Value |
Category |
Illness |
Invalid pension |
Kujdesi shoqeror |
Maternity benefits |
Ndihma Ekonomika |
Ndihma Ekonomike |
Other |
Pagese papunesie |
Pagese per leje lind |
Pension familjar |
Pension invaliditeti |
Pension per merita t |
Pension pleqerie ne |
Pension suplementar |
Perfitim per semundj |
Rural Old age pensio |
Shperblim per vetera |
Social care |
Special merit person |
Supplementary pensio |
Survivor pension |
Tjeter |
Unemployment benefit |
Urban Old-age pensio |
War veteran benefits |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.