Value |
Category |
-888 |
A |
Average |
Awaiting |
Awaiting result |
Can't remember |
Distinction |
Good |
Grade 1 |
Grade One |
Merit |
Never done the midwifery |
No Midwifery degree |
No Midwifery degree |
No midwifery degree |
Not Aware |
Not a mid wife |
Not given |
Not graded |
Not indicated |
Not started midwifery |
Not yet qualified |
Nursing |
Only a diploma certificate was issued to her |
Qualified as a midewife |
Registered Midwifery |
Registered Nurse |
Resit |
Satisfactory |
Satisfied/Satisfactory |
Satisfied/satisfactorily |
She has not written it. |
Very good |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.