Literal question
Section3: Labour
Ask these questions from individuals 5 years and above
4. During the past 7 days, have you worked for someone who is not a member of your household, for example, an enterprise, company, the government or any other individual?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No
Interviewer instructions
Section 3: Labour
In this section, we collect information on the labor activities of men, women and children in the household. It is important not to confuse labor activities with a person's main activity. These are not the same things. A person's main activity may be to be a housewife or a student, but they may have other labor activities that should be recorded in this section. For example, a wife who has her own plots or her own small business should not be excluded from this section, even if she primarily works in domestic activities. Domestic activities are not included in this section of the questionnaire, but her other activities would be included, even though she may consider being a housewife her ?job?. A child who is a student may consider themselves to be primarily a student without a job, but they may help their parents as unpaid family labor with their businesses or agricultural activities. For example, if a child works on his parent's farm or in their carpentry shop, the child's farming or carpentry activities should be included, even if the child does not receive payment directly for the work.
Respondent: This section concerns all household members aged 5 and above. You should confirm eligibility of the household members to respond to the questions. For children under 12, the parents or adult member of the household could answer on their behalf. Where some household members are absent, proceed with the interview for all those present but make the necessary arrangements to call back and continue the interview with absentee members after ascertaining the appropriate time that they would be available. If it is not possible to interview the person directly, a proxy response is possible.
Questions 4 - 6: These questions seek to capture information on the various types of work that each eligible member of household is engaged in the last 7 days. The respondent should answer each question. While question 4 asks about engagement in paid work, question 5 seeks information about engagement in farming activity owned or rented by a member of household and question 6 ask if there is engagement in own account work or business in enterprise belonging to him or someone in the household e.g. trader, carpenter, etc.