Value |
Category |
According to employee achievement, salary increase |
Annual bonuses |
Annual bonuses that are not related to the prices |
Annual increas |
Because of high cost of transportation and livelihood |
Because of high prices |
Because of high prices and according to employee efforts |
Because of the deteriorating living conditions, wages were raised to improve employees' income |
Because of the economic conditions and as an incentive for the employee |
Because of work pressure and deteriorating economy |
Contributions in insurance and also to reduce the effects of high prices |
Decline in profit due to security and political instability in the country |
Improving employees's livilhood |
Improving wages in accordance with what Civil Service does to state employees |
Increase was a normal routine |
It increases according to years of service and the employee's worthiness in work |
It is an annual increase (routine) |
Punishment and Reward Principle |
Raise rate of University graduates in order to encourage obtaining certificate |
Salaries were shrank due to security situation that affected production of restaurant |
Scarce of laborers particularly those who worked in this field |
Status quo in the country |
improving income |
improving wrokers's situation |
increasing the salary by 20% based on the new structure for company staff |
lack of qualified workers |
lack of skilled workforce |
the activities of the workshop have been reduced to low rate since 2011 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.