Value |
Category |
831 |
maïs |
832 |
mil/sorgho |
833 |
riz |
834 |
manioc |
835 |
banane plantain |
836 |
taros |
837 |
patate |
838 |
ignames |
839 |
ignames sauvages (bagou) |
840 |
gros haricot blanc (bolè) |
841 |
arachides |
842 |
noix de palme |
843 |
huile de palme |
844 |
bananes douces |
845 |
agrumes(oranges,mandarines,citrons,pamp) |
846 |
mangues |
847 |
ananas |
848 |
autres fruits (goyaves, pommes,etc.) |
849 |
tomates fraîches |
850 |
oignons |
851 |
feuilles de manioc |
852 |
gboudou |
853 |
feuilles d'oseille (karakandi) |
854 |
ngago |
855 |
feuilles de salade |
856 |
choux |
857 |
gombo |
858 |
goussa |
859 |
aubergines |
860 |
sésame/courge |
861 |
carottes |
862 |
haricots verts |
863 |
koko |
864 |
condiments (piment, gingembre, etc.) |
865 |
autres produits agricoles |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.