Value |
Category |
Accurate figures, good collaboration |
Approximative data |
Cooperative respondant but approximative data |
Data taken from financial statement |
Data was available in the company |
Difficulties in communicating with the respondant because of the understanding o |
Difficulties to have financial data |
Difficulty of communication |
Difficulty to find the adress but respondant very kind |
Everthing was good |
Everything was ok |
Financial stetements given by calling registered offices a abidjan |
God reception from the respondant |
Good colaboration |
Good collaboration |
Good impression of the respondant |
Good interview |
Good interview approximative data |
Good interview but the respondant was giving approximative amounts |
Good interview, |
Good interview, approximative data |
Good interview, hard to have financials data |
Good reception |
Good reception from the respondant |
Good reception from the respondant, |
Good repection |
I've been well received, |
Informations taked from financial statement |
Interview was a bit in a rush |
Interview was good |
Interview well done |
Interview went straight |
It was a bit difficult to get certain information, but i waas well received, |
Liability of the data because they were taken from th accouncy book |
Missundestanding between the different respondants on the data, |
No account for the company |
No accountancy document for the company |
No accountancy for the company |
No comment |
No obstacle fom the respondant in giving information |
No particular problem |
No problem |
No problem at all |
No problem during the interview, |
No problem during the interview, the repondant was well informed about his compa |
No problem, |
Receptive respondant |
Respondant appreciated the interview, good collaboration |
Respondant available |
Respondant cooperative, |
Respondant deid not want to give is turnover |
Respondant did not understand some questions |
Respondant gave answers without any hesitation |
Respondant gave approximative data concerning turnover |
Respondant had difficulties to answer on some questions |
Respondant had no problem in giving the amounts |
Respondant is kind good interview |
Respondant never had accountancy for his company |
Respondant open |
Respondant very cooperative |
Respondant was a bit in a hurry |
Respondant was available |
Respondant was available but did not master the turnover |
Respondant was cooperative |
Respondant was courteous and very reliable because he seemed to master the amoun |
Respondant was estimating the amounts |
Respondant was friendly |
Respondant was kind |
Respondant was open |
Respondant was open and gave data |
Respondant willing to answer any question |
Smiling respondant |
Some difficulties in giving data |
Some difficulties in giving the data |
Suspiciouse respondant |
Suspiciouse respondant but honest |
The accountancy is well kept despite the fact that the respondant has not been t |
The collabopation was good |
The establishment has no accountancy |
The inter view was very good, |
The interview was cut several times because of some riots going on, |
The interview was good |
The interview was vrey good but the respondant does not keep any accountancy for |
The interview went on good, the respondant was always referiing to his archives, |
The interview< was a bit complicated because the respondant was not cooperative, |
The resondant had some difficulties in giving exact amounts |
The respondant did not want to give his turnover, |
The respondant does not master his activity |
The respondant is facing many problems of security about his company, |
The respondant looked not very reliable, |
The respondant was giviing some answers on the spot but for the others he was lo |
The respondant was giving approximative data |
The respondant was hesitating to give permission for the workers+ interview |
The respondant was interested in participating, hopping that he would receive so |
The respondant was not giving all information from his computer, |
The respondant was sceptic |
The respondant was totally available |
Very cooperztive, |
Very good interview |
Very good interview good cooperation of the respondant data are very exact |
Very satisfying |
We've hardly got information, |
approximative data but good interview |
approximative data |
approximative data, susspisious respondant |
availabilty of the respondant |
company created during year 2008 |
credible data |
credible data but respondant afraid |
data read in the financial statements |
difficult interview beceause the respondant was illileracy |
difficulties about getting right financial precisions |
difficulties to estimate financial data |
difficulties to have financial data |
difficulty of communication |
difficulty to have financial data |
estinate data |
everything went fine in total, |
finacial statements not well prepared |
financial statement well treated instead of the respondant illiteracy |
financial statement not well prepared |
firm created during year 2007,hence lack of total annual sales |
good collaboration |
good collaboration but approximative data |
good collaboration but because of no accountancy, data estimated |
good collaboration but respondant didn't know total annual sales of years before |
good collaboration credible data, good manager |
good cooperation |
good cooperation exact data |
good erception |
good inter view |
good interview |
good interview the compagy exsited less than one year ago |
good interviw |
good reception |
good reception but the respondant hesitated giving some figures |
good reception no problem |
hard to obtain financial data |
information taken from financial statement |
informations coming straight from the financial statements |
instead off a long waiting good interview |
interview interrupted sometimes by clients,good collaboration |
it was hard to have fianancial data |
no accountancy |
no accountancy but figures are credible |
no accountancy, approximative data, respondant afraid |
no difficulty |
no peoblem |
no pro |
no problem |
repondant was available and open |
respondant avaible and credible figures |
respondant busy |
respondant busy but available to answer questions |
respondant gave approximative figures he refused to have his workers interviewe |
respondant gave all the informations |
respondant motivated, they pointeed out corruption |
respondant not enthousiastic,difficulties for giving figures |
respondant refused to let his employees been interviewed |
respondant sympathetic |
respondant was busy but he gave with precision all informations needed |
respondant was kind |
respondant was very suspicious |
respondent was convincing |
satisfied |
satisfying interview |
suspiciouse respondant |
sympathetic respondant |
the interview was fine |
the respondant is very very kind |
the respondant was suspicious |
too many difficulties to have financial data |
very cooperative respondant, data taken from financial statements |
very good collaboration |
very good collaboration, the respondant ask for funds |
very good cooperation, very modern and professionnal company |
very good reception |
very precised data |
very suspiciuous respondant |
young company |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.