Value |
Category |
0 |
NIU (not in universe) |
170 |
Crop production |
180 |
Animal production |
190 |
Forestry except logging |
270 |
Logging |
280 |
Fishing, hunting, and trapping |
290 |
Support activities for agriculture and forestry |
370 |
Oil and gas extraction |
380 |
Coal mining |
390 |
Metal ore mining |
470 |
Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying |
490 |
Support activities for mining |
570 |
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution |
580 |
Natural gas distribution |
590 |
Electric and gas, and other combinations |
670 |
Water, steam, air conditioning, and irrigation systems |
680 |
Sewage treatment facilities |
690 |
Not specified utilities |
770 |
Construction, including cleaning during and immediately after |
1070 |
Animal food, grain, and oilseed milling |
1080 |
Sugar and confectionery products |
1090 |
Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing |
1170 |
Dairy product manufacturing |
1180 |
Animal slaughtering and processing |
1190 |
Retail bakeries |
1270 |
Bakeries, except retail |
1280 |
Seafood and other miscellaneous foods, not elsewhere classified |
1290 |
Not specified food industries |
1370 |
Beverage manufacturing |
1390 |
Tobacco manufacturing |
1470 |
Fiber, yarn, and thread mills |
1480 |
Fabric mills, except knitting |
1490 |
Textile and fabric finishing and coating mills |
1570 |
Carpets and rug mills |
1590 |
Textile product mills, except carpet and rug |
1670 |
Knitting mills |
1680 |
Cut and sew apparel manufacturing |
1690 |
Apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing |
1770 |
Footwear manufacturing |
1790 |
Leather tanning and finishing and other allied products manufacturing |
1870 |
Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills |
1880 |
Paperboard containers and boxes |
1890 |
Miscellaneous paper and pulp products |
1990 |
Printing and related support activities |
2070 |
Petroleum refining |
2090 |
Miscellaneous petroleum and coal products |
2170 |
Resin, synthetic rubber, and fibers and filaments manufacturing |
2180 |
Agricultural chemical manufacturing |
2190 |
Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing |
2270 |
Paint, coating, and adhesives manufacturing |
2280 |
Soap, cleaning compound, and cosmetic manufacturing |
2290 |
Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals |
2370 |
Plastics product manufacturing |
2380 |
Tire manufacturing |
2390 |
Rubber products, except tires, manufacturing |
2470 |
Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixture manufacturing |
2480 |
Structural clay product manufacturing |
2490 |
Glass and glass product manufacturing |
2570 |
Cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum product manufacturing |
2590 |
Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing |
2670 |
Iron and steel mills and steel product manufacturing |
2680 |
Aluminum production and processing |
2690 |
Nonferrous metal, except aluminum, production and processing |
2770 |
Foundries |
2780 |
Metal forgings and stampings |
2790 |
Cutlery and hand tool manufacturing |
2870 |
Structural metals, and boiler, tank, and shipping container manufacturing |
2880 |
Machine shops, turned product, screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing |
2890 |
Coating, engraving, heat treating and allied activities |
2970 |
Ordnance |
2980 |
Miscellaneous fabricated metal products manufacturing |
2990 |
Not specified metal industries |
3070 |
Agricultural implement manufacturing |
3080 |
Construction, and mining, oil, and gas field machinery manufacturing |
3090 |
Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing |
3170 |
Metalworking machinery manufacturing |
3180 |
Engines, turbines, and power transmission equipment manufacturing |
3190 |
Machinery manufacturing, not elsewhere classified |
3290 |
Not specified machinery manufacturing |
3360 |
Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing |
3370 |
Communications, and audio and video equipment manufacturing |
3380 |
Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing |
3390 |
Electronic component and product manufacturing, not elsewhere classified |
3470 |
Household appliance manufacturing |
3490 |
Electric lighting and electrical equipment manufacturing, and other electrical component manufacturing, not elsewhere classified |
