
House hold expendingture. |
Household expenditure and expenses. |
Household expenditure. |
Hse-hold Expenses |
Hse/hold Expenses £ Expectations |
Hsehold Expenditure |
Social Line |
Social Netwk |
all |
all questions were ok |
epectations |
expectation |
expectation and monthly sales |
expectation. |
expectations |
expectations, social network |
expectations. |
expections |
expenditure |
expenditure,gender and social norms |
expenses. |
expentations |
few |
footwear [house hold expenses. |
gender |
gender and norms |
gender and sicial norms |
gender and soc. norms |
gender and social norms |
gender issues |
gender social norms |
household |
household and monthly sales |
household expendiature |
household expenditure |
household expenditure and social norms |
household expenditure. |
household expenses |
introduction |
introduction and expenditure |
key baseline |
key data |
key data from baseline |
key data since baseline |
money spend on clothing. |
money spend on footwear. |
monthly sales |
mothly sales and expenses |
n/a |
network |
non durable goods. |
none |
noone |
personal care. |
personnal care. |
photo |
photo. |
qender |
sales, main product |
socail networks |
social |
social and gender norms |
social and norms |
social and norms. |
social network |
social networks |
social norm |
social norms |
social norms and expectations |
social norms and household expenditure |
social norms. |
social questions |
social work |
socil networks |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.