Literal question
16. Enumerator - Mark when this person was born.
[] Born before April 1965 -- Ask questions 17 - 33. (Omit question 17 if born between April 1960 and March 1965.)
[] Born April 1965 or later -- Turn to next page for next person
[Questions 17 through 33 asked of persons aged 15 and above.]
24b. How did this person usually get to work last week?
If ___ used more than one method, give the one usually used for most of the distance.
[] Private car
[] Truck
[] Van
[] Bus
[] Public car
[] Launch
[] Taxi cab
[] Walked only
[] Worked at home
[] Other: specify ____
If private car, truck or van in 24b, go to 24c. Otherwise, skip to 28.