3570 |
Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment manufacturing |
3580 |
Aircraft and parts manufacturing |
3590 |
Aerospace product and parts manufacturing |
3670 |
Railroad rolling stock manufacturing |
3680 |
Ship and boat building |
3690 |
Other transportation equipment manufacturing |
3770 |
Sawmills and wood preservation |
3780 |
Veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products |
3790 |
Prefabricated wood buildings and mobile homes |
3870 |
Miscellaneous wood products |
3890 |
Furniture and related products manufacturing |
3960 |
Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing |
3970 |
Sporting and athletic goods, and doll, toy, and game manufacturing |
3980 |
Miscellaneous manufacturing, not elsewhere classified |
3990 |
Not specified manufacturing industries |
4070 |
Motor vehicles, parts and supplies, merchant wholesalers |
4080 |
Furniture and home furnishings, merchant wholesalers |
4090 |
Lumber and other construction materials, merchant wholesalers |
4170 |
Professional and commercial equipment and supplies, merchant wholesalers |
4180 |
Metals and minerals, except petroleum, merchant wholesalers |
4190 |
Electrical goods, merchant wholesalers |
4260 |
Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment, and supplies, merchant wholesalers |
4270 |
Machinery, equipment, and supplies, merchant wholesalers |
4280 |
Recyclable material, merchant wholesalers |
4290 |
Miscellaneous durable goods, merchant wholesalers |
4370 |
Paper and paper products, merchant wholesalers |
4380 |
Drugs, sundries, and chemical and allied products, merchant wholesalers |
4390 |
Apparel, fabrics, and notions, merchant wholesalers |
4470 |
Groceries and related products, merchant wholesalers |
4480 |
Farm product raw materials, merchant wholesalers |
4490 |
Petroleum and petroleum products, merchant wholesalers |
4560 |
Alcoholic beverages, merchant wholesalers |
4570 |
Farm supplies, merchant wholesalers |
4580 |
Miscellaneous nondurable goods, merchant wholesalers |
4585 |
Wholesale electronic markets, agents and brokers |
4590 |
Not specified wholesale trade |
4670 |
Automobile dealers |
4680 |
Other motor vehicle dealers |
4690 |
Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores |
4770 |
Furniture and home furnishings stores |
4780 |
Household appliance stores |
4790 |
Radio, TV, and computer stores |
4870 |
Building material and supplies dealers |
4880 |
Hardware stores |
4890 |
Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores |
4970 |
Grocery stores |
4980 |
Specialty food stores |
4990 |
Beer, wine, and liquor stores |
5070 |
Pharmacies and drug stores |
5080 |
Health and personal care, except drug stores |
5090 |
Gasoline stations |
5170 |
Clothing stores |
5180 |
Shoe stores |
5190 |
Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores |
5270 |
Sporting goods, camera, and hobby and toy stores |
5280 |
Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores |
5290 |
Music stores |
5370 |
Book stores and news dealers |
5380 |
Department and discount stores |
5390 |
Miscellaneous general merchandise stores |
5470 |
Retail florists |
5480 |
Office supplies and stationary stores |
5490 |
Used merchandise stores |
5570 |
Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops |
5580 |
Miscellaneous retail stores |
5590 |
Electronic shopping |
5591 |
Electronic auctions |
5592 |
Mail-order houses |
5670 |
Vending machine operators |
5680 |
Fuel dealers |
5690 |
Other direct selling establishments |
5790 |
Not specified retail trade |
6070 |
Air transportation |
6080 |
Rail transportation |
6090 |
Water transportation |
6170 |
Truck transportation |
6180 |
Bus service and urban transit |
6190 |
Taxi and limousine service |
6270 |
Pipeline transportation |
6280 |
Scenic and sightseeing transportation |
6290 |
Services incidental to transportation |
6370 |
Postal Service |
6380 |
Couriers and messengers |
6390 |
Warehousing and storage |
6470 |
Newspaper publishers |
6480 |
Periodical, book, and directory publishers |
6490 |
Software publishers |
6570 |
Motion pictures and video industries |
6590 |
Sound recording industries |
6670 |
Broadcasting, except Internet |
6672 |
Internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals |
6680 |
Wired telecommunications carriers |
6690 |
