Literal question
These labels bear the names of 5 courses that many midwives take during their studies. Imagine that, instead of being an already qualified midwife, you were about to begin your midwifery studies right now. I would like you show us how much you would enjoy studying these courses by distribute these 20 beans between their respective labels: the more beans you put on a course the more you think that you would enjoy studying it. For example, if you put 4 beans on a course and only 3 beans on a second one, this indicates that would enjoy more studying the first course than the second one. You can leave labels without beans, you can put all the beans on one label, or you can distribute them as you wish.
Interviewer instructions
ENUMERATOR, LAY THE LABELS ON A FLAT SURFACE (EACH BEARING THE NAME OF A MIDWIFERY COURSE) AND GIVE THE 20 BEANS TO THE MIDWIFE. Labels should be positioned in random sequence and in a circular fashion, as shown in the MANUAL