Other telecommunication services, except wired telecommunications carriers |
6695 |
Data processing, hosting, and related services |
6770 |
Libraries and archives |
6780 |
Other information services, except libraries and archives, and Internet publishing and broadcasting and web search portals |
6870 |
Banking and related activities |
6880 |
Savings institutions, including credit unions |
6890 |
Non-depository credit and related activities |
6970 |
Securities, commodities, funds, trusts, and other financial investments |
6990 |
Insurance carriers and related activities |
7070 |
Real estate |
7080 |
Automotive equipment rental and leasing |
7170 |
Video tape and disk rental |
7180 |
Other consumer goods rental |
7190 |
Commercial, industrial, and other intangible assets rental and leasing |
7270 |
Legal services |
7280 |
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services |
7290 |
Architectural, engineering, and related services |
7370 |
Specialized design services |
7380 |
Computer systems design and related services |
7390 |
Management, scientific, and technical consulting services |
7460 |
Scientific research and development services |
7470 |
Advertising and related services |
7480 |
Veterinary services |
7490 |
Other professional, scientific, and technical services |
7570 |
Management of companies and enterprises |
7580 |
Employment services |
7590 |
Business support services |
7670 |
Travel arrangements and reservation services |
7680 |
Investigation and security services |
7690 |
Services to buildings and dwellings, except construction cleaning |
7770 |
Landscaping services |
7780 |
Other administrative and other support services |
7790 |
Waste management and remediation services |
7860 |
Elementary and secondary schools |
7870 |
Colleges and universities, including junior colleges |
7880 |
Business, technical, and trade schools and training |
7890 |
Other schools and instruction, and educational services |
7970 |
Offices of physicians |
7980 |
Offices of dentists |
7990 |
Office of chiropractors |
8070 |
Offices of optometrists |
8080 |
Offices of other health practitioners |
8090 |
Outpatient care centers |
8170 |
Home health care services |
8180 |
Other health care services |
8190 |
Hospitals |
8270 |
Nursing care facilities |
8290 |
Residential care facilities, without nursing |
8370 |
Individual and family services |
8380 |
Community food and housing, and emergency services |
8390 |
Vocational rehabilitation services |
8470 |
Child day care services |
8560 |
Independent artists, performing arts, spectator sports, and related industries |
8570 |
Museums, art galleries, historical sites, and similar institutions |
8580 |
Bowling centers |
8590 |
Other amusement, gambling, and recreation industries |
8660 |
Traveler accommodation |
8670 |
Recreational vehicle parks and camps, and rooming and boarding houses |
8680 |
Restaurants and other food services |
8690 |
Drinking places, alcoholic beverages |
8770 |
Automotive repair and maintenance |
8780 |
Car washes |
8790 |
Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance |
8870 |
Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance |
8880 |
Personal and household goods repair and maintenance |
8970 |
Barber shops |
8980 |
Beauty salons |
8990 |
Nail salons and other personal care services |
9070 |
Dry cleaning and laundry services |
9080 |
Funeral homes, cemeteries and crematories |
9090 |
Other personal services |
9160 |
Religious organizations |
9170 |
Civic, social, advocacy organizations, and grantmaking and giving services |
9180 |
Labor unions |
9190 |
Professional, political, and similar organizations |
9290 |
Private households |
9370 |
Executive offices and legislative bodies |
9380 |
Public finance activities |
9390 |
Other general government and support |
9470 |
Justice, public order, and safety activities |
9480 |
Administration of human resource programs |
9490 |
Administration of environmental quality and housing programs |
9570 |
Administration of economic programs and space research |
9590 |
National security and international affairs |
9670 |
U.S. Army |
9680 |
U.S. Air Force |
9690 |
U.S. Navy |
9770 |
U.S. Marines |
9780 |
U.S. Coast Guard |
9790 |
U.S. Armed Forces, branch not specified |
9870 |
Military reserves or National Guard |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.